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Could Pedo Peter Finally Be Impeached?

Started by Rob82, Sat 16 Jul 2022

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  Can this pedophile, Race-Traitor and treasonous piece of human vile filth "President", actually be held accountable for something? Talk is cheap. Let's see what happens. F#ck Pedo Peter.


                          Report: Potential Midterms Failure Places Biden at Risk of Impeachment

  Sputnik International (Russia) | 16 July 2022

The Democratic Party's midterm chances are not viewed as being high, even by the Democrats themselves, with President Joe Biden in the middle of a perfect storm of geopolitical issues and domestic economic problems.

If Democrats incur major losses in November's midterm elections and the control of both chambers of Congress slips away from their hands, US President Joe Biden could quickly find himself on the brink of impeachment, Newsweek reported.
The conclusion came after several Republicans indicated that the GOP would take a shot should the party assume control of both the House of Representatives and the Senate. Texas Senator Ted Cruz said in January that there were "multiple grounds" to impeach Biden, while Republican Representative Ken Buck voiced a similar sentiment later in April, saying that the House Judiciary Committee would "hold the hearings to determine whether impeachment is appropriate.
"We'll vote on impeachment. And then it will be presented to the full House," he said.

Calls to impeach Biden have emerged several times and have been voiced by many prominent conservatives. Most recently, Fox News host Tucker Carlson demanded the impeachment of the president after a report by the Washington Free Beacon which claimed that the Biden administration sold a million barrels of oil to a Chinese state-owned gas company.
Among those constantly urging his impeachment is Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor-Greene. Following her impeachment articles which she introduced in 2021, arguing that Biden abused power to help his son Hunter facilitate shady business deals with China, Taylor-Greene reaffirmed her commitment to the idea on July 7, when the Free Beacon report was released.

More than half of US citizens reportedly disapprove of the incumbent president's performance in the Oval Office, according to recent polls:                         

Impeachment articles can be passed by a simple majority in the House, but need a two-thirds majority in order to pass the Senate. According to Newsweek's estimations, it's unlikely that Republicans will secure enough seats to make this happen.
Biden's predecessor Donald Trump was impeached twice during his tenure, being acquitted by the Senate in both cases.
WFFW 23/23 R!

Aleister Adams

He's their favorite geriatric corpse. And their yes man puppet...2024 is a shoe in.

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