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Topics - Sven

A school in central France has taken a step backwards in the darkest past of the country this week, forced Jewish and Muslim students and vegetarians to wear red and yellow emblems.

The Piedalloues primary school in Auxerre, Burgundy, forced eighteen students to wear the emblems that the employee cafeteria expenses pork to the marked to ensure.

The practice has been withdrawn during the week, after parents and local officials had outraged by the practice. They argued that the procedure to recall the practice of Nazis, who demanded that Jews wear yellow stars, reported the British Telegraph.

The mayor of the town immediately ordered the setting of this practice, after he had heard of it, said Christian Sautier, director of communications in the mayor's office on request.

"When we heard about it, we have fallen from our chairs," he added.

France has a long history of forcing Jews to wear clear signs on their clothing.

Together with the "yellow star" during the German occupation, the "Jew hats" were a visible indicator of the exclusion of Jews from society during the 11th and 12th centuries in France.

However, vegetarians do not stand on one same level with Jews and Muslims. But the idea is good, already known, but good   :rahowa
If it goes wrong again or how to spend 500 million  ;)

Damascus. The US faces the shards of their own policies again in the Middle East. Not only because of Washington over the years highly bred and supported terrorist militia IS gets out of hand and now willy-nilly with American use again has to be cut back.

Other multi-million dollar subversion and "training" programs the Pentagon plunge now miserably collapse. About $ 500 million invested in the Pentagon training and equipping a supposedly "moderate" ground force that should be used once against President Assad, recently but also against the IS.

Recently now CentCom Commander General Austin had to admit sheepishly in front of a Senate committee that only "4 to 5" were active from the 54 fully trained and equipped with weapons fighters in Syria. On Friday was reworked: it had nine fighters who are still active in Syria. A few are also still in Turkey, the rest have joined other groups or is submerged. The weapons were but assured, stressed the CentCom spokesman.

Gradually but seep through ever more embarrassing details. In June it was announced that 2,500 candidates who had completed a first phase of training, wanted to continue only 1,500. A mere 200 should then be entered into the training camp in Turkey and in Jordan. Of those 54 were then left, recently acknowledged the CentCom commander.

Now reports the British "Telegraph" that the US program was obviously much worse in the pants than was previously known. On Friday, the CentCom spokesman assured yet, that the weapons of the disappeared in Syria fighters were safely stored at an unspecified "moderate opposition group". But this message was obviously premature. For in the meantime it became known that the trained by the Pentagon in Turkey fighters who operated under the name "Division 30", have handed over their weapons and equipment immediately after crossing the border into Syria, the al-Qaida group al-Nusra.

To make matters worse in the meantime also joined NSF Chiefs of Staff Mohammad al-Dhaher back from his post. He complained about the insufficient number of recruits and fighters, insufficient supply and inaccurate checks when selecting a fighter. For him, the training program was not "serious" meant.
Another example how Christianity and Judaism go hand in hand in order to destroy the White Race

Bochum. The Essener bishop Franz-Josef Overbeck is of the view, the Germans would have to adapt themselves to asylum-seeker. "As well as the refugees must change their way of life, we will also have to do it", said Overbeck recently within the scope of a sermon in Bochum. And: "Our prosperity and the manner, in peace to live, will change."

Moreover, the citizens would have to refrain "from the usual prosperity" and become more modest all together. Germany must become a "society of sharing", said Overbeck which is also a military bishop of the armed forces. The "usual borders of our cooperation would be sprinkled by the refugee's streams".

Nevertheless, there is no reason for fear and insecurity, because: "Everybody who come is our sisters and brothers because they are welcome from God. They present to us, how we them." That's why asylum-seekers might also not bump "into borders, fences, tractors and camps". Germany and Europe would have to show, "that we want to stand not for bulkheading and self-assertion, but create rooms of the friendship for people in search of security, reliability, rule of law and prosperity and become".

At the beginning of September the chairperson of the German bishops' conference, cardinal Reinhard Marx, had already demanded, Germany may become no "island of the prosperity"

Burn these damn Catholic churches down  >:D >:D >:D
Because they presumably know a similar, eatable mushroom from her native country, refugees have eaten the toxic amanita mushroom. Medical centres hit alarm.

Hannover - Several refugees from Syria have poisoned themselves in Lower Saxony on amanitas mushrooms. In her homeland there seems to be an eatable mushroom which looks similar to him for mistaking, suppose the doctors of the Medical college of Hannover (MHH). On the night of Wednesday found out the MHH from 17 new cases. All together these were during the past days 30 patients with a mushroom poisoning as the MHH informed. Most from them are refugees from Syria. Now the clinic has sketched a poster and has translated into different languages to warn asylum-seekers about the dangers of a mushroom poisoning. The poster should be distributed to refugee's lodgings and been on the notice board there.

