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Elon Musk:- Branded as an “Anti-Semite”

Started by Br.IanVonTurpie, Fri 17 Nov 2023

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Australia's eSafety Commissioner has accused X of becoming "more toxic and less safe" since Elon Musk's acquisition of the platform in October 2022, with staff cuts and changes in policy turning the platform into a haven for hate speech.

eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant said X, formerly known as Twitter, has created a perfect storm by reinstating users who were previously banned for online hate :((

"It's almost inevitable that any social media platform will become more toxic and less safe for users if you combine significant reductions to safety and local public policy personnel with thousands of account reinstatement of previously banned users," she said.

"A number of these reinstated users were previously banned for online hate."

Musk has endorsed several conspiracy theories and welcomed back banned accounts belonging to people like Alex Jones, who was booted from the platform after denying the Sandy Hook school shooting and organising harassment against survivors and the parents of victims.

She highlighted the loss of staff in Australia meant communities disproportionately affected by online hate had little recourse.

"We know from that online abuse is frequently targeted at victims via services' direct message features, with clear intent to cause harm," Grant said.

"A recent eSafety study found that First Nations youth are three times more likely to experience hate speech online than their non-Indigenous counterparts FUCKING WHITE DOGS."

The platform has experienced a turbulent two years after being bought by Musk, as advertisers flee the platform because of non-existent content moderation and Musk's embrace of conspiracy theories.

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