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Former VP Pence Knows Arizona Audit Results "Will Only Make Him Look Worse"

Started by G.L.R., Fri 04 Jun 2021

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Turncoat Mike Pence Tells New Hampshire Republican Gathering He Stands By His Decision to Certify the Fraudulent 2020 Election Results

June 4, 2021

'I did it my way'

Turncoat Mike Pence spoke at the Lincoln Reagan Dinner fundraiser hosted Thursday night by the Hillsborough County GOP in Manchester, New Hampshire.Pence is pretending he still has a future in Republican politics. The former Vice President still stands by his decision to stab President Trump and his supporters in the back and certify the fraudulent 2020 election results. VP Pence is probably one of the Republicans, among many, who hope the audit team will find no fraud in Arizona — something most Trump voters expect to see in a couple of weeks when the results are made public. Pence must know this will only make him look worse.

A monumental question arises: Why did Trump pick him in the first place?

Pence said he has spoken with Trump "many times" although he's not certain they will "ever see eye-to-eye" on his decision to do what the Vice President said was his "constitutional duty" to certify the election results in his role as President of the Senate on Jan. 6. However, Pence made it clear that despite their disagreement on the issue, he remains "proud" of what the Trump-Pence Administration accomplished together over the past four years. Adding that Republicans must "not allow one tragic day" to "discredit" what the Trump White House achieved, nor allow anyone to "distract" from the radical agenda ushered in by the Biden Administration. Republicans must "move forward united," the former Vice President urged.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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