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Announcements & General Jabber => Books => General Jabber => The Holybooks of Creativity => Topic started by: Grimm on Mon 30 Jun 2014

Title: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Grimm on Mon 30 Jun 2014
I thought I would start a thread in which I and other Reverends can post chapters from Nature's Eternal Religion, with corrections. I will begin by posting the Foreword from NER, which I cut and pasted from the 2008 Edition, edited using the corrections observed by the fellow calling himself 'Wilhelm,' compared with the 1992 Edition that I have (which is very good), and one error that I noticed myself when reading through the text. This will help Reverend Cambeul for when he puts together the new and improved version later this year. Please feel free to read over the chapter text for errors, and if you spot them, please highlight and we can edit the post accordingly. Thank you.

*Edit: I am making the following chapters identical to the 1992 edition, though I will make corrections if I find any errors thereof.

The principles and creed set forth in this book constitute the Articles of Faith of the Church of the Creator.
Our beliefs are strongly reinforced by an overwhelming mass of substantiated evidence. They are based on the eternal Laws of Nature; they are based on the lessons and experience of history; furthermore; they are based on logic, common sense and reality, not myth and fantasy. No other religion can honestly make this claim.
We furthermore believe that in 6000 years of recorded history, this book is the most profound and meaningful religious book ever written for the survival of the White Race. It is a fundamental creed, based on the eternal Laws of Nature for the survival, expansion and advancement of the White Race, the noblest creation in Nature's realm. We are confident that the White Race will soon return to reality, embrace our powerful new religion, regain control of its own destiny, and advance forward to new heights never before dreamed of.
It is towards this noble objective, the survival, expansion and advancement of the White Race, that this book is dedicated. It is for this reason our dynamic new religion was founded. We call our religion Creativity, and members thereof, Creators, because, we believe these words, in essence, best describe the characteristic soul of the White Race.
We completely reject the Judeo-democratic-Marxist values of today, and supplant them with new and basic values, of which race is the foundation. We take a new, revolutionary and dynamic approach to the problems that face the White Race today in its desperate struggle for survival.
Although our religion is new, the laws embodied in our religion are not new, nor are they something we have invented. On the contrary, we have only observed and put into words that which Nature in her eternal wisdom has decreed for the survival of all her creatures from the beginning of time.
Nor is it at all remarkable that we should have observed these laws and based our religion on them. What is most strange is that the creative White Race has not done so centuries ago. In fact, it is amazing that the Romans and the Greeks failed to do so in their time. Going back even further, it is hard to understand why the highly gifted Egyptians failed to do so in their great White civilization 5000 years ago. Had the White Race done so in its earlier history, it would not now be trapped in the idiotic and precarious struggle for survival in which it now finds itself ensnared.
We believe that reality is more important than "believing" in the unsubstantiated ramblings of a wild and over-stimulated imagination. We believe that facts substantiated by massive evidence are a thousand times more valid and meaningful than supernatural claims that not only are unsubstantiated, but fly in the face of reason. We refuse to accept on "faith" ludicrous claims that repudiate historical evidence, geological evidence, scientific evidence; and fallacious claims that repudiate every other kind of evidence. We believe that evidence and judgment are basic in forming conclusions and decisions in all the vital matters pertaining to our lives.
We believe a religion that is detrimental to the survival of a race is a bad religion. A religion that helps a race to survive, expand and advance is a good religion for that race. Our creed is such a religion, and will have the most profound and far-reaching implications for the benefit and welfare of the White Race.
It is not our intention to make the White Race less religious. On the contrary, it is our intention to have the White Race become muchmore strongly devoted to religion than it is today, and above all, it is our objective to give the White Race a far superior religion than the self-destructive, suicidal religion with which it is now burdened.
We believe that the highest Law of Nature is the right of any species to survival, expansion and advancement of its own kind. We deem that for the White Race, the right to survival, expansion and advancement of its own people is not only the highest Law of Nature, but also the foundation of our religious creed.
It is overwhelmingly clear that unless the White Race in this generation changes the suicidal course on which it is now embarked it will miserably perish from the face of the earth, overrun and inundated by a flood-tide of colored mongrels.
We are confident that in the near future the White Race will rally, unite, and embrace the Creativity program for its own survival.
Furthermore, we are convinced that if only one-tenth of the time, energy, and money, were spent in propagating our dynamic new religion as is spent on keeping alive the sick and morbid religions now undermining our race, that Creativity would spread like wild-fire. We mean to organize all our good people and expend that energy—and more. United and organized the White Race is ten times more powerful than the rest of the world put together. We predict that our religion, Creativity, will be the supreme religion of the future. We predict that it will not only spread to all the corners of the earth, but will eventually supplant all other religions, barring none. We believe that such is inevitable.
The 'W' in our insignia stands for the noble White Race. The crown represents our unconditional right to supremacy in Nature's realm. The halo signifies purity of blood, and that we jealously regard our blood lines as the sacred value on the face of the earth.

Title: Re: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Wed 18 Mar 2015
You may proofread and leave your corrections as a reply.


* Smaller font and reduced paragraph spacing as 1973 edition. (Intended to reduce page count and printing costs.)
* Still using old NER cover from 2008 (Needs redesign to separate it from the original and the crap put out by profiteers.)
* Changed from Canadian English (partial US & British English) to completely US English.
* Main Book Corrections by Reverend Albert.

* Formatting, Corrections and Tag lines complete to end of Book - Ready for proofreading.

The PDF available for update on the website has been updated to this version.

See attached PDF below.

Title: Re: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Nigel on Wed 18 Mar 2015
Just out of interest, would we be adding an 'addendum' or Notes section at the rear? Our book(s) is/are, understandably, dated... and not in the 'out of date' nonsense, but in the 'PME Klassen said this, and he was right! By 2015 such and such has actually occured' etc
Just bringing the points and purpose relevant with the now, but obviously not changing or altering the original text beyond normal formatting.   
Title: Re: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Wed 18 Mar 2015
As we have been discussing this for twelve years now, I am well aware of what is needed, and I have in mind to do the job as it needs to be done, and in such a way that it will not need edited for another fifty years. Everybody will be satisfied with the outcome. That includes the purists and the revolutionary types looking for updates.

