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ADL Angry: White Replacement - The Goyim Know!

Started by Ryan-NZ, Sat 10 Apr 2021

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Anti-Defamation league calls on Fox News to fire Tucker Carlson after host embraces white supremacist 'great replacement theory' on air

The Anti-Defamation League has called for Fox News to fire prime-time opinion host Tucker Carlson because he defended a white-supremacist theory that says whites are being "replaced" by people of color

Carlson's "white replacement" conspiracy rhetoric was "not just a dog whistle to racists — it was a bullhorn," the ADL said in a letter to Fox News

The Anti-Defamation League demanded Friday that right-wing Fox News personality Tucker Carlson be fired after he launched a white supremacist conspiracy attack on immigrants.

Carlson ranted on "Fox News Primetime" on Thursday that Democrats are trying to "replace the current electorate" with "more obedient voters from the Third World."

The white-nationalist "great replacement theory," otherwise known as "white genocide," says people of color are replacing white people through immigration in the Western world, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. Some white supremacists also say that Jews and progressive politicians are furthering this change, the Jewish Supremacist group says.

"I have less political power because they are importing a brand-new electorate," Carlson fumed to guest host Mark Steyn, a conservative author, on the Fox News program. "Why should I sit back and take that?"

Carlson is Fox News Channel's most popular personality.

He said Thursday during a guest appearance on "Fox News Primetime"

"I know that the left and all the little gatekeepers on Twitter become literally hysterical if you use the term 'replacement,' if you suggest that the Democratic Party is trying to replace the current electorate – the voters now casting ballots – with new people, more obedient voters from the Third World," Carlson told his audience of millions. "But they become hysterical because that's what's happening, actually. Let's just say it. That's true."

ADL National Director Jonathan Greenblatt blasted Carlson for pushing an anti-Semitic and racist tenet that has triggered mass shootings against Hispanics, Muslims and Jews.

″'Replacement theory' is a white supremacist tenet that the white race" is threatened by a "rising tide of non-whites," Greenblatt noted in a tweet. "It is antisemitic, racist and toxic. It has informed the ideology of mass shooters in El Paso, Christchurch and Pittsburgh," he added. "Tucker must go."

It's the first time the ADL has asked for Fox to fire Carlson, said the group's spokesman Todd Gutnick, but it has contacted the network before about things Carlson has said.

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