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Jig Chimpout After Getting Fired From McD's

Started by Br.IanVonTurpie, Tue 10 Feb 2015

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HE'S clearly not loving it. 
An enraged McDonald's worker has been filmed throwing a massive tantrum and trashing the restaurant after being fired.

The unidentified worker hurled abuse at his colleagues while smashing glasses and throwing appliances, plates, cutlery and tomato sauce behind the counter.

The shocking incident at a McDonald's outlet in St Paul, Minnesota, has gone viral after being shared
The furious worker was filmed marching back and forth behind the counter while shouting expletives.

"You treat me like s**t, I get treated like s**t!" he yelled at his manager as customers watched in shock. "B***h give me my f*****g pay! 'I was nice to you b***h!"

After a couple of minutes, the disgruntled employee finally put on his coat and left the fast food restaurant — even screaming on his way out the door.

The old saying "You can take the monkey out of the jungle but you can't take the jungle out of the monkey!"

The Price is Reich!

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Chaos erupted on Tuesday night in the self-checkout area of a Walmart in Ferguson as up to 25 customers started fighting and setting off fire extinguishers in a rumpus which kicked off twice
The brawls occurred shortly after a small incident which was handled internally without calling the police. 

Footage filmed in the supermarket chain off West Florissant Avenue which is now viral shows huge numbers of people hitting, kicking and punching each other.

Objects are thrown as scraps break out and some of those involved are seen hitting each other with heavy-looking objects.

Shouting and swearing is heard throughout the video as the violent brawls continue.

The clip ends with the groups of people running out of the store after the fights seemingly ended. 

According to Ferguson Police Chief Frank McCall, there were between 10 and 25 people involved in the brawls.

Speaking to News 4, McCall said: 'I've seen some videos on social media, and it's disgraceful. I'm going to call it like it is.'

No arrests have been made in relation

Officers arrived at the store at around 9pm as the second incident erupted.

However, it was already calming down by the time they got there. Officers are working to survey CCTV from inside the store, provided by Walmart.

McCall said that some of those involved in the fights have been identified by officers.

He said: 'We have Walmart as a victim as well, and I'm confident they'll prosecute because they have some property damage as well.
Similar incidents have happened at this Walmart before, which has led to shoppers and residents to call for the supermarket to close.

Although the supermarket hired its own security, it was not immediately clear if they were there when the fights occurred but some cashiers appeared to be present

 :-\Footage on original. Typical blacks! "Hulk smaaash! every time things don't go their way! About time the US gives them a parachute and drops them on nth Korea!
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia

Aleister Adams

Typical nog behavior. They're gonna be niggers.

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