If anyone is interested how far I've progressed: I'm in the middle of Chapter Six, but have had to stop as I have a migraine coming on and in a few minutes, I'll be totally blind. Thanks to technological improvements, as well as improvements in my own skills, editing is a lot easier now than it was in 2008 ... but the migraines are still something I have to contend with.
Title: Re: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Nigel on Wed 18 Mar 2015
I hear you on that one brother! Had me out for a week :(

I am happy to proofread etc, and as you have rightly said, after 12 years of hearing everyone's opinion, you are best placed to do what needs to be done.
Title: Re: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Chuck on Thu 19 Mar 2015
I am really excited about this project. Bravo! :D
Title: Re: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Sun 22 Mar 2015
Book I is now complete and ready for proof reading.

Do not confuse the book's American English with British English. I do not care if Founder Klassen used a mixture of British and American English, the entire book is now consistently American English.

Barring any unforeseen catastrophe, Book II should be complete by the end of the week and ready for proof reading. After which, a new cover will be designed.

Title: Re: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Chuck on Wed 25 Mar 2015
On page 311, the paragraph on loyalty and love, it reads: 'its never- ending program'. The hyphen needs joining with ending.
Title: Re: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Chuck on Sun 29 Mar 2015
The chapter 'Manifest Destiny', on the first page, 322, is littered with errors. There are gaps between paragraphs, and new paragraphs beginning mid sentence...
    'Our doctored history books have given us so much trash about the importance of the Pilgrim Fathers, the Puritans, the Mayflower Compact, and in general, the role of Christianity in the building of America. Our school children and the American population, by and large, as a result, have now become so indoctrinated that practically all of them will rehash this Jewish distortion that America was built by Christians, for Christians, and on Christian (new line)
    principles. A closer examination of history will show that America was built not by Christians, nor on Christian principles, but, on the contrary, was built despite the shackles of Christianity.'
I trust this will be corrected. :)
Title: Re: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Chuck on Sun 29 Mar 2015
Come on, people, post as many errors as you can find. You cannot be too pedantic!
Title: Re: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Tue 31 Mar 2015
NER is now complete and ready for proof reading.

Do not confuse the book's American English with British English. I do not care if Founder Klassen used a mixture of British and American English, the entire book is now consistently American English.

If you have commentary that you think should be added, present it as [Note: ....] and it will be considered. The idea is to update NER with Notes, which we will place at the rear of the book.

A new cover will soon be designed to separate it from the garbage put out by profiteers.

Title: Re: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Albert on Thu 02 Apr 2015
I am now returned to the forum because I have been informed the books are being reprinted with corrections. Needless to say it will take me some time to get through the pdfs. My first question is why do we have to do it via pdf? There exists the technology now to simply scan the original 1973 of  Natures Eternal Religion as it was intended to be seen.

The principle for me regarding any reprinting must be that Creativity is unalterable (i.e unalterable to the letter). Afterall, if any tinkering occurs- then what is to stop further tinkering in the centuries ahead until, like Christianity, it is a completely different "animal" from what was originally intended.
Tinkering is very dangerous and  leads to the potentiality for schism and argument a thousand years from now.... with the possibility of consequent wars and slaughter that have plagued catholic/ protestant divide.
Likewise the Sunni/shia divide. (Note that the slaughter between Shia and Sunni simply stems from who should have be Mohammeds successor; his son in law or his loyal friend.

In my view Creativity was and is perfect. The covers, the subsequent corrections made by Ben Klassen  for the second edition are legitimate also. I agree that any new edition may contain page footnotes for clarity but the original text and spelling (unless an obvious error) must be regarded as sacred, Holy and unalterable.
Title: Re: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Thu 02 Apr 2015
Get over the idea of scanning and printing. Printing from scan to image leads to an inferior book - and the 1973 version certainly had its share of mistakes, as you rightly know Albert; as does the Second Edition. Printing from Scan to text also does not work and is what has led to so many errors in the past, which was how Hale's authorised and altered versions of our books were released electronically.

And then we have the problem of damned idiots in England and the US that think anything that doesn't fit with their own personal misconceptions is incorrect. Of course they do not challenge Founder Klassen's original work, but instead accuse me or our Church of utter and total failure because a word appears differently from the way they personally like it. Yes, many of you that have criticised our earlier efforts that were admittedly error prone because they were STOLEN and used by profiteers BEFORE THEY WERE PROOFREAD are really that pathetic. Founder Klassen used CANADIAN ENGLISH which is a mixture of American and British English, and because you could not accept that, you trashed my efforts far and wide, but then you shut your damned gutless mouths so you wouldn't offend some petty skinhead offshoot of Creativity that first insulted and then stole and praised and printed the same un-proofread and therefore shoddy books lest they show up at your door and give you a boot party. And so, that is the reason why NER is now completely US ENGLISH.

The cover will remain much as it was but with a new image in the centre. After Hale's piss-poor efforts and my marginally better attempt that was hijacked, and the error-prone alterations based on those two out there using the old covers, there is no way in hell I will allow any of our books to use the same cover again. This is a case of our readers being able to safely judge the book by its cover.

Albert, you are not a member of our Church, but I give you the respect you deserve as an ordained Minister of the former premier Church of the Creator under our founder, Ben Klassen. That's why I chose to label you and others from that era that choose not to join our Church, as Independent Creators. Which, to put it bluntly, means you are merely an unofficial Supporter - a Guest with some history that we can relate to. That - and your very useful but Anglicised corrections for NER, which I made extensive use of and I once again thank you for - is why I sent you an invite to partake in the proof reading. However, if you have any problems with that and wish to leave Creator Forum, let me know immediately and I will Disable your account.

And BTW, Albert, I must say thank you for all the assistance you gave with that Arts Reporter from Vice Magazine. You were of great help. I couldn't have done what I did without your sterling efforts.


Title: Re: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Miss.Jane on Thu 02 Apr 2015
Can we clarify that Ben Klassen referred to NER as "The White Man's Bible" when it was the only book he had written and so it may thus be considered as Part 1 of the White Man's Bible for that reason?  Is that so? 