The amanita mushroom is responsible one of the most toxic mushrooms in Germany and for 90 percent of all deadly mushroom poisoning. The poison works only several hours after the consumption. First discomfort enters like feeling of sickness, vomiting and failure on, after to two days it can come to the damage of the liver which can be accompanied by coagulation malfunctions and nephritic malfunctions. In the worst case the liver puts her function, so that only a liver transplant can save the life of of the patient.  ;D ;D ;D

Notices: you should not eat everything what you find in the road edge

Freiberg. Move instead of pretrial detention; with these measures the authorities react in Saxon Freiberg to the criminal offences of two asylum-seekers.

First a 27-year-old man from Libya had been caught the last week in a local supermarket at the theft. On Friday he entered with an accomplice once more the supermarket. Armed with a machete and pepper spray he threatened an employee with her decapitation and attacked an other employee. The police could stop these so-called "refugees" only with a warning shot.

Because the Libyan is suspicious according to public prosecutor's office only "of the theft, the menace and, perhaps, the opposition against enforcement official", one arranged no pretrial detention. The actions cannot be arranged supposedly as a robbery or robber's broads theft, "there the culprits neither under threat of violence a theft have committed nor have used force", according to a speaker of the public prosecutor's office in misunderstanding of the fact that the menace with a machete can be absolutely evaluated as "a threat of violence". Now instead of pretrial detention the "refugee" is moved in another asylum-seeker's lodging.

In Freiberg this action released terror and fear. Mayor Sven Kürger (SPD) was startled that the criminal asylum-seeker did not come to pretrial detention: "I lack the words, and above all I have no understanding for our justice which kept the culprit who has already threatened yesterday employees and police not in custody, but again dismissed from the pretrial detention. Thus we will not protect our citizens and female citizens, and the work of the police blows up. "
While the management of the affected supermarket did not want to express itself, reported the branch manager of a neighbouring discount shop about similar problems with asylum-seekers. "We are spat and insulted." Also thefts would increase increasingly. Now a private security should take remedial action.
The attacker who attacked a policewoman with a knife on Thursday in Berlin and was shot was an islamist according to the public prosecutor's office. The 41-year-old Iraqi lived in Berlin.
A police-known islamist has attacked a policewoman with a knife in Berlin and then has been shot. The 41-year-old Iraqi was condemned because of membership in a terror group, informed the public prosecutor's office on Thursday. Therefore, the man living in the capital stood under leadership supervision and had to carry an electronic foot chain which he had gone away, however, in the morning.
He has been condemned already in 2008 by the higher regional court of Stuttgart, said upper public prosecutor Dirk Feuerberg. According to the information of the newspaper "Die Welt" it concerns Rafik Y. , the chief planner of a thwarted poster on the Iraqi Prime Minister Ijad Allawi at that time in Berlin in 2004.

Flat is searched

Freudenberg said, it is too early to say whether the action motivates terrorist and has been it a prepared poster. The flat of the man is searched and checked for tips to terror plans.
At 9. 48 o'clock an emergency call from the part of town of Spandau had come at the police. Passers-by had observed how a man with a knife threatened people. Four patrol cars reached the scene shortly after as the speaker said. When the first both policemen got out and approached the man, this has attacked them with the knife. As a result several shots have been delivered.

"Dramatic incident"

According to media information the culprit of the 44-year-old policewoman stung below the bulletproof vest in the belly. The 30-year-old colleague of the injured woman shot several times at the attacker. Besides, there was also a penetration wound after which the ball still met the policewoman.
The attacker died in spite of reresuscitation attempts in a rescue car. The seriously injured policewoman became flown by a rescue helicopter in a hospital.
Senator of internal affairs Frank Henkel of Berlin (CDU) spoke of a "dramatic incident" and added in the afternoon: "At the moment my thoughts turn exclusively on the fact that a policewoman has become seriously injured in use application. I hope that she becomes healthy again, and wishes her for it all strength. "
Several "regrettable isolated cases" as do-gooders the criminal antics of foreign countries euphemistically called, have been known in the last few days in Bavaria. In Bamberg and Bayreuth (Oberfranken), and in Erding and Mühldorf am Inn (Upper Bavaria), did Negroes in the streets hunting for German women.

Mühldorf am Inn: rape by refugees from Senegal

Early Friday morning, against 04.00 clock a young woman was raped on the Mühldorfer Innlände. The act took place at the Innstraße in vocational school. According to the victim it was there an unknown, dark-skinned man followed, who then pulled into the bushes and raped. After the heinous act of sex offenders robbing the mobile phone of the young woman and fled in an unknown direction. The police then determined against a about 22-year-old and 1.70 large Negro, with short black hair, the broken speaks English. On Friday afternoon, the investigation led to success. In a Mühldorfer asylum-shared accommodation a 24 year old Senegalese asylum seeker was arrested as a suspect strongly. Whether the asylum seeker rapist now feeling the full force of the BRD-judicial, or even deported to his West African homeland, it is unclear, however, can be strongly doubted against foreign sex offender due to Federal Republican Cuddly Justice.

