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None Of Them Will Ever Go To Jail: Prosecutors Try To Convict Clinton Lawyer ...

Started by G.L.R., Sat 28 May 2022

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Prosecutors urge jury to convict ex-Clinton campaign lawyer for lying to FBI over Trump tip

May 27, 2022

Federal prosecutors on Friday presented closing arguments to a Washington jury in a criminal case against a former attorney for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, urging them to convict him for lying to the FBI in a bid to harm Donald Trump. The case against the lawyer, Michael Sussmann, centers on whether he lied by claiming he was not representing any clients when on September 19, 2016, he arranged a private meeting with the FBI's then-general counsel James Baker to pass along a now-debunked tip alleging that the Trump Organization was secretly communicating with Russia's Alfa-Bank. ...

"The defendant used his privilege as a high-powered Washington lawyer, as a former DOJ prosecutor and as a friend ... to bypass normal channels and to expedite a meeting with the FBI's general counsel," prosecutor Jonathan Algor said, adding that his political interests motivated him to lie. Sussmann's attorneys in their closing arguments, meanwhile, accused the government of "misdirection" by trying to make the case look like a big political conspiracy.

He noted that Sussmann is a "serious" and respected attorney who had a high-level security clearance and a vibrant career before the government sought to prosecute him. "It doesn't make any sense," Berkowitz said, noting that Sussmann had "everything to lose. Nothing to gain." The case against Sussmann is being led by Special Counsel John Durham, who was appointed by then-Attorney General William Barr in 2019 to probe any missteps in the FBI's investigation into whether Trump's campaign was colluding with Russia.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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