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Racial Loyalty News => Positive Activism => Topic started by: RaspStarb on Tue 23 Mar 2010

Title: Article submission for CA homepage
Post by: RaspStarb on Tue 23 Mar 2010
I thought this would fit onto the CA homepage in the Women's section in place of "Your Article Here":

Training Our Children To Victory
By Sister L. T.

Training Our Children To Victory

Recently, I saw an all too-common scene: a child who appeared to be about three years old, having a temper tantrum in the middle of the street, while his mother looked on helplessly. Both child and mother were of our beloved White Race. The child then struck his mother in the knees repeatedly, while she stood there as if she didn't know what to do. She finally had to physically drag him down the street by the arm like a rag doll, while he let his body go limp. I watched in utter disgust as a grown, adult woman allowed a toddler to terrorize her and dominate her. Over the last several years, I have seen many instances of this same type of insane breakdown of parental authority in White households. It seems one cannot go anywhere in public these days without witnessing an out of control child and a "helpless" adult who stands there, wringing his or her hands like a baby themselves. Or, looking the other way as if to pretend that they don't know what's going on while their child acts like a whining brat. I can't recall the last time I saw a well-behaved child in a public place, which is sad commentary.

At such moments, I hang my head in shame for our Race. I realize that once again, JOG has won. Years of liberal education theories and "do your own thing" ,most of which began back in the 1960's in the jew feminist and "hippie" era, have led our White People down the most suicidal and destructive path that any People has ever known. In today's confused world, a swat on the behind is called "child abuse" and the Thought Police, along with Big Brother, rush to stop any parent who is exercising their right and their obligation to discipline their own children. Tragically, our womenfolk are the ones who have succumbed the most completely, and been the most brainwashed, by the notion that we mustn't "hurt" our children by disciplining them. Discipline has become synonymous with "harm" . Following an order, or obeying a command from mom and dad is now forbidden because the delicate psyche of the child will be thrown out of balance forever if we dare ask our children to obey a rule. Endless "debating" contests go on between grown adults and little children, and most often, the child wins these debates. I've stood in the supermarket in absolute disbelief while a grown woman argues for 15 or 20 minutes with a toddler about not grabbing items off the shelves. Or asking them for what seems 100 times to "stop it". Other grown adults also look the other way while this nonsense is going on. The child ignores these pleas because they are meaningless, and knows that no punishment will be forthcoming. "Don't do that" and "no" have zero meaning to these little hellions. Of course, I see plenty of "yuppie" dads, standing around while the kids tear up stores, throw food in restaurants, and actually curse and yell profanities at their own parents. I've watched in horror as tiny children strike their own fathers with objects, the father being "oblivious" to the assault,. so this situation is not restricted to our women (I must say, speaking as a woman, that when I see a man unable to control his own children, for me he is an absolutely disgusting symbol of so many of our White males who are unable to stand up to the muds - if they can't control a three year-old, I suppose it is asking a bit much of these wimps to do battle with rampaging nigs.) White women must be vigilant in choosing a mate who understands the concept of parental authority within the home, and has not "bought" the PC jewish line that children should be allowed to do anything they want, whenever they want.

Women, being the primary caretakers of the children within the family unit, are the ones whose attitudes and approach have the most impact on their children's daily lives. And women, as most of us have observed and is widely recognized within the pro-White Cause, are the most vulnerable to the wishy-washy, bleeding heart, do-gooder attitudes promulgated by the jewish mind warping influences of this sick society. White women, on this most important of all levels, seem to have "dropped the ball" in a vital and crucial area of racial survival, namely, raising children who are prepared and fit, physically and mentally, to insure racial victory. Make no mistake - these liberalistic child-rearing policies are not accidental. They came about deliberately and insidiously because the rotten jews who have infiltrated our society from every standpoint - especially our schools - know that the way to undermine a society is at the most basic, root level - the children. If the children are raised without discipline, without integrity, without focus, without drive, without intelligence, they will be weak and ripe for the kill. And has this not proved to be the case? The same children we see today who cuss their own parents, who strike them, who have endless screaming tantrums, who whine about not getting this or that toy, who demand the most expensive clothing and other items in their teen years - these White youth are the future. . These are the seeds we have planted and the fruit from those seeds. These are the young adults who then breed with niggers and hammer the final nails into the coffin of our Race.