Erding: asylee from Somalia coat of mother and daughter

Before the district Erding makes the current crime wave, which is often the "poor refugees" follows no support. As several media reported, in late August, a 37-year-old mother and her 17-year-old daughter assaulted on his way home from the Autumn Festival in Erding from an asylum-seeker from Somalia. Only through resolute opposition, the two women were able to prevent a rape. The attacker was doing a piece of his tongue bitten off when he wanted them stuck in the cervix. A little later he could be arrested by the police at the hospital alerted. With a deportation he is so suspect observers, nevertheless do not necessarily expect. Therefore, the citizens in Erding must be entitled to ask the question, how safe their city is still.

Bamberg: attempted rape by "dark-skinned"

On Saturday evening, the August 29, 2015 around 23 clock an even more obscure between the strong-field road and Moosstraße in Bamberg tried to rape a 47-year-old woman. About 100 meters in front of a garden center, the victim was approached by the sex offender, who expressed his perverse intentions here. Shortly thereafter, her said the offender a head butt, and she fell to the ground. The "dark-skinned" put a Bamberka finally to undress, which, however, due to the fierce resistance of the failed 47-year-old. Thereby the pervert from the woman let go and robbed while her silver handbag. The foreign origin of the victim, finally reveals the perpetrators Description: estimated 15 to 20 years old, about 1.60 to 1.65 meters tall, slim, dark skinned, slightly longer, significantly curly, black hair, an orange-brown T-shirt, saying, broken German. Whether living in an urban dwelling asylum even in this case the offender, the investigations have not found until now.

Bayreuth: attempted rape by two "intoxicated Dark-skinned"

A 20-year-old student was August 31, 2015 against 13.30 clock on the bike path behind the University of Bayreuth, not far from the Emil Warburg path, go. Behind the auditorium she met two unknown "dark-skinned", which threatened them with a knife and forced into the bushes. There, the criminal foreigners began to undress the student violently, but were startled by voices of approaching passers-by, making them desisted from the victim and fled. Again, reveals the description of the perpetrator with exotic origin of sex offenders: 40 to 50 years old, 1.75 untill 1,80 meters tall, strikingly thin, dark skin, black, short hair, noticeably intoxicated, both spoke no German. In this case, no offender could be nailed down, which certainly should be found in the surrounding asylum centers.

Only through the resistance of the victims, as well as by other passersby, could be prevented worse in three cases. Regrettably came for the young woman in Mühldorf am Inn too late to help, and she was at the mercy of sex offenders helpless. How many times in those messages, the origin of the perpetrators is concealed and what is the underreporting of such sexual assaults by "dark-skinned" in women is unknown. However, the observers noted the increase in wake of such acts, which goes hand in hand with the domination by foreign influences our homeland. By BRD Cuddly Justice against sex offenders and criminal aliens this trend will continue to grow strongly.
Mal was zum lachen/something to laugh:

Schwedische Pflaster sind zu hell – so Paula Dahlberg aus der schwedischen Linkspartei. Dies sei ein klares Zeichen von "Alltagsrassismus" – Dahlberg, die aus Kolumbien stammt, müsse regelmäßig auf die teuren durchsichtigen Pflaster zurückgreifen, wenn sie diskrete Wundversorgung wünsche.

Pflaster für die neue schwedische Bevölkerung

Eva Fernvall, Kommunikationsdirektor der schwedischen Apotheke, hat die Kritik Dahlbergs bereits bestürzt aufgenommen: Es sei "ein wenig peinlich", dass sie nicht daran gedacht hatten, Pflaster für die "neue schwedische Bevölkerung" zu besorgen, zitiert die Friatider Radio Schweden. Nun versuchen die Apotheken, einen Anbieter für dunkle Pflaster zu finden.
Dahlberg weist angesichts der Pflastersituation auf die "Weißheitsnorm" hin - ein Begriff, der in linken Kreisen wie auch in ihrem Blog gerne benutzt wird, um die Tatsache zu beklagen, dass die Mehrheit der schwedischen Bevölkerung bis jetzt ethnische Schweden sind.

Swedish patches are too bright - so Paula Dahlberg from the Swedish left party. This is a clear sign of "Everyday racism" - Dahlberg, who comes from Colombia, must rely on the expensive transparent patches regularly if she want discrete wound care.

Patch for the new Swedish people

Eva Fernvall, Communications Director of the Swedish pharmacy, has recorded the Dahlberg review already dismayed: it was "a bit embarrassed" that they had thought about it to get the patch for the "new Swedish population", the cited Friatider Radio Sweden. Now pharmacies trying to find a provider for dark patches.
Dahlberg has the pavement situation on the "Weißheitsnorm" a term that like is used in left circles as well as in her blog, to deplore the fact that, until now, ethnic Sweden are the majority of the Swedish population.

