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40 Niggers Beat One White Man - JOG Says it's No Hate Crime

Started by W.Anthony, Fri 10 Jul 2015

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This will never count as a hate crime. That's only for when White Devils do it to Black "people." &:(

Police backed away Monday from an officer's incident report that described the Saturday night assault on a man near Fountain Square as an "anti-white" crime.

In a police incident report filed at 3 a.m. Sunday, the reporting officer stated the assault that left Christopher McKnight, 27, bloodied and unconscious involved hate or bias. The officer's typed explanation was that the violence was "anti-white."

At a Monday afternoon news conference with other police and city leaders, Capt. Mike Neville said that description was incorrect.

He spoke just minutes after The Enquirer had obtained the incident report and posted a story on its contents.

As of Thursday afternoon, no one has been charged with the beating.

It's been reported that it may have been Christopher McKnight's beating Saturday night that sparked an hour-long riot CHIMP OUT at Fountain Square that sent two police officers to the hospital and landed seven people behind bars.

The disputed police report, which has been obtained by the Cincinnati Enquirer, states that McKnight, a visitor from Albany, Indiana, was attacked and beaten bloody during an 'unruly crowd situation stemming from (the) Fountain Square event' around 11.30pm.

Eyewitness Jariah Noel posted a video of the attack on her Facebook page Sunday. It has since been viewed more than 133,000 times.

The 4-minute, 28-second clip shows a white male, later identified as Chris McKnight, dressed in a dark T-shirt and light-colored shorts, getting into an altercation with a group of young black men next to a bus parked at Government Square.

The grainy cellphone footage shows the brawlers rolling on the ground, surrounded by a crowd made up of men and women.

A shirtless man is seen holding McKnight down while another youth runs over and punches him in the face.

McKnight tries to put up a fight by kicking his attacker, who then proceeds to stomp on the tourist's head.

Responding to a commenter's question about the cause of the beating, Jariah Noel wrote that McKnight may have been trying to board a bus when he bumped into a 'black dude.'
Aut Vincere Aut Mori!


The so-called Conservative Media claim that non-White crime is purely a symptom of Woke Politics. The above crime from 2015 - 40 Niggers vs 01 White Man - is a symptom of Neo-Con Anti-White Lawfare. It was the same in 2005. The pictures may be of someone in NYC in 2015, but that was me in 1987 in Australia.

How far back does that go? At least the 70's in Australia. America, perhaps the 60's? In England it begins in the late 40's with the first boatloads of Niggers from the Caribbean moving into the bombed out slums of London, forming criminal gangs and the police ordered to ignore Black on White violence. By the 60's, it was so bad, people were choosing to migrate from the English cities to Australia and Canada just to get away from the Black rapes, violence and general crime.

This is a war that has been decades long, and the average lazy TV nipple sucking people are just beginning to fight back now and looking to vote for a better option that is no longer there?

The Only Solution is White Revolution. RAHOWA!

23 Words.
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Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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White revolution is indeed the Only Solution. And those filthy niggers deserve to be killed.
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Aleister Adams

What's allowed is what'll continue. This must end.


At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.

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