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Chicago Negro Mayor Pushes Plan For Blacks To Get Fewer Parking Tickets

Started by G.L.R., Wed 01 Nov 2023

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31 October 2023
QuoteThe city of Chicago and Democrat Mayor Brandon Johnson is calling on city authorities to give black residents fewer parking tickets in an effort to push "racial equity."  The city has established a "Racial Equity Office," which pushes the idea that urgency is white supremacist, and has made its city police give fewer parking tickets to black residents.  "Chicago has a long history of racial disparities and social inequities, especially on the South and West Sides. ...

In order to achieve "racial equity," Johnson said, "we must acknowledge the injustices of the past and consistently include those who are most impacted by inequality in our policy and decision making, not just when it is easy or convenient."  "Demonstrating proper accountability towards people and the outcomes we are committing to is vital," the mayor added. "I am confident that this is just the beginning, and that the impact of this work will last for generations to come. I am proud of the work that is being done thus far to build systemic equity and secure racial justice for our residents." In the city's "racial equity report," it states that a goal for the city's Department of Finance is to implement a plan that will result in few parking tickets issues to "black and brown" residents of the Windy City...

We are so perilously close to living in a society where black people are completely free from being judged by the consequences of their actions.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


Black and Browns eh? I say let the Beaners drive their low rider cars because then they can pick Cabbages as they drive along!

If they did this there would be not so much idle time and the parks would be free!
The Price is Reich!

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The only injustice and inequality is this worthless nigger and his followers  wrongfully doing everything to aid his fellow niggers while immorally/illegally Harming our sacred race; imprison and deport this scum bag.
Jewish Supremacist Quote: "The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach. I can safely promise you that our race will soon take it's rightful place in the world with every Jew a King and every Gentile a Slave." - Rabbi Rabinovitch, Budapest Conference of European Rabbi's - 12 January 1952. [More ...]

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