   :-\ ??? ::)
Ironically, the "Park of the victims of fascism" in Chemnitz has a seven-year old brutally sexually abused on Monday evening by an African.

As far as they ever to convenient to mention the crime that so do not want to match the joyous welcome atmosphere to give the media every effort to downplay the origin of the perpetrator. Long and broad is described how he was dressed.

A gray t-shirt he wore to a long blue trousers and brown Nike sneakers. He called a white cell phone also his own - probably a refugee poverty.

Only at the end will be granted coyly that he should have been North Africans, according to witnesses by their type. Although the investigation is not as intense as it would be if someone had peed in winter a swastika into the snow. But after all, is ever searching for the offender. So far without success, what might be glad some one.

Kooperation zwischen Schleppern und Terroristen

ISIS-Kämpfer werden auf Flüchtlingsbooten nach Europa geschmuggelt.
Dies ist die Aussage eines Berichtes, den die BBC am 17. Mai veröffentlichte. Der Sender beruft sich mit seiner Aussage auf einen Berater der libyschen Regierung.
Abdul Basit Haroun sagte, Schleuser würden mit ISIS kooperieren und heimlich Milizen auf den Flüchtlingsbooten unterbringen. Er stützt seine Aussagen auf Unterhaltungen, die er mit Schleusern in von ISIS kontrollierten Gebieten geführt hat. Er sagte zu BBC, die Terrormiliz lasse die Schleuser operieren, solange diese die Hälfte ihres Einkommens an den Islamischen Staat abtreten.
ISIS ist in Nordafrika aktiv und kontrolliert im vom Bürgerkrieg gebeutelten Libyen einige Gebiete. Die Lage ist dort äußert undurchsichtig und chaotisch, weil viele Milizen und Gruppierungen seit Gaddafis Sturz im Jahr 2011 um die Vormacht streiten. Das Chaos begünstigt die Aktivitäten von Schleuser-Netzwerken. Auch Vertreter Italiens und Ägyptens haben bereits davor gewarnt, ISIS-Kämpfer könnten per Schlepperboot nach Europa gelangen.

Kooperation von ISIS und Schleppern

,,Da die europäische Polizei nicht unterscheiden kann, wer zu ISIS gehört oder ein normaler Flüchtling ist", verwende ISIS die Schlepperboote ,,um ihre Leute nach Europa zu schicken" , so Haroun. Die Kämpfer säßen in den Booten oft getrennt von den anderen Migranten.
,,Die Bootsbesitzer haben eine Liste von Personen, die sie mitnehmen, aber einige Leute tauchen plötzlich auf und ihnen wird gesagt: Nehmt sie mit." ,,Sie sitzen getrennt im Boot und haben überhaupt keine Angst."
,,Sie gehören zu ISIS – 100 Prozent. Ich denke, dass sie etwas für die Zukunft planen, nicht unbedingt für heute oder morgen", so Haroun.
Die britische Zeitung Daily Mail griff den BCC-Bericht auf und zitierte einen weiteren Zeugen: Einen Doppelagenten, der Al-Qaida-Geheimnisse an den britischen Geheimdienst MI5 verriet. Aimen Dean, der nun ein Sicherheitsberater ist, sagte, ISIS betreibe selbst einen kleinen, aber gut organisierten Menschenhandel. Er kenne zwei ägyptische Brüder, welche Italien durch die libysche Hafenstadt Sirte erreicht haben. Sie erhielten zunächst eine Woche ,,Religionsunterricht", der sie ,,vor den Verführungen des Westens schützen" sollte. Auf ihrer Reise wurden sie dann von Männern begleitet, die ,,tief religiös waren und fließend Italienisch und Französisch sprachen" .

Warum kamen diese Berichte in britischen, aber nicht in deutschen Medien?

Aktuell diskutieren mehrere EU-Staaten eine Militäroperation, vorgeblich zum ,,Zerstören von Schlepperbooten" an der libyschen Küste. Italien als Anführer, Großbritannien, Frankreich und Spanien wollen dabei mitmachen. Wie der Spiegel berichtete, versucht Deutschland aktuell, die Libyen-Pläne der EU zu entschleunigen, weil es ,,eine gefährliche neue Bundeswehr-Mission" befürchtet. Großbritannien hat also ein Interesse, die Gefährlichkeit der Schleuser-Netzwerke im Zusammenhang mit ISIS darzustellen.
Doch was wollen die EU und die NATO wirklich in Libyen? Ein Geheimpapier, welches der britische Guardian in die Finger bekam, legt nahe, dass hier ein richtiger Krieg geführt werden soll. ,,Es geht nicht um Flüchtlinge, sondern um Öl", analysierten dazu die Deutschen Wirtschaftsnachrichten. Die von der EU geplanten Maßnahmen hören sich nach einer klassischen Militärinvasion an, das vorgebliche Ziel, Schleuser-Netzwerke zu bekämpfen und Boote noch an der Küste zu zerstören, sei lediglich die Verkleidung für geopolitische Absichten. Damit in der EU-Bevölkerung mehr Akzeptanz für den neuen Krieg vorhanden sei, gebe man ihm eine humanitäre Ummantelung.
Die EU-Außenbeauftragte Federica Mogherini hatte dieser Tage bereits in New York für ein ,,robustes UN-Mandat" für Libyen geworben, damit man ,,notfalls auch militärisch" gegen Schlepper und Schleuser und deren Boote an Land und auf dem Mittelmeer vorgehen könne.