The book Klassen titled "The White Man's Bible" then followed.
Title: Re: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Chuck on Thu 02 Apr 2015
From the transcript of Founder Klassen's 1976 recording 'Survival of the White Race':

Quote from: Ben Klassen'The creed and philosophy of our religion, called Creativity, is set forth in our book Nature's Eternal Religion. It is the White Man's Bible and its basic goal is not only the survival of the White Race, but also its expansion and advancement.'
Title: Re: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Fri 03 Apr 2015
Even without mention of NER being the White Man's Bible, the WMB is not a book to be read in seclusion. It remains an extension of NER.
Title: Re: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Albert on Fri 03 Apr 2015
Woah, Cailen. I have never criticised yourself or said anything about you that was negative nor do I believe I have criticised any other Creator, simply because that is not my personality. I just don't think personal criticism is constructive. I am a school teacher with a BA degree in advertising and have to protect my professional status. I don't criticise a student but ask them to alter their strategy or effort.
Now I have been frustrated at times with slow progress by some or obstinacy. If a person isn't going to listen there becomes no point communicating.
Lets put it another  way. I don't need to read the pdfs. I have faith that you will do what is best for Creativity. However there is one condition. That Creativity be inviolable. This is a religious stipulation that gives religions their credibility and credentials. a Religion is supposed to be unchanging to the letter  (fair enough if Ben Klassen used Canadian English- I'm not complaining about words like niggerization)
Also the use of the word "Bible" is if anything confusing because Bible in most peoples minds  specifically conjures up Christianity. Using the title "White Mans bible" makes ppl think we are Christian and time and time again this confusion remains so much so that people then leap to the catastrophic thinking that  Christianity is "the white Mans bible".
If anything it is bad advertising and confuses the buyer because in advertising you have a millisecond to convince someone of your product. For me "Natures Eternal religion" says essentially what it is on the cover..a person will therefore open it and have their predjudice confirmed and then their mind can absorb the Religion.
On the other hand "The white Mans Bible" is bought by ppl thinking they are getting an analysis of why Christianity is a "White" religion only to see it is initially about farming and diet ( a big turn off).
Now i don't suggest that WMB have its title changed because our religion should be invioable. I am saying the original titles be kept large  but any thing else written in inferior text.
Title: Re: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Miss.Jane on Fri 03 Apr 2015
I'm a little concerned that if one was to reference where a particular subject is discussed in "The White Man's Bible" and say to the uninitiated person who asks for the source they may go looking for it in the wrong book.  That could cause confusion.  NER is technically part of the White Man's Bible but Ben Klassen must have chosen not to have that written on the front as a sub-title and I don't think that adding it actually makes a positive difference.  At best to do so is neutral and at worst, it causes confusion... perhaps? 

Is the counter argument that adding this sub-title is a way to make sure all the readers know they should next read the subsequent book/s?

I tend to just go with the "if it isn't broken then don't fix it" though.
Title: Re: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Miss.Jane on Fri 03 Apr 2015
And I also want to add that it is fantastic that Rev Cailen has corrected the mistakes and we are set to go with a book that we can confidently distribute.  Thank you!  :)
Title: Re: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Albert on Mon 04 May 2015
I apologise for the delay in my proof reading. I have been really sick of the whole subject after reading NER probably 50 times over the years I am just numb to it. It is perhaps though the greatest of the Creativity Religious Holy Books and that is why I have been so precious about it. I have just checked the first 100 pages.. as these are critical in giving a good impression of our Credo. My first reading is that it is an excellent rendition and so far has my seal of approval as a "Guardian of the faith" and a Reverend ordained by Ben Klassen.
          Bear in mind that printing a near perfect copy of the first Creator Holy Book has to be the absolute crowning glory of any Creator for which history and the White race will be grateful. It simultaneously spits in the face of our enemies and overturns the attacks by the US government in burning , pulping and burying our books. It overturns the foul deeds of traitors selling our Holy Books, of degenerates abusing our books and the cruel US government incarcerating our fellow Creators.
Title: Re: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Albert on Mon 04 May 2015
My notes so far are that I still think that the bit "1st part of the White Mans Bible" is confusing...and should maybe be on the back..or maybe changed to the 1st creator Holy Book. Whatever..I personally despise the word "Bible" most peoples eyes it is synonymous with christianity.
on page 4 last paragraph should read "in" all eternity
on page 22 first paragraph "equalled" should have two "l"s
on page 32 fourth paragraph should read "modern" artists as opposed to modem
on page 64 in the last paragraph it should just read " and perhaps excelled by the jewish controlled television industry..."
page 80 point 7 should be two "l"s in equalled today
on page 97 last line our manifest desiny is spaced strangely
on page 98 point 6 and the cojoined paragraph are spaced incorrectly to the first printing.

All in all the errors are indeed trivial  in these first 100 pages and only the use of "modem" alters any religious interpretation.

Rereading NER again I do notice some things that are in fact not correct, noticeably when he says "elephants have no teeth at all" on page 7. That the Nile delta culture was more advanced in Egypt (p29) and the dates of Hyksos occupation (p75.) This is of no actual consequence because Ben Klassen was telling a tale to a readership in 1973. His specific goal was inculcating a sense of Race History and Natural law and codifying it as a Religion to save the White Race. He was neither an archaeologist nor zoologist but a layman and founder of a Religious world view. Any error was simply because he was a human being and not a god. What we creators insist on is that he be understood and respected, honored and defended as the founder of our Religion. And that his words be preserved on principle so that our people can prevail.

So far. many salutations, thanks and hails to PM Cailen for all the hard work..will post the next 100 pages soon.
Title: Re: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Chuck on Tue 05 May 2015
On pages 32 and 327 of NER it says 'modem' instead of 'modern'.

Page 32: 'Furthermore, the sculpture of the Old Kingdom exhibits the highest technical skill and compares favorably with the work of modem artists.'

Page 327: 'Whereas in Roman times, one Roman legionnaire, using his contemporary weapons, such as sword, shield, spear, etc., could perhaps outfight six (or maybe ten) times his number of black savages, today, with the modem technology that is the product of the While Man and the White Man alone, a few trained pilots armed with jet planes and atomic bombs could wipe out any and all opposition from the hostile blacks of Africa, for instance, in no time at all.'
Title: Re: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Tue 05 May 2015
Ah, modem instead of modern. Understandable considering that they look the same when using a small enough font.

Thanks for those corrections. I'll add them to my version, but leave the PDF as it is for now.

