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Racial Loyalty News => Creativity in the (((MSM / News))) => News Archives => Topic started by: RaspStarb on Sat 05 Jun 2010

Title: 1992-09-00 Mirabella interview with Ben Klassen
Post by: RaspStarb on Sat 05 Jun 2010
The Boys in the Hoods

September, 1992

They take "exceptional" young men and train them in warfare-against blacks, Asians, Jews, gays, even plain old Christians. William Sherman looks at hatred as a growth industry, and the organization -Klanwatch- that's cunningly working to stamp it out.

The rolling hills are quiet, a placid deep-green blanket of Great Smoky Mountains pine under a soft sun. Only a church violates the serenity. It's not an ordinary church. There is no cross, no pews and no listed telephone number or address.

Welcome to the Church of the Creator, a seventeen-acre landscaped compound in Otto, North Carolina, that includes small-arms firing ranges, paramilitary barracks and other buildings located off a narrow side road in this isolated southwestern corner of the state.

Inside a large converted barn that serves as headquarters, church founder and leader, Ben Klassen, a former Florida state legislator and retired engineer, intones a church prayer: "RAHOWA," he says softly. "Racial Holy War."

"Adolf Hitler is the greatest leader the white race ever had," says Church of the Creator founder, Ben Klassen.

The church "Pontifex Maximus," as he calls himself, sits beneath a large painted portrait of Adolf Hitler. "The greatest leader the white race ever had," says Klassen. He is robust, with slicked-down black hair, and looks far younger than his seventy-four years. His moustache is trimmed exactly like Hitler's, narrow and squared off at the edges.

"We want a country rid of Jews and blacks," says Klassen, an articulate man who made his fortune in real estate.

"We're not wimps," he says. "We'll fight to defend ourselves... Jews aren't white, they don't even consider themselves white, the blacks are dragging us down...

This is his most polite rhetoric. His preaching is otherwise laced with phrases like "mud race niggers" and "human rat Jews." He calls the Federal Reserve Board a "Jew counterfeiting ring," and successive U.S. administrations "JOG-Jewish Occupied Governments."

However extreme his views, Klassen is no impotent one-man band. His church has thirty-four branches around the world (Jackson, Mississippi; Missoula, Montana; England and Stockholm among them); publishes a monthly newsletter called "Racial Loyalty" along with dozens of other books and pamphlets; and maintains numerous telephone hotlines for those who wish to call for news and information. Generally, those calls yield a recital of Klassen's latest thoughts. He is decidedly anti-Christian along with his other biases, claiming that "the Jews created Christianity and its turn-the-other-cheek-and-help-the-poor-philosophy as a way to bring down the Roman Empire and take over. The Sermon on the Mount is advice you would only give your worst enemy," he says.

Klassen with two of his "exceptional boys."

And his audience is growing. Since 1990 groups of committed young men have traveled here for extensive political training under Klassen's tutelage. The recruits wear white berets or cowboy hats, live in the barracks and practice shooting with automatic weapons on the firing range. Many are older teenagers. "Exceptional boys," Klassen calls them.

Klassen's newspaper urges these young followers to "Rise! Rise and let them feel the weight of your boot upon their necks, let them cower before you... we shall wage deadly war upon them."

Last year, a Klassen disciple followed those instructions to the letter. George Loeb, Jr., a Church of the Creator "reverend," allegedly shot and killed a twenty-two-year-old, black U.S. Navy sailor who had just returned from duty in the Persian Gulf. Loeb, thirty-four, was handing out church literature in a Neptune Beach, Florida, supermarket parking lot. The sailor, Officer 3rd Class Harold J. Mansfield of the USS Saratoga, and Loeb began arguing. According to a shipmate, Mansfield picked up a brick, but then dropped it, telling Loeb, "You're not worth it." Loeb then pulled out a .25 caliber semiautomatic and shot Mansfield in the chest. He is now awaiting trial on murder charges.

"I am no more responsible for that than the pope is responsible for all the Catholic felons in prison," KLassen says angrily, bridling at questions about the incident. "Not at all."

But just then, looking out the window, I notice a man named Steve Thomas, emerging from the barracks and walking toward the barn. Thomas is the church "reverend" charged with aiding and abetting Loeb's flight from Florida to New York where he was eventually arrested on a fugitive warrant.

"Oh," says Klassen when Thomas and his alleged connection to the murder is pointed out, "He's leaving tomorrow."

