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South Africa: Killed Because They Are White

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Tue 28 May 2019

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Excerpt A pregnant mother was hacked to death in her bed and her husband was repeatedly stabbed by attackers during a luxury break at a South African resort.

Karen Turner – who was said to be three months pregnant – was asleep with her husband Matthew, 33, and their toddler son Hayden when they were attacked at around 3am.

The family had booked into the Hluleka Nature Reserve on the Wild Coast in the Eastern Cape when two men armed with knives sneaked into their self-contained chalet overlooking the beach.

It is believed school teacher Karen, 31, died almost instantly in a hail of knife blows as her husband Matthew, who was stabbed several times, chased off the attackers.

The horrific attack on the South African family left Matthew a widower and his 23-month-old son motherless.

Karen's older brother Ian Crouch described the scene as a 'blood bath' and confirmed the balcony door had been left open on the hot night

It comes just days before Prince Harry is due to arrive in South Africa with his wife Meghan and son Archie.

That Harry should leave his wife in Africa where she belongs! Find a white wife there and save her from the rubbish going on there!
The Price is Reich!

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Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
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Hate crime psychologist is brutally killed in her South African home by intruders who waited for her husband to go out before breaking in and slitting her throat

* Mirah Wilks, 69, was stabbed 12 times and throat was slit in Johannesburg home
* The gang had waited for her husband, Frank, 72, to leave to go to synagogue 
* Wilks was well-known for her research into hate crimes, trauma and violence
* The murderous thieves were only there to steal two laptops and a mobile phone

A brilliant psychologist and specialist in hate crime and violence in South Africa was brutally butchered and had her throat slit in her own home by a gang of armed robbers.

Leading scholar Dr Mirah Wilks was ambushed and attacked by the men who had waited until her husband Frank left to worship at the local synagogue, leaving her home alone.

The group had climbed up onto the roof and removed tiles and dropped down inside the house and stabbed Mirah at least twelve times in the chest and back then cut her throat.

Retired husband Frank, 72, returned home from evening worship on Sunday night and found the blood soaked body of his wife of 45 years lying dead on the floor of the family home.

Dr Wilks, 69, was renowned for her research into hate crimes, trauma and violence and was a highly respected former Chair of the Psychological Society of South Africa.

South African Police have launched a major man-hunt for the gang who struck at the home in Johannesburg and killed her just to steal two laptops and a mobile phone.

Former art teacher turned counsellor, Dr Wilks qualified last year with a PhD in Hate Crimes from the University of South Africa after spending many years in South Africa as a top psychologist

She had also gained degrees at the University of Queensland in Australia and the University of Pennsylvania in the USA and was working at the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg when she was murdered.

Dr Wilks had moved to Australia from Israel as a young girl and had a daughter Tarryn and son Brett in Melbourne, Victoria, with husband Frank and the family later emigrated to South Africa.

Dr Wilks had recently started important research into 'resilience as a means of adaption and survival' with a special focus on South Africa's lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.

South African Police said they believed the men had waited for Mr Wilks to leave the home before breaking in through the ceiling to perhaps get round the security doors and windows.

A source said the helpless grandmother was stabbed at least twelve time and during the struggle the ruthless gang slit her throat before making off with two laptops and cell phone.

Police spokespeman Colonel Lungelo Dlamini said: 'A case of murder is being investigated and the post mortem will determine the exact cause of death but a sharp object was used

'It was used in the fatal assault on the victim who was found by her husband when her returned home from church and we are appealing for witnesses to come forward.'

Professor Juan Nel who was a close friend of Dr Wilks, and her supervisor, said that the Pyschological Society of South Africa was distraught after learning of her murder.

He said: 'Dr Wilks was the victim of a violent crime that took place in her home and Mirah's untimely death has left us with a deep sense of loss that will affect all of us here.

'Mirah was known to a great many of her colleagues in the psychology fraternity and was a good soul and a person in the profession who had great integrity and honour' he said.

Counselling psychologist Dr Ingrid Artus said: 'We have a scarcity of psychologists in South Africa and the service they provide to society are vital and her loss will impact on patients

'The work that she was doing in SA was vital to helping a country such as ours. This will perpetuate the fear that many associate with crime. She will be greatly missed,' she said.

Prince Harry has just returned from a royal tour of South Africa with wife Meghan and son Archie and both spoke out against the violence inflicted on women and children across the country.