Title: Re: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Albert on Wed 06 May 2015
my corrections pages 100-200
1, page 104. 10 th line down  should be "raise up seed by thy brother"
2, page 104 13 th line down a gap is needed "slew Onan"
3,page 115 end of 1st paragraph of Isaac.. has a superflous "a" about anything
4,page 126 1st line should be "Testament, we are"
5, page 144 paragraph 2 should be "you are right or wrong"
6, page 158 1st paragraph last sentence should be "hepped up Hollywood"
7,page 159 15th line down should be "but just give a scattered sampling"
8, page 160 14th line down should be " to scorch men with fire"
9, page 160 2nd to last line should be " inflicted"
10, page 171 6th paragraph should be " evidence will find that its"
11, page 172 3rd paragraph  Tarsus should have a capital "T" because it is a place. "Saul born in Tarsus"
12, page 172 line 20/21 should say "all of them were Jews"
13, page 175 bottom line should be " because they wished to"
14, page 178 paragraph 2 needs a hyphen  "Jesus Christ, the Son of God- this idea,"
15 page 180 lines 3/4 should read "one lie parlayed"
16, page 180 paragraph 2 should be "that he is psychologically browbeaten"
17, page 181 paragraph 4 should read " the Lords's whole plan for the human race changed"
18,page 183  third line has a superfluous "s"
19,page 183 2nd to last paragraph should read " the whole idea of "he died for our sins"
20, page 184 last line should be " overwhelmingly about Jews"
21, page 187 paras 3/4 have an unnecessary gap. "that this presumption"
22, page 198 last line of paragraph 2  should read "of the whole universe by Zion"

phew! hard work but worth it. We have to get this right for future generations of the White Race.
Title: Re: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Wed 06 May 2015
Quote from: Rev.Albert on Wed 06 May 2015hard work but worth it. We have to get this right for future generations of the White Race.

Thanks for that. Keep up the good work and we'll get there yet.

Today I pick up the parts to assemble a new computer - a super computer compared to anything I've ever owned or used: I7 CPU, 16GB of ram, solid state HDD, Blu Ray Burner, a complex cooling system and room for upgrade for the next ten years. No more struggling with slow, outdated computers for me. It'll make working on books a breeze ... Well that and new reading glasses in the next two weeks.

Title: Re: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Grimm on Thu 07 May 2015
Also on page 104, line 9, there it should read 'second son who was called Onan, and said to him, "Go into *THY* brother's wife'.

Also on page 115, on the 14th line of 'The Story of Isaac', there is should read 'Be that as it may, after he had been there a long time*,* King Abimelech'.

Also on page 115, on the 20th line of 'The Story of Isaac', it needs a full stop after 'dishonest': 'had as good a reason to kill him now for being dishonest*.* However, he didn't do...'

On page 119, line 9, it looks as though it needs a colon after 'following': 'he called Solomon in and charged him with the following*:* "Keep the...' However, I subsequently checked my Second Edition copy of NER and even there the colon is not present.

On page 120, line 20, it should read ' prayer and *THY* supplication, that thou has made before me'. In my Second Edition, this same error appears. I am aware, however, that there are some purists that would like to see such errors remain and for that reason would not identify them as errors. Here is the quote from Kings 9:3 to compare it with: HERE (

On page 122, line 10 of The Book of Esther, the letter I on the word 'imbued' is incorrectly capitalised and should read as follows: 'It seems that on the seventh day when the King was somewhat *imbued* with...'

On page 122, line 27, the word Jewess in not capitalised as it should be. It should read: 'he told her to keep her identity as a *Jewess* a secret'. Again I compared this with my Second Edition, which shows the word capitalised.

On page 123, line 9, it should strangely does not have the word 'made' in-between 'then' and 'sure'. The line should read as follows: 'had them destroyed, and then *MADE* sure that he got full credit for being the hero'. Again, I compared this with my Second Edition, which includes the word 'made'.

On page 123, line 17, bizarrely it cuts to the next line after 'hands on' and begins a new paragraph. There is room on line 17 to fit 'Mordecai' and more.

On page 123, line 22, it should read: '*THY* kingdom; and their laws are diverse from all people;' Again, this error appears in the Second Edition of NER. Compare with the King James Version HERE (

On page 123, line 28, it should read 'to destroy, to kill, and to cause *TO* perish, all Jews and to confiscate their property.' I compared with the Second Edition and this error does not appear. The word 'to' between 'cause' and 'perish' is present.

On page 123, line 29, the word 'great' is capitalised when it shouldn't be. 'When Mordecai heard of this "he rent his clothes... there was *great*'. I compared with Second Edition and the G in the word 'great' is NOT capitalised.

On page 123, line 30, the word 'wailing' is capitalised when it shouldn't be. 'mourning among the Jews, and fasting, and weeping, and *wailing*."' I compared with Second Edition and the W in the word 'wailing' is NOT capitalised.

On page 125, second paragraph, I believe I have stumbled upon a serious error that URGENTLY needs to be rectified. Not making a lick of sense, one sentence reads as follows: 'Some scholars have regarded with this view, finding flaws with the books portrayal of Persian life and pointing out there is no historical evidence of a Jewish Queen of Persia.' The Second Edition splits it into two separate sentences, which makes a lot more sense: 'Some scholars have regarded it as historically authentic. Most authorities, however, disagree with this view, finding flaws with the book's portrayal of Persian life and pointing out there is no historical evidence of a Jewish Queen of Persia.' Note also the apostrophe in 'book's portrayal'. With this glaring error, it may actually cause me to remake the audio for the chapter 'The Book of Esther'. :-/
Title: Re: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Grimm on Thu 07 May 2015
Errors Found in 'The Incongruity of the Jewish God'

On page 126, third line from bottom, it says 'philosophy of life breaks down and becomes a ridiculous shamble.' It reads the same in the Second Edition. However, if we look in the dictionary, the definition of 'shamble' is 'move with a slow, shuffling, awkward gait'. This does not make sense in the context of the sentence. More correct would be the word 'shambles', defined as 'a total state of disorder'.

On page 127, line 24, there needs to be a full stop after 'not'. 'No, a kind and loving God he is not*.* When we examine what the bible says'.

On page 127, line 26, it reads: 'he is one of the most fiendish, tortuous and ghastly sadists that could possibly be'. It reads the same in the Second Edition. However, if we look in the dictionary, the definition of 'tortuous' is 'full of twists and turns' and 'excessively lengthy and complex'. It is therefore not appropriate for this sentence, which is clearly telling us that Yahweh is a *torturous* and ghastly sadist.

