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Biden First President Unwilling To Sign Letter Denying Israel's Nuclear Arsenal

Started by G.L.R., Mon 15 Mar 2021

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President Biden Unwilling to Sign Letter Denying Israel's Nuclear Arsenal

Biden had not yet signed "the letter," which Israel routinely demands of U.S. presidents
When a delegation of senior Israeli officials visited the Trump White House on February 13, 2017, they wanted to discuss several issues with their new American counterparts. Topping the list was a secret letter concerning a subject the Israelis had promised the Americans never to discuss publicly—Israel's undeclared nuclear arsenal... the Israeli delegation—which included Israel's Ambassador to the United States, Ron Dermer—tried to get the letter signed by President Donald Trump. By all accounts, the American Administration was eager to please the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, whom Trump had promised to lavish with unprecedented support.  But, at that chaotic moment, Trump's aides felt blindsided by the Israeli request... later that day, Michael Flynn, the national-security adviser, would hand in his resignation letter—and they didn't appreciate feeling as though the Israelis were telling them what to do. "This is our ***** house," one of the Americans snapped.

PPT - Nuclear Weapons PowerPoint Presentation - ID:4690781 height=262 width=349
US aid to Israel is illegal under a law passed in the 1970s that prohibits aid to nuclear powers that don't sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Only a select group of senior American officials, in three previous Administrations, knew of the letters and how Israeli leaders interpreted them as effectively an American pledge not to press the Jewish state to give up its nuclear weapons. Basically almost all presidents signed the letters, promising not to disclose Israel's secret nukes since Israel first had nukes.... except now... President Joe Biden, even though he called himself a ... (slave of the Jew) now he seems to have grown a back bone... He is the first president in US history to stand up to the Jewish power cabal.  Joe Biden had delayed making the usual post-inauguration ceremonial call to the Israeli prime minister.

The letter is also not necessarily about them just having nukes because everyone knows they have nukes by the simple fact that this article is even out there, the letter is more about how many nukes, their power ... This is amazing, Joe Biden has proven itself to be one of the best politically incorrect presidents ever. Trump was a joke compared to this guy. He started saying "ni**er" on TV while being interviewed, then he called out the overuse of "interracial couple advertising", now he is giving the middle finger to Israel... a man whom we all had the least expectations from is proving himself to be a man of character so far.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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