When I recall my own childhood, I can't imagine in my wildest dreams behaving like the children I see today. As far as spankings are concerned, I only recall one swat from my mom and I think only one from my dad, but that was sufficient to put an end to any misbehaving on my part. There was no need for any "repeats" . My mother, particularly, was and is a very strong person who simply did not tolerate bad behavior, unlike the wimpy yuppie moms of today who seem not to be bothered even by endless screams, tantrums and other wild behavior from their kids. My mom had perfected the art of giving me just one look and that was enough to straighten me up. Her secret was that I KNEW she meant business and that she would, indeed, exercise her right as a parent to impose punishment on me which I certainly didn't wish to receive :-) I knew it was no idle threat, unlike the kids of today who quite obviously play their weak-willed parents for suckers, (especially their mothers), just as the kikes and muds laugh at weak Whites behind their backs. I see a huge analogy between the breakdown of parental authority at the root family level and the breakdown of the ability of Whites to exercise authority over their own racial destiny. In both cases, they are being "played" - on the one hand , by little kids, and on the other, by the jews and muds who are also actually kids, really just big bullies in the racial " neighborhood." And most assuredly, in both cases, all that has ever been required to straighten up kids or bullies is a resounding "NO" - backed up, not with idle threats, but with punishment that is carried out, not just 'hinted at" .

The latest discipline technique is "time out" or some such nonsense. Or, "let's discuss how you're feeling today about having a tantrum, shall we?" Much of this mental rot stems from the jew psychiatric "profession" and of course the whole stinking feminist ideology where we "get in touch" with our feelings and make sure that we never have to do anything we don't like, or feel something that makes us uncomfortable, or just simply follow a rule. Now - don't get me wrong. I am not advocating that we turn our children into mindless "rule followers". Rules can and should make sense, although no parent should ever be in the position of spending endless hours justifying why they want things done a certain way. Pulling cans off the shelf at the store is clearly unacceptable behavior. It doesn't require an intellectual debate. Cursing and swearing at one's parents is clearly wrong. Striking one's own parents is wrong. It is critical that racially aware parents must train their children to question the "authority" of the jew power structure which will constantly be "ordering" them to do this or that in the name of "world brotherhood". But what many White parents seem not to understand is that for a child to have the capacity to analyze, to debate, to question and to stand up in a focused way, there must first be discipline, and yes, rules at home to provide structure for the child. I am also not advocating some version of "a child should be seen and not heard" philosophy. . A repressive atmosphere where a child is not free to voice their opinions strongly only gives rise to further problems. I had many passionate arguments and debates with my parents on issues and matters which concerned me and I was freely permitted to do so. This, I believe, greatly strengthened my ability to think and reason on my feet which is a tremendous asset to me today as a racial activist for my People. . But what we are seeing today is very tiny children, literally taking control of households full of adults, running their lives, controlling them, to the point where these so-called adults cannot even have an uninterrupted phone conversation without the child yanking the phone out of their hand or screaming endlessly in the background. This is not healthy. This is not productive behavior. I will go as far as to say it is symptomatic of children in agony who are indeed screaming - and what are they screaming for? They are screaming out for rules, screaming in pain for boundaries and discipline which they are not receiving. The end result, pure and simple, is children who are confused and cannot fight the JOG power. Their minds are so scrambled, they have no direction to turn and so they lead lives of empty materialism, sex, alcohol, drugs and other destructive and useless. pursuits. Look around at our White youth. What do you see? I see White parents, both moms and dads, who have utterly abdicated their positions of authority which are rightfully theirs. When I see such weakness and moral laxness, I look back fondly on the German youth of the 1930's who were so staunch, so disciplined, who no doubt wouldn't have dreamed of swearing at their proud, German moms and dads or having screaming tantrums, certainly not in public as we see today, everywhere we go.

As with all problems, we must do more than simply write about it or talk about it. We must seek solutions. And since my focus is on women's role in the racial struggle, I want to analyze just why it is that so many of our White women have fallen down on the job so horribly in this area of parental strength and authority. And it isn't just the working mothers who have lost their grip - I've known many full-time mothers who did not work outside the home, and their kids, too, are out of control. I believe this sad state of affairs has come about for the same reason that the vast majority of White women have turned their backs on our Race - self-serving attitudes, laziness, inner fear, wanting to "look good", and utter lack of integrity. What other explanation is there? Indeed, these women have turned their backs on our Race as well as their own children. This is a high crime. It is traitorism at the highest level. It is a frightening concept, women turning their backs on Race, turning their backs on their own young just so they can continue down the self-serving path they want to without a thought. Imagine any animal in Nature behaving in this fashion - putting their own cub or their own fledgling in danger just out of self-serving interests. It is impossible .This is why we Creators, who look to Nature and study its truths, know that we must get back to the natural survival instinct that even the simplest animals use to stay alive. We must reawaken in our womenfolk these basic natural instincts and drives. Animals discipline and guide their babies sternly, for if they do not, they will die at the hands of their enemies. If we do not begin to face this problem now, I cannot perceive how we will bring forth a new, sound, strong, fighting generation of White boys and girls, White men and women, who will be able to withstand the onslaught - the brown and black tide that even now is rushing full-steam ahead and darkly massing around us like a scene out of Hitchcock's "The Birds", where the birds silently, slowly gather and then, with one signal, fly up in a great mass to attack.