On page 133, line 18, it should read as follows: 'commits, he's perfect*.* *How* can we ever win with a set of rules like that?'

On page 134, line 28, it should have an inverted comma after the quote from the Jesus people: 'If God didn't, who did?*"*' I compared this with the Second Edition, and the error is there also.
Title: Re: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Chuck on Thu 07 May 2015
Errors Found in 'The New Testament'

On page 139, line 22, a new sentence should begin after 'escaping it'. 'there are almost no means of escaping it*.* *That* is what the "Good Book" says. So'.

Also, it must be added that the sentence beginning 'So...' on the same line as above, line 22, should be the start of a new paragraph. This according to the Second Edition.

On page 141, line 1, a full stop is needed after 'New Testament'. 'dramatically portrayed and spotlighted as they are in the New Testament*.* The'.

On page 142, line 17, the word 'out' needs replacing with 'our': 'ignorant, dumb, submissive and meek, we should all, of course, try *OUR* utmost to'. I compared this with the Second Edition and the error is present there also.

On page 142, line 31, it has a hyphen in 'lay up' that doesn't appear in either the Second Edition or the KJV, where the quote is taken from, HERE (

On page 143, line 13, we again find 'lay up' hyphenated, which, again, does NOT appear in the Second Edition: 'point in trying to get ahead in this world, or trying to save anything, or *lay up* any'.

On page 144, line 4, it reads 'right ex wrong' when it should read 'right or wrong': 'It says in essence that no matter whether you are *right or wrong*, don't put'.

On page 144, line 19, it a comma separating two quotes that are from different verses of Matthew 5. In the Second Edition it has a set of dots indicating an 'ellipsis', which is correct: 'Sermon on the Mount, "if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out*...* if *thy* right hand

Also, a separate error on line 19 of page 144 is the word 'they' instead of 'thy', highlighted above.

On page 148, line 11, it again says 'lay-up' with a hyphen, which does not appear in either the First Edition or Second Edition of NER. It should read: 'treasures in this world, surely it must be wrong to *lay up* treasures for the next'.

On page 148, line 12, it again says 'lay-up' with a hyphen, which does not appear in either the First Edition or Second Edition of NER. It should read: 'world. If it's a good thing to *lay up* treasures in the next world, then it must be'.

On page 148, line 13, it again says 'lay-up' with a hyphen, which does not appear in either the First Edition or Second Edition of NER. It should read: 'equally good to *lay up* treasures in this world. Of course, the big trick is that if you'.

On page 148, 4th line from the bottom, it says 'warned' when it should say 'earned'. 'Before anyone gives his hard *EARNED* money to anyone, he should'. Bizarrely, in the First Edition (FOUND HERE ( it says 'earned' and the (supposedly 'improved') Second Edition has the same error as the PDF. Strange.

On page 149, seventh line from bottom, it again says 'lay-up' with a hyphen, which does not appear in either the First Edition or Second Edition of NER. It should read: 'If it's such a crime to *lay up* treasures, in other words accumulate wealth in'.

On page 149, sixth line from bottom, it again says 'lay-up' with a hyphen, which does not appear in either the First Edition or Second Edition of NER. It should read: 'this world, why is it such a virtue to *lay up* treasures in the next world?'

On page 150, line 21, it again says 'lay-up' with a hyphen, which does not appear in either the First Edition or Second Edition of NER. It should read: 'Squirrels will *lay up* nuts for the winter'.

On page 152, third line from bottom, it says 'well-laid' when it appears as 'well laid' in both the First and Second Edition of NER. It should read: 'a *well laid* plan of propaganda and brain pollution can work if applied'.

On page 153, line 18, it capitalises the letter F in 'fine' when it should not. It should read: 'You are naturally born bad, we are told. All those *fine*'. 

On page 153, line 24, it says 'where' when it should say 'were'. It should read: 'good people of Rome *WERE* not aware that their souls were in jeopardy'.

I wouldn't be surprised if I have missed one or two errors in this chapter alone. :)
Title: Re: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Sinn on Thu 07 May 2015
Errors Found in 'Revelation: A Jewish Nightmare in Technicolor'

On page 155, the last line of the first paragraph, there is the word 'so' between 'do' and 'such' that should not be there. It should read: 'divinely inspired book could do such a thing, I had been told.'

On page 155, line 16, it should have a comma after 'possibly concoct' instead of a full stop. The line should read: 'scenario that they could possibly concoct*,* I am sure that they could not have'.

On page 155, 6th line from bottom, the T in the word 'technicolour' is capitalised when it shouldn't be. It should read: 'To cast it in anything less than *technicolor* would be'.

On page 156, 7th line from bottom, the F in 'first' is capitalised when it shouldn't be. It should read: 'As we proceed to have the seals opened, we find as the *first* seal was'.

On page 157, line 9, the F in 'five' is capitalised when it shouldn't be. It should read: 'and their power was to hurt men Five months."'

On page 157, line 13, it says 'lime' when it should say time. It should read: 'horses in existence at any *time*.'

On page 157, line 19, the F in 'first' is capitalised when it shouldn't be. It should read: 'In the *first* verse we find'.

On page 157, second line from bottom, we have the error 'sume' when it should read 'same'. It should read:'In the *SAME* chapter we have another beast'.

On page 158, first line, the letter 'I' in 'in' is capitalised when it should not be. It should read: 'the purple clothed woman on the seven hills *in* Chapter'.

On page 158, line 3, we have a set of dots indicating an 'ellipsis' within the quote, when the First and Second Edition shows it to be between the quotes. It reads: 'the great whore that sitteth upon many waters:" "...and the woman' when it should read 'the great whore that sitteth upon many waters:"..."And the woman'.

On page 158, line three, the word 'And' needs to be capitalised, as above. '"And the woman'.

On page 158, line 9, it says 'hopped up' when it should read 'hepped up'. It should read: '*hepped* up Hollywood scriptwriter'.

On page 158, line 16, it again has 'lay-up' with a hyphen when it should say simply 'lay up'. Should read: 'in the first four gospels how wicked it is to *lay up*'. The hyphen is not supported by the First or Second Edition of NER. Nor is it supported by the 2008 Edition. Odd that it would be added.

On page 158, line 24, the word 'new' is capitalised when it should not be. It should read: 'Therefore this *new* Jerusalem'.

