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Deep State Was After Crossfire Hurricane Documents At Mar-a-Lago

Started by G.L.R., Thu 18 Aug 2022

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WAR ROOM BOMBSHELL! Deep State Was After Crossfire Hurricane Documents at Mar-a-Lago (VIDEO)

August 18, 2022

The brazen raid of President Trump's home in Florida, Mar-a-Lago, likely has its roots in the Russia collusion story with a particular focus on Peter Strzok and his affiliation with the CIA... Peter Strzok was somehow connected to the CIA. General Michael Flynn's attorney Sidney Powell even said so on Hannity's show on FOX News at that time. Could Peter Strzok have worked for both the FBI and CIA, or only one entity? If that entity was the CIA, how could Peter Strzok have been fired from the FBI if he never worked for the FBI? Was the FBI after documents at Mar-a-Lago that included information on the Crossfire Hurricane FBI scandal? Was the raid on Mar-a-Lago a cleanup operation?... agents were after Spygate documents during the raid. Reporter Paul Sperry broke this news before his Twitter account was taken down. Boris disclosed that the papers at Mar-a-Lago were grabbed by the FBI and DOJ pertained to Crossfire Hurricane and the Russia hoax scandal.

Same scum, different scheme

Quote from: Steve BannonSteve Bannon: These lying scumbags... It's quite obvious why the administrative state wanted to come back and grab this. People's heads are going to blow up. People's heads are going to blow up. When you see Crossfire Hurricane – When people go through Crossfire Hurricane and actually see the documents, there are going to be – and this is why they had to grab them. Guys, preserve your documents. This is HUGE!

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


It's looking more and more like it's not about nuclear secrets or violating US Codes, or stealing classified materials.  It's about FBI CORRUPTION detailed in hidden documents they are after.

Interesting Move: Trump Posts Declassification Memorandum of "Materials Related to FBI's Crossfire Hurricane Investigation"

August 18, 2022

QuoteIt's ALL about the Spygate documents. It's all about Crossfire Hurricane and the Deep State's targeting of Trump. The multi-agency spy operation was spearheaded by Peter Strzok, Andrew McCabe, Brennan, Clapper and others on behalf of Hillary Clinton. President Trump on Thursday shared his "Memorandum on Declassification of Certain Materials Related to the  FBI's Crossfire Hurricane Investigation" to his Truth Social page:

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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