Cooperation between tugs and terrorists

ISIS fighters are smuggled into Europe on refugee boats.
This is the message of a report, the BBC published on May 17. With his statement, the station refers to an adviser to the Libyan Government.
Abdul Basit Haroun said, smugglers would cooperate with ISIS and secretly accommodate militias on the refugee boats. He based his statements on conversations that he has performed with smugglers in areas controlled by ISIS. He said to BBC, the terrorist militia let the smugglers to operate, as long as they relinquish half of their income to the Islamic State.
ISIS is active in North Africa and controlled some areas in the Libya of the civil war-ridden. The situation there is very opaque and chaotic because many militias and groups, arguing since Gaddafi's overthrow in 2011 for supremacy. The chaos favours the activities of criminal networks. Also representatives from Italy and Egypt have already warned ISIS fighters could reach Europe by tug boat.

Cooperation of ISIS and tugs

"Because the European police cannot distinguish who belongs to ISIS or a normal refugee is", use "their people to Europe to send the tug boats, ISIS' so Haroun. The fighters were seated in the boats often separated from other migrants.
[/i]"The boat owners have a list of people who take it, but some people appear suddenly and is said to them: they take." "They are separated in the boat and have to worry at all."
"They belong to ISIS - 100 percent. I think that they do not necessarily plan something for the future, for today or tomorrow", as Haroun.
The British newspaper daily mail attacked the BCC report and quoted a further witness: A double agent who betrayed Al-Qaida secrets to the British secret service MI5. Aimen Dean, who is now a security consultant, said ISIS run even a small, but well organized human trafficking. He knows of two Egyptian brothers, which have reached Italy by the Libyan port city of Sirte. They were initially a week of "Religious education" that "should protect them from the temptations of the West" . On their journey, they were then accompanied by men, who "were deeply religious and spoke fluent French and Italian".

Why were these reports in UK, but not in German media?

Currently, several EU States discuss a military operation, ostensibly to "Destroy by tug boats" on the Libyan coast. Italy want to participate in as a leader, United Kingdom, France and Spain. As der Spiegel reported that Germany is currently trying, the EU's Libya plans to slow because it feared "a dangerous new Bundeswehr mission". Britain has an interest to represent the danger of trafficking networks in connection with ISIS.
But what do the EU and NATO really in Libya? A secret document, which was the British guardian in the finger, suggests that a real war to be waged here. "It's not refugees, but oil," analyzed the German economic news to. The measures envisaged by the EU after a classic military invasion, listen to the ostensible goal of smuggling networks to combat and destroy boats still on the coast, is only the fairing for geopolitical purposes. So more acceptance for the new war is present in the population, to give him a humanitarian cover.
The EU foreign policy Chief Federica Mogherini had recruited these days already in New York for a "robust UN mandate" for Libya, so that one could proceed "if necessary militarily" against tug and smugglers and their boats ashore and on the Mediterranean Sea.
ISIS ist in ganz Europa verteilt

Wer sich die untere Karte ansieht der wird erkennen, dass ISIS überall dort sitzt, wo der Islam sich ausgebreitet hat.
Das liegt daran, dass der Islam erst ISIS Kämpfer macht.
ISIS Kämpfer sind nichts anderes als Nachahmer von Mohammed, der exakt so wie ISIS gehandelt hat.
Das wird ihnen so jedoch kein Moslem sagen, weil er weiß, dass damit seine Eroberung der Ungläubigenländer gefährdet wäre.
Die wenigsten Ungläubigen, in dessen Länder der Islam einfällt, wissen, dass Mohammed in nur 8 Jahren über 80 Raub- und Eroberungsfeldzüge gegen Ungläubige abgehalten hat. Die Männer der Ungläubigen abgeschlachtet und die Frauen zur Kriegsbeute gemacht hat.
So eine Wahrheit über den Propheten wird gerne von Moslems verschwiegen.
Wer den Islam ins Land lässt, der lässt ISIS Kämpfer ins Land, junge Männer die von klein auf nur auf den Dschihad getrimmt wurden und für die das Abschlachten von Ungläubigen deshalb keine Sünde darstellt sondern ihre Bestimmung ist, weil ihnen dabei versprochen wird ins Paradies zu kommen.
Der Islam hetzt seine Gläubigen auf Ungläubige und verbreitet so Hass gegen alle Ungläubigen.
Moslems haben klar den Auftrag von Allah bekommen den kompletten Erdball zu islamisieren. Wäre dem nicht so, wären nicht schon 57 Länder islamisiert, sondern Moslems hätten im Laufe von 1400 Jahren ihre Verherrlichung für einen Menschenschlächter, Frauenversklaver und Kinderentjungferer abgelegt und sich für die Freiheit, Demokratie und die Menschenrechte in den jeweiligen Ländern entschieden, die sie heimgesucht haben. Haben sie aber nicht. 57 mal nicht.