On page 158, the 6th and 5th lines from bottom, it should have a comma after 'pure gold' and the word 'as' in the following quote should NOT be capitalised. It should read: 'The street of the city was pure gold*, "as* it were transparent glass."

On page 158, last line, it says 'chuck full' when it should say 'chock full'. It should read: 'it was just *CHOCK* full of gold in the streets'.

On page 159, last line, it has the word 'in' between the words 'again' and 'torment' when it should have 'to'. It should read: 'again *TO* torment and mutilate'.

On page 160, line 14, it says 'fins' when it should say 'fire'. Should read: 'power was given unto him to scorch men with *fire*.

On page 160, second line from bottom, it has the word 'inflected' when it should say 'inflicted'. It should read: 'torments that were *inflicted* upon the helpless people of Earth.'

On page 161, line 28, it has 'thousand-year' with a hyphen that doesn't appear in the First or Second edition of NER. Should read: '*thousand year*'.

On page 162, fourth line, a sentence begins with 'It is high time we exposed all this treacherous brain pollution'. According to the First and Second Editions, this should be the beginning of a new paragraph.
Title: Re: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Sinn on Fri 08 May 2015
Errors Found in 'Getting to Heaven Project impossible: Or, Everybody is Going to Hell'

On page 163, line 4, it says 'just simply believe' followed by a hyphen and a low case S in 'so'. However, if we compare it with the scanned copy ( of the First Edition, it reads as follows: 'just...simply...believe...So they tell us.' In the Second Edition, it reads exactly the same as the PDF.

On page 163, line 22, there is a full stop when it should be a comma. It should read: 'everyone that says to me*,* Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven'.

On page 164, line 8, it reads 'and followed, after me,' when it should read 'and *followeth* after me,'

On page 164, line 27, there is a full stop after 'unto you' when it needs a comma. It should read: 'But I say unto you*,* That every idle word'.

On page 164, line 28, the 'day of judgement' is capitalised ('they shall give account thereof in the Day of Judgment') when it really should not be. It is not supported by NER First or Second Edition, nor by KJV ( Should read simply 'day of judgement'.

Page 165, line 3, needs a comma after 'saying'. Should read: 'In Matt. 15:4 Christ says, "For God commanded, saying*,* Honor thy father'.

Page 165, line 4, needs a comma after the second 'and'. Should read: 'and mother: and*,* He that curseth father or mother'.

Page 165, line 6, needs a space between '22, 23'.

Page 165, line 11, needs a single quotation mark after 'lost sheep of the house of Israel.*'*"'

Page 165, 4th line from bottom, a full stop is needed in the following area: 'drowned in the depth of the sea*.*"'

Page 167, line 9, it reads "just believing?" with a question mark in the quotation marks, when it should be outside, as here: "just believing"? First Edition has question mark outside inverted commas; Second Edition has question mark inside inverted commas.

Page 167, ninth line from bottom, there is a letter 'I' that should not be there. Should read: 'enter into the kingdom of God."'

Page 167, 6th line from bottom, it says 'furnace of fire' when it should read 'sea'. Should read: 'and you were cast into the *SEA.*'

Page 167, 6th line from bottom, there is another serious omission that must be rectified. After 'cast into the sea.' it should read: 'Everlasting punishment. Damnation and hell. Cast them into a furnace of fire.' Compare with both First Edition ( Note that the Second Edition that I have reads the same as the PDF, but the sentence 'Better a millstone were hanged around your neck and you were cast into the furnace of fire.' makes no sense whatsoever.

Page 168, line 25, the question mark is inside the quotes, when the First Edition has it on the outside, as follows: "your reward in the hereafter"?

Page 169, 6th line from bottom, the word 'belief' needs a double quotation mark to the right of it, as follows: 'It is a "belief*"* one might be stampeded into'.
Title: Re: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Albert on Fri 08 May 2015
my corrections page 200-300 NER
1. page 202 line 18 should be "directed not so much to what" 205 paragraph 2 should be "when this ring closes"
3. page 206 3rd line from the bottom should say "predestination" Nb missing speech mark.
4. page 207 last line "all these vicious programs" not viscous.
5. page 226 1st/ 2nd paragraph is an unnecessary gap.
6. page 226 last and 2nd to last paragraphs have an unnecessary gap.
7. page 241 missing full stop paragraph 4 "about.The first one is..."
8. page 246 unnecessary gap paragraphs 4/5.
9. page 252 last paragraph should be split half way, new paragraph starting "Nature has decided..."
10. page 253 missing full stop paragraph 4 "improve it. You will either do... 265 2nd paragraph last line should be [note current; Zimbabwe]
12. page 270 end of 3rd paragraph should be "up-breeding and up-grading"

I know this is hard and pedantic work and I am sick to the back teeth of it but our efforts will be rewarded. Ben Klassen s ghost is at my shoulder saying "get this goddam right..whats the point in advertising a car showroom if the cars have no wheels on...!" Lets get this out of the way.. a couple of more days now.... and great thanks to Cailen and his patience and super human efforts.
Title: Re: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Sinn on Mon 11 May 2015
Errors Found in 'Christ's Existence Not Substantiated by Historical Evidence'

Page 171, line 20, the word 'the' should be between 'over' and 'affairs'. It should read: 'still an overriding influence hanging like a shadow over *THE* affairs and thinking'.

Page 171, 10th line from bottom, it says 'hat' when it should say 'that'. Should read: 'Anyone recapturing his senses and looking at that evidence will find *that*...'

Page 172, line 6, says 'he son of Mary' - should say 'the son of Mary'. Should say: 'was also called John Mark, *the* son of Mary,'

Page 172, line 16, 'tarsus' needs a capital T. Should read: 'born in *Tarsus*, of Jewish parents'.

(Interesting to note that Paul is referred to as a 'proselyte Jew' - a convert to Judaism according to Wiki - and then Klassen states he was born of Jewish parents.)

Page 172, lines 20/21, needs 'were' in-between 'them' and 'Jews. Should read: 'all of them *WERE* Jews with the possible exception of Luke'.

Page 173, line 8, it says 'play-writer' which is an error. 'playwright' is correct. Should say: 'no Roman historian, no Roman writer, and no Roman *playwright*, has left the...' Error appears in the First Edition, though without the hyphen.

