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Elections Over & FBI Admits They Found Nothing In Raid Of Trump Mar-A-Lago Home

Started by G.L.R., Fri 18 Nov 2022

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FBI Admits They Found Nothing In Raid Of Trump's Mar-A-Lago Home

November 15, 2022

The FBI has suddenly and quietly admitted that they found nothing in the raid of Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago home.

I wonder if the fact that  the midterm elections are over has anything to do with this. Leading up  to 2022, there was nothing but leaks and speculation that Trump was  trying to sell U.S. nuclear secrets and now that democrats have stolen  the election, it was all a big nothing burger.  In August, an FBI team headed by a Russian collusion hoax specialist  raided Donald Trump's Florida home, claiming the former President had  stolen classified material. The liberal media, citing unnamed sources,  claimed this material was the most sensitive information our country has  and said that Trump was trying to sell it to Saudi Arabia, Russia, and  China.  But that was before the midterms, when it could hurt Republicans. Now that everything is safe and secure for the democrats, The Washington Post dumped this interesting tidbit of information: So, no nuclear secrets or intelligence assets?   

If you remember, this all came about because the National Archives claimed Trump had taken material when he left the White House that they said belonged to them. He turned that stuff over but the National  Archive claimed there was more. Then, the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago to get  it... before the raid ever happened, both the National Archives  and the FBI knew it was personal information. Yet, the FBI made it out  to be an act of treason and fed the liberal media explosive leaks to  fuel their hysterical headlines.

Biden's goons

Now why would the FBI do something like that? Aren't they supposed to be an unbiased, non-partisan law enforcement agency? The easy answer here is that Joe Biden has weaponized the Department  of Justice against his political enemies and the FBI was already pretty corrupt before that. The raid on Mar-a-Lago was a political move to discredit Trump and damage the Republicans before the midterm elections that democrats were bracing for an ass-whooping in.  As it turned out, democrats had more tricks up their sleeves to rig  the midterm elections but this was one component. Now that democrats  have successfully stolen the election, it's okay to tell the truth that  the Trump raid was not that big of a deal.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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