Meghan, 38, tied a yellow ribbon to railings outside a post office in Cape Town where university student Uyinene Mrwetyana, 19, was tortured, raped and murdered days shortly before the visit.

She made the private pilgrimage with her detectives to pay her respects to the teenage victim of a brutal sex attack in a country where violence is rife and 21,000 people are murdered a year

Killed because the Blacks thought that she was White. I wonder in SA if Jew groups are going to make a big fuss about blacks being racist in SA now?

Harry and Meghan can tie as many yellow ribbons as they want there! SA only got let back into the Commonwealth after they gave blacks all these rights back which then ruined the place! How ironic a Jew expert in hate crimes got killed by Blacks?!

I wonder if they have their hate crime specialists dealing with Jews who bully Palestinians?
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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A female farmer has been sexually assaulted and strangled to death while another rural worker has been tortured and murdered in the latest attacks on South Africa's white farmers

Divorcee Chantel Kershaw, 44, was ambushed by two armed black men while working her land in Delmas east of Johannesburg on Wednesday

Kershaw's underwear was ripped off and stuffed into her mouth and she was strangled to death inside her garage.

In a separate incident, 21-year-old farm manager Brendin Horner was brutally tortured on Friday and discovered the next day covered in blood and tied to a post in Paul Roux, Free State province


Daniel Brand, 82, his wife Hybrecht, 73, and their daughter Elizabeth, 53, were kidnapped and driven away in their own cars from their rural home near Hartswater in the Northern Province on July 26.

Their bodies were found two days later.

The home was ransacked, with some cash and jewellery stolen.


British Falklands War hero was shot dead while protecting his partner during an armed raid on their farm near Lanseria.

Former Royal Navy sailor Julian Stobbs, 59, was shot in the head and chest after four robbers broke into his home as he slept on July 3.


Eduard Neumeister, 67, who was born in Austria, was hit with 'dozens of blows' from a bush knife at his property in Balgowan, 70 miles outside Durban in June.

The frenzied attack happened as Eduard - known locally as Edi - went to feed his dogs and prepare for breakfast at the Bratwurst Sausage Restaurant and B&B that he ran with partner Margit Riebler, 62

The two horrific attacks were 180 miles apart and carried out by ruthless killers where the nation's white farmers live in constant fear of rape and murder on their remote homesteads.

Kershaw was attacked while helping to a load a lawnmower onto a truck.

The men stripped her and then held her down on the floor of the garage at her farm as they strangled her.

Her distraught mother Greta Spiers, 65, was bludgeoned over the head with a pistol and she, along with a maid, was restrained as the farm was looted

The two men fled in the family's white Chevrolet station wagon but were chased down by neighbourhood watch farmers who forced the stolen vehicle off the road in a high speed chase.

The neighbourhood watch were alerted by Kershaw's mother and captured the suspects who were handed over to police.

A farm hand who was stripped and tied up by the raiders was later arrested after the cell phone numbers of the two suspects were found in his phone.

The three men appeared before Delmas Magistrates Court charged with armed robbery, theft and murder and were refused bail and have been remanded in custody.

Police spokesman Brigadier Leonard Hiathi said: 'Chantel asked an employee to help her load a lawnmower into a truck when she suddenly saw two armed men inside her yard.

'They told the employee to take his clothes off and tied him up and then attacked the woman who was screaming for help and strangled her and then went into the house.

'The victim's mother was assaulted with a firearm and the house was robbed.

'A high speed chase ensued between the suspects and the neighbourhood watch group which resulted in the suspects overturning their vehicles and crawling out to escape.

'But they were caught and handed over to the police who opened a case or robbery and murder and a firearm was recovered and ammunition and a bloodstained jacket

&:(They'll make whites jump through hoops to get here while black African refugees get Welcomed and then ruin the place with the same trouble they have in Africa.
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia


Such a waste life of a lovely White couple &:(,

Makes me want to hack these niggers apart with a meat clever. Has been a few yrs since I last bashed a fucking Toby.

Me thinks I need to drag one behind my car out on the highway with a rope tied to its legs and then drag it along, at least it will 'blend' into the bitumen.....

Blacks truly are evil and are beyond taming, even lions are more civilised than these apes. 8)


We sometimes hear of these people but never the truth.  He was called a "philanthropist", but you can bet that he saw more than meets the press! What Schweitzer said is how America today can be summed about after 300 years of the negro, who demand "reparations" for all the billions in damages they caused.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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