ISIS is distributed throughout Europe

Who looks at the lower card will recognize that ISIS sitting anywhere, where Islam has spread.
The reason that Islam only makes ISIS fighters.
Fighters are nothing more than generic of Mohammed, who has acted exactly as ISIS.
But no Muslim will tell them because he knows that so his conquest of infidel countries would be at risk.
The least infidels, in whose countries think of Islam, know that Mohammed has held over 80 predators and campaigns of conquest against infidels in just 8 years. Has slaughtered the men of the infidels and the women made to the spoils of war.
So a truth about the Prophet is gladly concealed by Muslims.
Who is Islam in the country, which lets ISIS fighters in the country, young men of small on just on the Jihad trimmed were and for which therefore represents no sin the killing of infidels but their determination is, because it promised them in the paradise to come.
Islam rushes his believers to unbelievers and spread such hatred of all unbelievers.
Muslims have clearly the order of Allah to islamize the entire globe. Were the not so, not already 57 countries would be Islam, but Muslims had filed their glorifying for a human butcher, rapist, and child molester in 1400 years and decided for the freedom, democracy and human rights in their respective countries which have haunted them. But they haven't. 57 times not.

In a closed meeting of Israeli journalists and diplomats, the spokeswoman for the Israeli Embassy in Germany, Adi Farjon declared, after details of the Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz, that it was in Israel's best interests, to maintain the German Holocaust guilt, and that therefore Israel wants a complete normalisation of relations with Germany.
As Haaretz further reported, had some of the invited journalists expressed after the "closed session" their displeasure over the statements made by Farjon and had gone with their statement to the public.
An anonymous permanent journalist explained the statements by Farjon to Haaretz:
''The spokeswoman said in stark terms that Israel has an interest in, uphold the German guilt. She said even without them, we would be at least as regards her only a country like any other."
An another journalist, who also took part in the meeting, confirmed the statements of the spokeswoman of the Embassy to the Israeli daily newspaper. He makes even an allusion that the Israeli Ambassador in Germany, Yakov Hadas-Handelsman, was at least temporarily present within the framework of this meeting.
On request by Haaretz, spokeswoman denied such statements to have made, but at the same time tried to defend with the words, "it was an 'off-the-record conversation', whose content actually nothing to the outside should permeate".
Also, the Israeli Foreign Ministry promptly denied the "validity" of such statement, did so but in a form that suggests the conclusion that the spokeswoman for the Israeli Embassy in Berlin actually so did the statement, as hawked:
"During this briefing, there was an open and critical discussion. It is unfortunate that some have chosen to break the rules of journalistic ethics."

In einem geschlossenen Treffen von israelischen Journalisten und Diplomaten, hat die Sprecherin der israelischen Botschaft in Deutschland, Adi Farjon, nach Informationen der israelischen Tageszeitung Haaretz erklärt, dass es im Interesse Israels liege, die deutschen Holocaust-Schuldgefühle aufrecht zu erhalten, und dass deswegen Israel keine völlige Normalisierung der Beziehungen mit Deutschland anstrebt.
Wie Haaretz weiter berichtet, hätten nach der ,,geschlossenen Sitzung" einige der geladenen Journalisten ihren Unmut über die Äußerungen von Farjon zum Ausdruck gebracht und seien mit deren Aussage an die Öffentlichkeit gegangen.
Eine anonym bleibende Journalistin erläuterte gegenüber Haaretz die Aussagen von Farjon:
,,Die Sprecherin sagte in deutlichen Worten, dass Israel ein Interesse daran hat, die deutschen Schuldgefühle aufrechtzuhalten. Sie sagte sogar, ohne sie wären wir nur ein Land wie jedes andere, zumindest was sie betrifft."
Ein weiterer Journalist, der ebenfalls an der Sitzung teilgenommen hatte, bestätigte gegenüber der israelischen Tageszeitung die Aussagen der Sprecherin der Botschaft. Er machte sogar eine Anspielung, dass im Rahmen dieses Treffens auch der israelische Botschafter in Deutschland, Yakov Hadas-Handelsman, zumindest zeitweilig anwesend war.
Auf Anfrage von Haaretz, verneinte die Sprecherin solche Aussagen getätigt zu haben, versuchte sich aber gleichzeitig mit den Worten zu verteidigen, ,,das war eine 'off-the-record-Konversation', von deren Inhalt eigentlich nichts nach außen dringen sollte".
Auch das israelische Außenministerium verneinte umgehend, die ,,Validität" einer solchen Aussage, tat dies aber in einer Form, die den Schluss nahe legt, dass die Sprecherin der israelischen Botschaft in Berlin tatsächlich die Aussage so tätigte, wie kolportiert:
,,Bei diesem Briefing gab es eine offene und kritische Diskussion. Es ist bedauerlich, dass einige sich entschieden haben, die Regeln der journalistischen Ethik zu brechen."

