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South African 'Hate Speech' Bill "Rigged To Punish By Race" -"History Reviewed"

Started by G.L.R., Mon 27 Sep 2021

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September 27, 2021

1. The Bill violates the South African constitution - Many Attorneys and even Legal Professors have made this point clear.
2. The Freedom of Religion Foundation, the Institute for Race Relations, Afriforum and even the Helen Suzman Foundation are all against this Bill. There are probably many more organisations that are also against this bill, but those are the major ones.
3. Journalists and Attorneys have pointed out that this Bill will take petty insults and turn them into jailable crimes, where a first time offender could do 3 years jail time.
4. The Bill will impact the Freedom of Religion, including Christianity. Certain things in the Bible, if promoted, will be regarded as Hate Speech. There are MANY possible examples, but one will suffice. Suppose you say that Gays will go to Hell. That could be hate speech.
5. The Hate Speech Bill is RIGGED to punish a person by RACE, or to let a person off the hook BY RACE. e.g. The Court will take into account the RACIAL STATUS of the charged person by looking at the RACIAL HISTORY OF SUPERIORITY OR INFERIORITY OF THE PERSON.
6. THEREFORE a White can be charged with a crime (e.g. Racial Insult: K-Word) and a Black man can be charged with a crime (e.g. Racial Insult: Dirty Boer, etc), yet only the White man will be JAILED and the Black man will be let off the hook. Thus different outcomes for the same "crime" based on RACE.
7. The Racial/Cultural background aspect of this Bill should be totally removed. That rigs it against Whites
8. The Bill FAVOURS sexual deviants and lays the ground for sexual deviancy to be the norm, or even to have a protected status compared to normal heterosexuals.
9. There is a serious problem between what is written on paper in the law versus the actual execution of it by the courts where "discretion" is determined by the court staff. e.g. Clerks of the Court. The court processes itself will work against Whites. So a Black person wanting to charge a White with Hate Speech will find the Clerks of the Court keen to assist. But if a White person wants to charge a Black person, you may find the court blocking your attempts.
10. The Victim Impact Statement is a bizarre aspect of this Bill which is based on subjective claims that are unprovable, yet these will have a MASSIVE IMPACT on the actual punishment that is given out. So if the victim claims to have been massively harmed, mentally, then your jail time will be increased accordingly.
11. Like the Equality Act which already exists and has been abused, Whites will be the overwhelming majority of people charged with Hate Crimes.
12. The Equality Act has already been abused... and will fill the courts which are already overloaded.
13. Like all Laws forbidding things, once it exists, the Government can, and will expand on it any time in the future.
14. This is the end of what little is left of Free and Truthful Speech in South Africa.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


If they are creating a series of Hate Laws based on race, then they have been practising the same for decades. All they are doing is legalising it.  &:(

Example - Australia: While the laws preach the whole everyone is equal under the eyes of the law bullshit, how those laws are practised is an entirely different matter, depending on what race you are. Furthermore, it's a practise that is not confined to Australia in any way at all. And like everywhere, the majority prefer the Mushroom lifestyle, and are happy to be kept in the dark and fed on bullshit. Anyone in the know is labelled as a White Supremacist.

* If you are White and you say the wrong words to anyone of any non-White Race, you can be charged with Hate Crimes. Even if only in retort or self-defence. Sticks and stones may break their bones, but Whitey's words are pure evil.

    - On the other hand, whatever non-White's say is considered Freedom of Speech.

* If you are White and you are physically assaulted by non-Whites, police will ignore the crime. If you push it, you will be arrested. If you tell anyone in the community that you were assaulted by non-Whites, you will be deemed a Racist, a White Supremacists, a Nazi ... because you must have said something "RACIST" to upset the sub-human trash.

   - It's a Hate Crime for any White to assault a non-White.

* If you are White and you are physically assaulted by non-whites, and you have the audacity to defend yourself, you will be charged with Affray. Only the White is pursued and charged. The darkies are allowed to leave without charges. Why?: Because if the darkies remained, they would need to be charged with Assault, perhaps a Hate-Crime, and your charge of Affray would be dropped and treated as legitimate Self-Defence.

In short, you are being punished for committing the Original Sin of being born White.
Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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