Page 173, line 21, it has the word 'wrote' between 'others' and 'that' that should not be there. It is not present in either the First or Second Edition. I spotted it because it didn't look right. Should read: 'and scores of others that were contemporary...'

Page 173, line 26, the word 'of' has a capital 'O' before Marcus Aurelius that is incorrect. Should read: 'busts of Cicero, of Caesar, *of* Marcus Aurelius and innumerable other Greek...'

Page 174, 7th line from bottom, it says 'not the inclination' when it should say NOR. Should read: 'the time, the space, *nor* the inclination to go into all these contradictions.'

Page 176, line 6, it needs the word 'is' between 'New Testament' and 'supposedly'. Should read: 'manuscripts on which the New Testament *is* supposedly based is always alluded to...'

Page 176, line 8, it says 'and again' when it really shouldn't. It doesn't appear in either the First or Second Edition. Should read simply: 'over and over again that Paul spoke to his flock in Jewish...'

Page 176, line 17, it says 'startlingly' when it should say 'startling'. It stands out as looking very odd. Appears as 'startling' in both the First Edition and Second. Should say: 'with these *startling* and "new" revelations.'

Page 176, line 18/19, it has the word 'by' between 'written' and 'collectively' which should not be there. Should read simply: 'were written collectively by many authors...'

Page 176, 4th line from bottom, it has the word 'perpetuate' when in both First and Second Editions it says PERPETRATE. Should say: 'decided to *perpetrate* them on the Romans.'

Page 177, 9th line from bottom, the word 'the' is missing between 'of' and 'Sanhedrin'. Should read: 'that the Elders of *the* Sanhedrin recognized this...'

Page 178, line 8, it needs a large hyphen (–) between 'God' and 'this'. Should read: 'hoax of Jesus Christ, the Son of God *–* this idea...'

Page 178, line 11, says 'if' when it should say 'of'. Should read: 'Never again did the White Race shake off the control *of* the Jews.'
Title: Re: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Mon 11 May 2015
You will find that I have capitalised and italicised book titles that Founder Klassen did not. I know it's a change, but Founder Klassen was inconsistent with things like that and all I've done is make his text consistent as it probably would  have been had he released a Third Edition.

Keep up the good work brothers. Our release of NER will be the best yet.

Title: Re: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Albert on Tue 12 May 2015
My corrections pages 300-400. NB I am using the first edition. 317 a full stop is missing paragraph 3 " thus become extinct. If this happens,"
2. page 321 1st line should be " land nor natural resources" 330 10th line down should be "White Race has pursued"
4. page 340 1st paragraph should be "Castille was in a state of Chaos" 357 1st paragraph should say "water -drip, iron corset"
6. page 370 lines 1 and 2 should be "equalled"
7. page 370 gap between paragraphs 4/5 is unnecessary.
8. page 393. I have a problem with such a long footnote regarding the term nazi. It may be true but adding such a large paragraph to a Holy Book; 1,detracts from the original text and the true word of Ben Klassen; 2,  raises a precedent of others adding their own paragraphs in their  versions; 3, casts a shadow on the legitimacy of "our" version. Generally in modern Christian Bibles a footnote is added represented by a number or star referencing the reader to small italics at the bottom of a page or a reference is made to an appendix at the back.  (Nb I'm not sure if this is in the 2nd edition as overseen by Ben Klassen and therefore a legitimate footnote or is something new)
9.page397 1st paragraph should read "any creature practising"
Title: Re: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Wed 13 May 2015
Quote from: Rev.Albert on Tue 12 May 20158. page 393. I have a problem with such a long footnote regarding the term nazi. It may be true but adding such a large paragraph to a Holy Book; 1,detracts from the original text and the true word of Ben Klassen; 2,  raises a precedent of others adding their own paragraphs in their  versions; 3, casts a shadow on the legitimacy of "our" version. Generally in modern Christian Bibles a footnote is added represented by a number or star referencing the reader to small italics at the bottom of a page or a reference is made to an appendix at the back.  (Nb I'm not sure if this is in the 2nd edition as overseen by Ben Klassen and therefore a legitimate footnote or is something new)

It is something new. I have already said that I want NOTES to be submitted by all Creators and that they would be at the back of the book. My inclusion of a few NOTES here and there are just as an example while I was editing. It is the only way of updating the books for new readers without making any actual changes.

Title: Re: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Albert on Thu 14 May 2015
final corrections NER pages 400- 468
1. page 417 4th paragraph should be " unravelling of further events"
2. page 420 unnecessary gap between paragraphs 7 and 8. 427 end of 4th paragraph should be " -that is perfectly alright"
4. page 432 unnecessary gap between paragraphs 3 and 4.
5. page 447. 4th paragraph should be "and the calibre of her men."
6. page 451 last paragraph should say " as the Jews do to Germany,"
7. page 457 paragraph 4 should be "build meeting houses"
8. page 463 3rd paragraph should say " we will find the average White man or woman as being tall, athletic in build and unusually healthy in mind and body. The average man will be handsome and manly looking,
9. page 465 paragraph 2 should be "colored races for it to carry warfare against." 467 paragraph 1 should say "music , art and sculpture"

That's my input anyway so I can't complain. Thanks to everyone who has offered corrections and PM Cailens hard administrative work. Many heads and minds are better than one and future generations will thank us for this small effort in preserving the Holy word and  helping bring that word of salvation to our people. Rahowa!
Title: Re: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Fri 22 May 2015
All noted. All I have to do is some work for White Nations Forum ( I'm moving their website to the same servers we use. And then I can begin work again on NER.

Thanks for the efforts. If anyone finds any more errors, don't hesitate to mention them here. And the same goes for any NOTES that anyone think should be added to the text of the book.

Title: Re: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Chuck on Wed 03 Jun 2015
I have been meticulously going through each chapter, and going by the following errors found in a single chapter, there is a lot of work to be done.

Chapter 17: A Closer look at the Judeo-Christian Hoax

Page 180, lines 3/4, says 'one lay parlayed upon another'; should read 'one lie parlayed upon another'

Page 180, line 5, says 'and endless chain'; should read 'an endless chain'.

Page 180, line 5, says 'average person is confused'; should say 'average person is *so* confused'. Compare with First & Second Edition.

Page 180, line 6, says 'that his is psychologically browbeaten'; should say 'that *he* is psychologically browbeaten'.