Völkerrechtssubjekt "Deutsches Reich"

Antwort Auswärtiges Amt: 30.06.2015

Berlin: (hib/AHE) Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat in ständiger Rechtsprechung festgestellt, dass das Völkerrechtssubjekt "Deutsches Reich" nicht untergegangen und die Bundesrepublik Deutschland nicht sein Rechtsnachfolger, sondern mit ihm als Völkerrechtssubjekt identisch ist. Darauf verweist die Bundesregierung in ihrer Antwort (18/5178) auf eine Kleine Anfrage der Fraktion Die Linke zum Potsdamer Abkommen von 1945 (18/5033). Die Abgeordneten hatten sich unter anderem nach der "These von der Fortexistenz des Deutschen Reiches" erkundigt und gefragt, ob die Bundesregierung diese als öffentlich als unhaltbar zurückweisen werde, "damit diese Behauptung nicht von Neonazis und der so genannten Reichsbürgerbewegung für ihren Gebietsrevisionismus gegenüber den EU-Nachbarländern instrumentalisiert werden kann".

Pressemitteilung des BRD Bundestages

Subject of international law "German Empire"

External / reply - 30.06.2015

Berlin: (hib/AHE) The Federal Constitutional Court has determined in settled case-law, that the "German Empire" subjects of international law not gone down and the Federal Republic of Germany not be successors, but is identical with him as a subject of international law. The Federal Government refers "Dhe Linke" to the Potsdam Agreement of 1945 (18/5033) in reply (18/5178) to a small request of the group. The MEPs had inquires among other things according to the "theory of the existence of the Fort of the German Empire" and asked whether the Federal Government will reject it as publicly as untenable "so that this allegation not by neo-Nazis and the so-called Empire citizens movement can be exploited for their area revisionism towards the EU neighbouring countries".

Press release of the FRG Bundestag

:-\ I will change my ID Card tomorrow!   ;) ;D
German prisons for criminals are foreigners as well as luxury hotels

The one or the other German mag might be wondering why so many foreigners are delinquent in Germany, apart from the time of their whole value system, that violence not considered a sin, but as her large right, since many of them attach a religion that has a violent criminals as a prophet.
The reason why so many foreigners in Germany to become delinquent, especially Muslims, is quite simple.
German prisons are no deterrent for this clientele.
German prisons are for many foreigners, especially when they come from Muslim countries, something like luxury hotels.
There are round to supplies, can indulge their favorite violent energy and feel there like at home.
There, they get to know their peers and feel completely comfortable in this environment.

Berlin: 90 percent of the inmates are Muslims

Since they already never really intend in Germany through honest work to earn money, but only by criminal activities more throw off that, you can get the best connections there.
Who criminal wants to educate themselves, must even in jail.
Only there, he gets the necessary contacts to get you out there really started.
Prison for criminal energies are not punishment, but a strengthening of their energies. First, it can let them reorganize in prison, educate and others like what many Muslims also necessary to Islam, namely peaceful German citizens who are just afraid of the violence of Muslims in jail and get their rest before them through the conversion.
So, Muslims in the prison for their God, services can accomplish.
As Muslims to acts of violence against infidels no misconduct see but believe this still in paradise to come, even the successful murder of an unbeliever or the killing attempt is the guarantor for him, he receives a special place in paradise.
As a reward for he can only dream his countrymen in their home countries in a German prison, bringing him all the amenities of which.
They have it even outdoors as well as in German prisons.
Therefore German prisons represent no deterrent for people from poor countries, but they are an invitation for her straight.
For a Muslim, it is an honor in a sitting German prisons, if his offence in honor of Allah was.
Due to this facts Germany doesn't really have a deterrent effect foreigners in his justice or punishment for criminals.
Criminal foreigners laugh, with regard to our law enforcement, our laws and our prisons, if they then look should succeed in crime after the 30th to enter there, just in the way to the Bank.

