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Dem Colorado Gov. Sends More Illegals To NYC, "Asylum City" Says "It's Unfair"

Started by G.L.R., Wed 04 Jan 2023

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Colorado plans to send more migrants to New York

January 3, 2023

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis plans to send migrants to major cities including New York... the Democratic governor told POLITICO shortly afterward that the state has been helping asylum seekers reach their final destinations — including New York City — for weeks. "This is just unfair for local governments to have to take on this national obligation." Like many major cities around the country, Denver has been struggling to provide services for a surge of people who have fled their home countries in Central and South America, crossed the southern border and sought asylum in the United States. Over the past month, more than 3,500 migrants have arrived in Denver, according to the city, and each night around 1,800 asylum seekers have sought shelter in the city. In total, Polis said the state has recently made $5 million available to assist with expenses...

Hey, ho anywhere we go!

Thousands of migrants have attempted to cross into the U.S. from the southern border in recent weeks, in part because a Trump administration border policy, known as Title 42, was set to expire in December. The Supreme Court last week blocked the lifting of the policy, which allows the U.S. to expel migrants to stop the spread of Covid-19... Ron DeSantis flew nearly 50 mostly Venezuelan migrants from Texas to Martha's Vineyard. in recent weeks, the dilemma at the border has become worse.

'Why can't all Americans look more like me'

El Paso's Democratic mayor, Oscar Leeser, declared a state of emergency in December after migrants began pouring into the city. Abbott also deployed hundreds of Texas national guard and state troopers to the border to stop people from entering the U.S. The migrants are coming to Colorado on buses from border towns including El Paso, Texas... "We are still only busing to DC, NYC, Chicago, and Philadelphia."

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

Aleister Adams

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