Page 180, line 22, says 'more that 100,000 changes'; should say 'more *than* 100,000 changes'.

Page 180, fourth line from bottom, it says 'teen-ager' with hyphen. This seeming error appears in both First and Second Edition.

Page 181, line one, says 'were these people'; should say '*why* were these people'.

Page 181, line 6, it has 'who wrote it: In the beginning'. In the First Edition there is a full stop after 'who wrote it' and a new paragraph begins. In the Second Edition it has a colon, but again a new paragraph begins. Worth considering.

Page 181, line 22, says 'more sense to be taken in'; should say 'more sense *than* to be taken in'.

Page 181, line 25, says 'Lord's whole place'; should say 'Lord's whole *plan*'.

182, line 11, says '2,348 B.C.' with a comma after the 2, which doesn't appear in original.

182, line 19, says '2,348 B.C.' with a comma after the 2, which doesn't appear in original.

182, line 27, says 'far beyond *the* 2,348'; should say 'far beyond 2348', again, minus the comma after 2.

183, line 3, says 'a *s* group of perfidious cutthroats,' with superfluous 's'; should say 'a group of perfidious cutthroats,'.

183, lines 18/19, says 'and the milky way'; First Edition says 'and the constellations'.

183, line 29, says 'he died for own sins'; should say 'he died for *our* sins'.

183, line 30, says 'It is something as if for an instance', with superfluous 'an'; should say 'It is something as if for instance'.

183, 2nd line from bottom, says '2,000' with a comma after the 2, which doesn't appear in original.

184, line 1, says 'to save mankind"' without the double inverted comma before 'to'. Should read '"to save mankind"'.

184, line 9, says 'in conflict with each other,' with a comma instead of full stop. Should say 'in conflict with each other.'

184, line 10, it says 'not the laws of light'; should say '*nor* the laws of light'.

184, line 11, says 'or he laws of magnetism'; First Edition says '*nor the* laws of magnetism'.

184, line 21, says 'never did believe in Christ'; whereas the First Edition reads: 'never did believe this story and they never did believe in Christ.' Words in bold missing from PDF.

184, line 25, says 'why would the Jew's be God's chosen people' with apostrophe in the highlighted word; should read 'why would the Jews be God's chosen people'.

184, last line, says 'overwhelming about Jews'; should say 'overwhelmingly about Jews'.

185, line 1, says 'of God's impregnating'; First Edition says 'of God impregnating'.

185, line 18, says 'on average'; First Edition says 'on *the* average'.

185, line 25, after 'praising the Lord?' the paragraph ends. Whereas in the First Edition it continues all the way to 'Jewish network of lies' (line 32).

185, lines 27/28, says 'with the bible telling us most of us are going to go to hell anyway'; First Edition reads 'with the bible telling us most of us are going to hell anyway'.

(I notice that in the PDF we see 'per cent' spelled both 'per cent' (British English) and 'percent' (US English). In the First Edition, Klassen consistently opts for the British 'per cent'. Whatever is decided upon, it must be consistent throughout.)

185, seventh line from bottom, says 'terrorizing the minds of his victims'; should say 'terrorizing the minds of *its* victims'.

186, line 30, say 'take it all as "the Gospel truth.' without double inverted commas after 'truth'. Should read: 'take it all as "the Gospel truth".

186, line 32, says 'would mean between going to heaven'; should say, according to First Edition, 'would mean the difference between going to heaven'.

186, 4th line from bottom, says 'then the least thing I could do' with superfluous 'thing' that does not appear in First Edition. Should read: 'then the least I could do'.

187, line 8, after 'breaks down miserably.' it immediately goes to a new paragraph, which isn't the case in the First Edition.

187, line 16, says 'We have no evidence whatsoever that' and immediately skips to a new paragraph.

188, line 22, says 'incompatible worlds the world of reality', minus a necessary long hyphen. Should read 'incompatible worlds the world of reality'.

189, line 14, the number 2000 has a comma after the 2 ('2,000'), whereas the First Edition does not. This is a common occurrence throughout the PDF. As with 'per cent/percent', whatever is decided upon, whatever is most correct and appropriate, it must be consistent throughout.
Title: Re: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Grimm on Thu 04 Jun 2015
Errors Chapter 18: The Talmud

191, lines 6/7/8, it reads very differently from the First Edition. The PDF reads 'the Old Testament that they pursue, look to for guidance, but by this time they have a completed a thorough study and indoctrination course of the Talmud. It is their real Bible.' with all the words highlighted different from the First Edition. The First Edition reads as follows: 'it is not the Old Testament that they pursue, but instead they begin a thorough study of the Talmud.' Please compare with First Edition.

191, line 10, says 'he also received interpretations of it'; First Edition reads 'he also received *oral* interpretations of it'.

191, line 23, says 'it is well know'; should say 'it is well known'.

191, line 24, says  'in which "sacred: Jewish' (with colon in 'sacred'); should say 'in which "sacred" Jewish'.

192, line 17, says 'collected into,'; should say, according to First Edition, 'collected into one,'.

192, line 22, after 'the world' it should have a full stop. Should read 'the world.' Then we have more omissions from the First Edition. After 'the world' (which should be followed by a full stop) it says 'with all its wealth, the enslavement of all peoples.' This omits a total of 12 words. The sentence should read as follows: 'It sets forth the historical aim of Jewish control of the world with all its wealth, the enslavement of all peoples.'

192, second to last line, says 'It also deals the different kinds of oaths'; should say 'It also deals with different kinds of oaths'.

193, line 3, says 'much of its tremendously'; should say 'much of it is tremendously'.

193, line 10, say 'important that the'; should say 'important *than* the'.

194, line 20, says 'perpetuated'; where the First Edition says 'perpetrated'.

194, 9th line from bottom, there is a quote from a Rabbi Chanina that appears to needs commas between quotes. These comments, for whatever reason, do not appear in the First Edition either.

195, line one, says 'in to court'; First Edition says 'into court'.

195, line 7, says 'the question further by what kind of war' minus a long hyphen after 'further' (that appears in First Edition). Should read: 'the question further by what kind of war'.

195, line 8, says 'used against Esau by deceit' minus a long hyphen after 'Esau' (that appears in First Edition). Should read: 'used against Esau by deceit'.
Title: Re: Nature's Eternal Religion: New 2015 Edition Edit
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Mon 25 Feb 2019