My advice to all White mothers is to fully, 100% reject the jew propaganda that says discipline is wrong! Discipline is NOT wrong and must be exercised to produce a child who will be able to march forward to victory. Educate your child, read to him or her - make sure that books are a part of daily life (of course with an emphasis on books which extol and celebrate White heritage and pride). We of the World Church of the Creator support homeschooling and will be doing many articles in the future on this subject. We know that respect for authority has disappeared from the public schools, but it can still thrive in your own home, so learn more about homeschooling and network among other women who are also pulling their children out of these hell pits. Also, don't ever be afraid to say "no" to your child. "No" (and mean it) is not a dirty word. It has become dirty, because we as Whites are constantly told that we mustn't turn away the "poor illegals", it must be "yes yes yes" to everyone all the time. " Yes" until we're bled dry. Well, your three-year old also understands the concept of yes and no, and the concept of weakness at that early age. Weakness and lack of backbone is sensed by small children and they learn very quickly who they can "con" and who they can't. Take charge in your own household, Sisters, keep order and discipline in the home, and your husband will have respect for you in ways you never dreamed. Some of our men, unfortunately, come home to out of control households, kids screaming, running wild, toys everywhere, etc. And this is at all levels of White society - rich poor and in between. It is our duty and responsibility as women to make sure that our menfolk are not burdened by a household in chaos. They don't need it, you don't need it, and your children sure don't need it.

Training our children for Racial victory - discipline, coupled with love, racial pride and adherence to our Creed of Creativity in all that we do, will insure victory for our beloved White Race. Let us never forget the Golden Rule of the World Church of the Creator: "What is good for the White Race is the highest virtue, what is bad for the White Race is the ultimate sin" . Raising children who cannot fight the racial battle effectively is the ultimate sin - let us, as Creators, begin today to insure that we raise the generation that will make this planet ALL OURS! RAHOWA!
Title: Re: Article submission for CA homepage
Post by: RaspStarb on Tue 23 Mar 2010

Arbeit Macht Frei!

I recently saw a bumper sticker which said, "If I'd known this was going to happen, I'd have picked my own cotton!" This statement obviously refers to the tragic fact that when White People first used the jew-imported nigger "slaves" to do our work for us, we were starting down the path to racial destruction. An immutable truth is that the "slave" will always revolt against the "master".

This truth is especially applicable to today's scenario of the millions of lazy, traitor White women who continue to hire muds instead of doing as Nature intended: take care of their own domestic tasks and responsibilities, including the raising of their own precious White children! One of the biggest routes by which non-Whites have gained a foothold in our land has been through "domestic" work - cleaning up after White people ( mainly jewess and White female traitors) who claim they are "too busy" with their high-flown "careers" to do their own housework. Legions of these "women" (and I use the term women loosely in this case) continue to employ mud criminals instead of doing their own domestic chores. Their lame excuse that they have to hire wetbacks to clean their homes due to "lack of time" is transparent and bogus. My mother was a dedicated teacher who worked extremely long hours. Our whole family pitched in with the housework and got the chores done without ever resorting to mud "labor". To be blunt, we scrubbed our own toilet, and needless to say, never hired a scummy mestizo or nigger, no matter how "short on time" we were. Such an idea would have been unthinkable.. Male or female, it is imperative that we White People do our own work, with our own two hands, whether it be housework, growing and harvesting our own food, or any other form of labor. It is interesting that in biographies of Hitler, it is sometimes mentioned that for years before becoming the Leader of the German nation , he took care of his own domestic chores, which always impressed me as being symbolic of the cleanliness and the naturally industrious ways of our White Folk. So, man or woman, cleaning up after ourselves is our own duty and obligation and we put another nail in our coffin each time we hire a spic, nig or gook "domestic worker".

As our Founder Ben Klassen states in "The White Man's Bible":


The 7th Commandment of our Church states:


The 9th Command of our Church states:


Certainly, our Holy Commandments extend to the domestic sphere, which clearly prohibit us , especially our womenfolk, from hiring muds to clean our homes or raise our children.

When we women take care of our household tasks, we must respect the intrinsic value of this work. It is not demeaning. Done properly , it results in a beautiful, clean, inviting peaceful environment for our families, our husbands and our children. Housekeeping and cleaning may not always be our favorite activity :-), but it's something which must be done to maintain pride in ourselves and our homes. It should be a source of great satisfaction for women to know that they are taking their responsibility to keep their homes running well without hiring a slant-eyed, thieving, jabbering creature from the murky depths of racial hell to do it for us. Our Church Commandments, as well as the stirring German exhortation: ARBEIT MACHT FREI must be our guideposts, for truly, our own work makes us free - free of mud domination, control and repression, whether at the basic level of our own homes or in the larger economic sphere. For women, this is an extremely important concept, because we must again celebrate the home as center of our lives, along with the realization that there is nothing demeaning about domestic chores and domestic life. We regard such work as a noble pursuit .

