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Messages - Rev.Cambeul

Democracy is a myth.

In Britain, democracy was invented so that the up-and-coming Middle Class could partake in politics without the need for bloody revolution. Democracy was never meant for the lower classes. America, by contrast, was based on an uprising of the Middle Class, forcing the poor to choose the side of rebellion, or be lynched. Afterwards, the victorious American Revolutionaries soon fell back into the same patters of old. An Elite Ruling Class, and the lower Peasant Class ... with some room in the middle for industrious albeit glorified shopkeepers. The poor - the Peasant or soon to be Working Class were allowed to own nothing and be happy.

By the end of the 19th Century, both the British Empire and America had prospered to such a degree with the early Industrial Age, that the poor began climb the social ranks of society and join the Middle and Upper Classes. Even the lowest of people thought they might actually own something and be happy. If it kept the Lower Classes compliant, the Upper Classes were happy to profit from this new economic situation. Even the poorest were allowed to pretend their vote mattered.

Then came World War One. A desperate British government pleaded with its Jewish bankers for much needed war assistance, and so Britain pledged that should Britain win the war against Germany, they would hand over the nation of Palestine to the Jew. Britain won its war and failed to honour its pledge to the Jew. In return, the Jew pledged to destroy the British Empire.

After WWI came rapid modern industrialisation, the economy grew and everybody benefited. Then came the Great Depression and WW2 .... As the Jew claimed Palestine for its own and the state of Israel was born, once Great Britain began to fall.

Just when the ordinary British (and American, Canadian, Australian, New Zealander and South African) White man began to encroach upon the Middle and Upper Classes with their "New Money" and a White Nationalist fervour minus the profiteering of the Elites, the Jew brought the hammer down and put an end to any chance of true democracy. The poor White Man was labelled a Racist; a White Supremacist; a neo-Nazi. The poor White Man was kicked back into his pit and reminded he should own nothing, but if he accepts his place, he can be happy. Mass non-White immigration became the norm, and White Guilt took care of the rest.

In Britain today, as in all formerly White "Western" nations, the Jew is responsible for the imposition of open immigration and Hate Crime Laws. The Jew also controls Britain's Foreign Relations Policy. The Jewish position is crystal and not up for debate: British (any White) homogeneity is a threat to the Jew, revenge for the Holohoax, and what is good for the Jew is good for all.

Islam is an admitted tool of the Jew for two reasons: 1. Remove Islam as a threat from the Middle East in order to expand a Gross Israel, and 2. Destroy British homogeneity as revenge for the Holohoax.

As for Islam itself, it's goal remains as it has always been for the last 15 hundred years: To conquer the world and drag humanity back to a primitive Arab Dark Age where Islam ruled Spain, Jews were free to live as they pleased while often ruling behind the scenes, and any Whites remaining alive after the conquest were SLAVES.

In the future, if the Muslim and the Jew have their way, IF you are alive, you will not own anything, and you will not be happy ... but they will.


The Islamic Network Really Running Britain
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Quote from: Br.IanVonTurpie on Thu 06 Jul 2023Look at the issue for what it is! It has nothing to do with Nazis and "Holocaust". They just always bandy those words around to try get sympathy from people like they are a "protected species". This is just propaganda. Their stated purpose is to ban Swastikas, Runic Symbols, White and Western Nationalist Symbols of any kind, and the 'Sieg Heil' salute is next on their hit list. It's about thought control through guilt and criminal law.

The Hitler Salute is now banned across Australia as a state and federal offence.

Glenelg, SA, with guess who?

Quote from: Wikipedia Anti-White PropagandaThe Quenelle - "An Inverted Nazi Salute"

The quenelle is a gesture created and popularized by French comedian Dieudonné. He first used it in 2005 in his sketch entitled "1905" about French secularism, and has used it since in a wide variety of contexts.

The name quenelle comes from a dish of elongated fish balls, said to resemble a suppository. Hence, the phrase "glisser une quenelle" ('to slide a quenelle'), with a gesture evoking fisting practice, is similar to the English insults "up yours" and "up your arse/ass".

Following an incident in which the quenelle gesture was used by French soldiers stationed outside a synagogue in the sixteenth arrondissement of Paris, the president of the International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism, Alain Jakubowicz, wrote an open letter to Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, dated September 9, 2013, in which he described the gesture as "an inverted Nazi salute representing the sodomy of the victims of the Holocaust". He also appears in the French TV show Complément d'enquête making the same claims. Dieudonné and his lawyers filed a lawsuit against the League on December 13, 2013 -  his wife registered the quenelle as a trademark with the French National Industrial Property Institute.

Various public figures such as the French basketballers, footballers and National Front founder Jean-Marie Le Pen were pictured making the gesture. A new trend emerged, consisting of performing quenelles beside unwitting public figures identified as members of the establishment or in front of the media's cameras.


Excerpt: A researcher who says he revealed Jack the Ripper's identity has told of his joy at finding a 100 per cent DNA match with his suspect.

Immigrant Criminal Murdered White British Women
An artist's rendition of Aaron Kosminski as Jack the Jewish Ripper

Russell Edwards' bombshell finding has led the descendants of victims to call for an inquest in the hopes of finding closure.

He extracted DNA from a shawl recovered from the scene of one of the slayings, and claimed the murderer was Aaron Kosminski, a Jewish émigré from Poland, who worked as a barber.

"It's very difficult to put into words the elation I felt when I saw the 100 per cent DNA match," Mr Edwards said.

Karen Miller, 53, whose ancestor Catherine Eddowes was brutally murdered, says it is time for an inquest to name the killer.

"It would mean a lot to me, to my family, to a lot of people to finally have this crime solved."

A campaign has been backed by the descendants of both Ms Eddowes and Kosminski, who say it is time to unmask the true killer and get justice for the women involved.

The ripper also took the lives of Mary Ann Nichols, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Stride and Mary Jane Kelly in the most heinous fashion, earning him his sinister moniker.

UFC featherweight fighter Bryce Mitchell

Excerpt: During the first episode of his "ArkanSanity Podcast" earlier in the day, Bryce Mitchell praised Adolf Hitler, saying he "was a good guy based on (his) own research."

"(Hitler) fought for his country, he wanted to purify (Germany) by kicking the greedy Jews out that were destroying his country and turning 'em all into gays," Mitchell continued.

"They were gay-ing up the kids, they were queer-ing up the women, they were queer-ing up the dudes."

Mitchell also floated some Holocaust denial reality opinions, saying "there's no possible way they could've burned and cremated six million bodies, you're going to realise the Holocaust ain't real."

UFC boss Dana White said "We've obviously reached out to Bryce when we read what he said and let him know how we feel about it," White said. "We're beyond disgusted."

But White said Mitchell, a featherweight fighter who is 17-2 in his UFC career, wouldn't face any punishment for his comments.

"It's free speech," White said. "I don't have to love it, you don't have to love it ... that's the beautiful thing about this business. For all of you that hate Bryce Mitchell, you get to see him hopefully get his a** whooped on global television."

More: Israeli MMA fighter calls out rival UFC star Bryce Mitchell over Adolf Hitler remarks "Say that to my face!"
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