The Original found at:

Deutsche Gefängnisse sind für kriminelle Ausländer wie Luxushotels

Der ein oder andere Deutsche mag sich vielleicht fragen, warum so viele Ausländer straffällig werden in Deutschland, mal von ihrem ganzen Wertesystem abgesehen, das Gewalt nicht als Sünde betrachtet sondern als ihr großes Recht, da viele von ihnen einer Religion anhängen die einen Gewalttäter als Propheten hat.
Der Grund warum so viele Ausländer in Deutschland straffällig werden, insbesondere Moslems, ist ganz einfach.
Deutsche Gefängnisse stellen keine Abschreckung für diese Klientel dar.
Deutsche Gefängnisse sind für viele Ausländer, insbesonders wenn sie aus muslimischen Ländern kommen, so etwas wie Luxushotels.
Dort werden sie rundumversorgt, können ihrer bevorzugten gewalttätigen Energie fröhnen und fühlen sich dort wie zu Hause.
Dort lernen sie ihresgleichen kennen und fühlen sich rundum wohl in diesem Milieu.

Berlin: 90 Prozent der Häftlinge sind Moslems

Da sie ohnehin nie wirklich vorhaben in Deutschland durch ehrliche Arbeit Geld zu verdienen, sondern immer nur durch kriminelle Tätigkeiten die umso mehr abwerfen, können sie dort die besten Connections erhalten.
Wer sich kriminell weiterbilden will, der muss sogar ins Gefängnis.
Nur dort bekommt er die nötigen Kontakte, um draußen dann so richtig durchzustarten.
Gefängnisaufenthalte sind für kriminelle Energien keine Bestrafung, sondern eine Stärkung ihrer Energien. Erstens können sie sich im Gefängnis neu organisieren, ausbilden lassen und was vielen Moslems auch gefällt, andere zum Islam nötigen, nämlich friedfertige deutsche Bürger, die einfach nur Angst vor der Gewalt der Moslems im Gefängnis haben und durch die Konvertierung ihre Ruhe vor ihnen bekommen.
So können Moslems auch im Gefängnis für ihren Gott, Dienste vollbringen.
Da Moslems an Gewalthandlungen gegen Ungläubige keinerlei Verfehlungen sehen, sondern glauben dadurch noch ins Paradies zu kommen, ist der Tötungsversuch oder sogar der gelungene Mord an einem Ungläubigen der Garant für ihn, dass er einen besonderen Platz im Paradies erhält.
Als Belohnung dafür darf er noch in ein deutsches Gefängnis, das ihm alle Annehmlichkeiten bringt, von denen seine Landsleute in ihren Heimatländern nur träumen können.
Diese haben es nicht mal im Freien so gut wie er in deutschen Gefängnissen.
Für Menschen aus armen Ländern stellen deshalb deutsche Gefängnisse keine Abschreckung dar, sondern sie sind geradewegs eine Einladung für sie.
Für einen Moslem ist es eine Ehre in einem deutschen Gefängnissen zu sitzen, wenn seine Straftat zu Ehren von Allah war.
Aufgrund dieser Fakten hat Deutschland nicht wirklich für kriminelle Ausländer in seiner Justiz oder in seiner Bestrafung eine abschreckende Wirkung.
Kriminelle Ausländer lachen sich, hinsichtlich unserer Strafverfolgung, unserer Gesetze und unseren Gefängnissen, falls sie es dann doch mal nach der 30sten Straftat schaffen sollten dort hineinzukommen, einfach nur ins Fäustchen.
Wenn euch das Überleben unserer Rasse am Herzen liegt, und ihr nicht länger nur zusehen wollt wie unser Land, ja der ganze Planet zugrunde geht, fordere ich euch auf euch im Forum anzumelden, oder euch in einer pm bei mir zu melden. Die Zeit ist gekommen den Egoismus und die Engstirnigkeit hinter uns zulassen, und uns aus der todbringenden Lethargie zu befreien um neue Brücken aufzubauen, Grenzen zu überwinden und uns zusammen zuschließen mit unseren weißen Brüdern/Schwestern überall auf der Welt. Also zögert nicht länger, lasst uns geschlossen gegen unsere Feinde stehen, für eine weißere und hellere Welt für uns alle. Es kommt auf jeden einzelnen an, denn nur zusammen können wir es schaffen. Denkt immer daran dieses Land, genauso wie der Planet, gehört uns!
Greetings from Germany to all my White Brothers and Sisters around the world. It makes me proud when i see so many People who have chosen that there is nothing more important than the color of our skin. I'm a 35 year old man from Germany, and live near Berlin. Many of you will go the same way like me, if you have to see every single day how our own race is slowly dying and have realize to do something about it. Many years of my life i have dedicated to the fight only for Germany. It was a Long way until i recognized that we must overcome together the narrow-mindedness and recognize what is really important. The fight for a whiter and better world to all of us. I hope hear from you. in this sense, racial greetings...RAHOWA!
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