The act of hiring someone else to "do your dirty work " makes you weak, it puts you at the mercy of their hidden resentments and boiling anger and thereby YOU become THEIR slave, not the other way around. I call on all White racially loyal women to publicly denounce all female White traitors who continue to hire mud labor in the domestic realms of life. It is time to once again put this rampant problem front and center and focus media attention upon it. We as White female activists are superbly suited to do this. I vividly recall a news report last year in which a hidden camera in the home of a yuppie White mommy showed a mud freak viciously hitting her defenseless toddler in the head with a spoon. Such scenes brought tears of anger to my eyes. Naturally, "mommy' was horrified, but it hadn't stopped her from hiring this scum in the first place. These ladies from the 'burbs know that "Maria" and "Conchita" are retarded creeps who harm their children and their neighborhood, but they abdicate their larger responsibility to our White community by continuing to employ them for their own self-serving reasons.

While having a maid or gardener was once the privilege of the "rich" , when our women flowed by the millions into corporate jew america to maintain the yuppie suburbanite lifestyle they greedily coveted, it was suddenly possible for a middle class family to hire a mudball from El Spic-a-dor or Spic-er-ragua to scrub their suburbanite potties. White families brought the lowest form of turd world scum into the inner sanctum of their homes. In many areas of Southern California - particularly Los Angeles and San Diego, crud muds finish their "work" at the end of the day as housekeepers, cooks, gardeners or what have you, and then spend their "free time" terrorizing local residents with their usual hobbies: rape, murder , burglary, and drunken mayhem. Filthy, crime -ridden shanty towns infested with these "domestic workers" have popped up on the fringes of yuppie enclaves. The White women who hire this muck feel no sense of altruism or responsibility toward their White Sisters who are raped or assaulted by their criminal "household staff". Such women are "me-first" all the way, and to hell with anyone else. They're like the bartender who keeps the booze flowing for the drunk - the innocent victim he kills or maims on his way home is of no concern once he staggers outside. These women are a prime example of what the World Church of the Creator fights against every day - those who behave like racial islands unto themselves and think they can do whatever they want, with no consequences.

In many cases, female traitors who hire a spic maid or jamaican "nanny" are doing it for PC prestige, to earn " humanitarian brownie points" from their jewess boss so they can be part of the "club" of do-gooder yup-yups;. Jewesses of course have always been the biggest employer of "domestic help" , historically always having the big $$$$$ combined with that notorious jew girl hatred of housework. (oy, do they hate housework!) Being "freed" from the "tyranny" of housework has always been one of the basic and recurring themes of jewish feminism.

Even the hiring of White "au pair" girls from Europe should be discouraged among our People, for that also creates dependency among our women. Doing housework and manual labor of all kinds grounds people. To separate oneself from the domestic chores of one's own home is to distance oneself from the very substance of that home. Such an act says: I live here but I don't contribute to the running of this home. I sleep here, eat here, use the toilet here, but I don't touch the "dirt". I leave that to a gook or a spic." WORK MAKES US FREE , regardless of our "social status" or income level. It reminds us that none of us is so high and mighty or so separate from our kinfolk that we're too "good" to scrub a floor, a toilet, or wash a window. When these notions began to take root among our People, we started down the path to destruction.

I recently read an article entitled "White Men Are Doing It For Themselves" (from Strikeforce, Issue #2), in which the South African settlement of Orania is featured. It states:

"Several Whites Only settlements have begun to spring up across South Africa. One such settlement is called Orania and contains 180 houses which were originally built for construction workers that built a nearby dam on the Orange river........ The use of non-White labor is strictly prohibited. By declaring this, residents of Orania are consciously parodying the originally Voortrekkers in their belief in self-reliance and freedom won through hard work and that are done by blacks across the rest of South Africa are done by Whites in Orania as they aim to be totally self-sufficient."

We Creators salute the South African settlers of Orania and applaud their goal of total self-sufficiency. On the glorious day when Creativity World Headquarters is established, all work will be done by Creators , whatever that work entails. We'll pick our own cotton, symbolically and literally! Above all, our Creator women, unlike the millions of White sell-outs today, will take full responsibility for insuring that the domestic sphere is orderly and well-run, and once again show the world what it means to be a woman and thus fulfill Nature's Eternal laws. ARBEIT MACHT FREI! RAHOWA!