Klassen's Church of the Creator is one of 346 documented hate groups operating throughout the United States, including the Ku Klux Klans, neo-Nazis and skinhead organizations, a startling 27 percent increase over the number of such groups in operation last year.

Bias incidents during 1991 include murders, bombings, arsons and hundreds of assaults, threats, cross burnings, harassment of minorities and vandalism against their property and houses of worship. In Arlington, Texas, three skinheads were charged with shooting a black man to death. In North Hollywood, firebombs gutted an orthodox Jewish school. In Houston, a white man with Ku Klux Klan tattoos attacked and attempted to rape a black woman. And in Boston, swastikas were painted on the campaign signs of a Hispanic city council candidate.

In New Jersey alone, the state police recorded 976 bias offenses, an increase of 18 percent over the previous year. Blacks were the victims in 358 cases, 37 percent of the total, while Jews were the most frequently victimized religious group. Twenty-one incidents involved homosexuals as victims. In neighboring New York State, police reported 1100 hate-motivated attacks against blacks and Jews for last year. And bias crimes and assaults against Asians are increasing across the nation.

(Continued at link (
Title: Re: 1992-09-00 Mirabella interview with Ben Klassen
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Mon 07 Jun 2010
Quote from: Rev.Starb on Sun 06 Jun 2010Last year, a Klassen disciple followed those instructions to the letter. George Loeb, Jr., a Church of the Creator "reverend," allegedly shot and killed a twenty-two-year-old, black U.S. Navy sailor who had just returned from duty in the Persian Gulf. Loeb, thirty-four, was handing out church literature in a Neptune Beach, Florida, supermarket parking lot. The sailor, Officer 3rd Class Harold J. Mansfield of the USS Saratoga, and Loeb began arguing. According to a shipmate, Mansfield picked up a brick, but then dropped it, telling Loeb, "You're not worth it." Loeb then pulled out a .25 caliber semiautomatic and shot Mansfield in the chest. He is now awaiting trial on murder charges.

For the real story, read (

If you don't already know, you'll discover that William Sherman is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist who lives in New York City and makes it up as he goes along. Like all journalists, he doesn't allow the truth to get in the way of a good story.

Title: Re: 1992-09-00 Mirabella interview with Ben Klassen
Post by: Rev.WillWilliams on Mon 19 Jul 2010
Quote from: Rev.Cambeul.PM on Mon 07 Jun 2010...William Sherman is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist who lives in New York City and makes it up as he goes along. Like all journalists, he doesn't allow the truth to get in the way of a good story.

Pontifex Cambeul.

I noticed that from the Jew Sherman, too. His job for the Jew rag Mirabella was to portray COTC as negatively as possible as a terroristic skinhead hate group. Those unflattering photographs of Mr. Klassen don't help the good guys in the white hats much. Even so, anyone looking at the pictures can see that Klassen doesn't have a "moustache trimmed exactly like Hitler's," and anyone who has seen picture's of the original COTC headquarters knows full well that it was no "converted barn." The Jew deliberately lied.

It's my opinion that this sort of outrageous enemy propaganda shouldn't be held up for public consumption from the Creativity Alliance site. One of PM Klassen's ironclad, if unwritten rules was "Never give the enemy a platform in our own media."
An archive of enemy propaganda like this should be available to a more restricted group of Creators, I'd think, like SPG, to show how NOT to be used by Jew-controlled media -- a sort of "Lessons Learned" section.

At least Klassen "angrily" got this truism out about professional barrator Morris Dees's vicarious liability lawsuit against him and he COTC for Rev. Loeb's act of self-defense:" I am no more responsible for that than the pope is responsible for all the Catholic felons in prison," Klassen says angrily, bridling at questions about the incident. "Not at all."

Amen! Little did 74-year old PM Klassen know at the time of this interview that the man he would eventually turn the reins of COTC over to in desperation, McCarty, wouldn't defend against the SPLC civil suit, resulting in the coup de grace $1,000,000 adverse default judgment.
Title: Re: 1992-09-00 Mirabella interview with Ben Klassen
Post by: PatTracy on Fri 13 May 2011
A Creator, especially, cannot believe in the jewsmedia. Younger Creators such as myself will recall how the jewsmedia tried in subtle ways to smear Rev. Hale by taking his words out of context or by publishing a picture of him that was less than flattering (who hasn't been caught in a photo half yawning or with eyes half closed? We don't publish that take, right? - the jews do.)