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Racial Loyalty News => General News => Topic started by: Maritz on Fri 18 Sep 2009

Title: The Secret Arsenal Of The Jewish State
Post by: Maritz on Fri 18 Sep 2009

Strategic Weapons Plants

Missile development : Rafael is the Israeli Ministry of Defense's high-tech weapons research and development organization. The Haifa area is home to several Rafael facilities. Rafael has been responsible for the actual assembly of Israeli nuclear weapons since the first two weapons were built in late 1966 but now concentrates on ballistic missiles. A more modern and remote facility at Yodefat east of Haifa is where the weapons are assembled today.
Missiles : Satellite photos of the area show a highly secure underground facility with two large elevators. Mordechai Vanunu, a dissident Israeli nuclear scientist now jailed for speaking of the country's weapons program, told The Sunday Times of London that convoys carry plutonium from Dimona to Yodefat.
Warheads : In addition, a 1987 Pentagon report describes warheads and Mach-7 reentry vehicles for Israel's ballistic missiles as being developed at Rafael. Rafael is home to Israel's ballistic missile research and development effort. Advanced rocket motors and anti-ballistic missiles are under development here. Scientists from Rafael regularly travel to both the U.S. weapons labs and international symposiums and, despite both countries refusal to acknowledge Israel's nuclear status, have actually co-written papers on nuclear detonation processes with U.S. scientists.

Nuclear storage : Eilabun is Israel's second weapons storage facility and is located in the north near the Sea of Gallilee. Tactical nuclear shells and landmines are among its contents.
Location : Eilabun is located near the town of the same name just west of the Sea of Gallilee off Route 65.
Contents : There, reportedly, are stored the nuclear artillery shells, nuclear landmines and other tactical nuclear weapons - possibly including neutron bombs - that would be needed to deter or fight a superior conventional force approaching from the northeast, i.e. Syria. The landmines stored here would be taken to holes previously dug along the base of the Golan Heights during a crisis with Syria. The U.S. and Russia both had such landmines, but have abandoned them. The artillery shells could be used to halt a Syrian tank column or devastate targets as far away as Damascus.

Chemical/Biological weapons : Beyond nuclear weapons, Israel is long believed to have biological and chemical weapons as well as the means to deliver them, primarily the Jericho missile.
Research and weaponization : A 1989 Defense Intelligence Agency report, obtained by the Natural Resources Defense Council, reported that Israel's Jericho missiles could carry high explosive or chemical warheads as well as nuclear. The country's leading chemical and biological warfare facility is at Nes Zionyaa, outside Tel Aviv. The Israeli Institute for Bio-Technology is believed to be the home of both offensive and defensive research.

Command and Control The "Bor" is Israel's underground command post. Located beneath the Defense Ministry complex in Tel Aviv, it is where Israeli officials gather in times of crisis. Israeli officials can command a war from the facility and there are other facilities of a similar but less strategic nature around the country.

Weapons research : Soreq is the equivalent of the U.S. national weapons laboratories and is considered by the Pentagon to be among the most sophisticated such operation in the world. It handles weapons design and construction as well as research.
Location : Soreq is near the town of Yavne and shares a security zone with the higly secret Palmichim Air Base. According to a 1987 Pentagon study obtained by NBC News, "The Soreq Center runs the full nuclear gamut of activities ... required for nuclear weapons design and fabrication."
Capabilities : Soreq parallels much of the technology which has been developed at the U.S. Sandia, Livermore and Los Alamos national labs. "The capability of Soreq to support Star Wars and nuclear technologies is almost an exact parallel of the capability currently existing at our national laboratories," according to the report. It is involved in research into nuclear explosive detonation as well as the diagnosis of radiation effects on biological systems, including human beings, and the processing of various nuclear fuels. The Pentagon study - now ten years old - concluded that "as far as nuclear technology is concerned, the Israelis are roughly where the U.S. as in the fission weapon field from about 1955 to 1960," a time when the US was moving from nuclear to thermonuclear weapons.
Reactor : The facility is built around a five megawatt reactor supplied by the United States under the "Atoms for Peace" program in 1960. The U.S. supplied it with nuclear fuel through 1977, when its contract expired.

Nuclear storage : Tirosh is one of two nuclear weapons storage facilities, according to various sources, is located near the town of Tirosh.
Location : Clearly visible from space, the facility appears as a network of roads linking bunkers spaced about 25 yards apart. There are about 70 bunkers. The facility, also off Israel's Route 38, is heavily guarded and surrounded by a perimeter road and security fences. At the junction of Route 38 and the entrance road into the facility, there is a sign warning drivers they are approaching a security zone where access is not permitted. There appears to be one security checkpoint on the entrance road. It is very close to both the Tel Nof Air Base and the Hirbat Zekhrayah missile field. It is possible that Tirosh is the strategic weapons storage site, while Eilabun is the tactical weapons storage site ?

Nuclear fuel depot : Once described as a "textile factory," the Dimona Center actually produces about 40 kilograms of weapons grade plutonium every year and has been doing so for 10 and possibly 20 years. The entire facility is protected by U.S. anti-aircraft defenses.
Dimona is located 8.5 miles from the town of the same name and only 25 miles from the Jordanian border, between Beersheba and Sodom. Given that about four kilograms of weapons grade plutonium are used in each nuclear weapon, Israel has produced enough plutonium at Dimona to construct between 100 and 200 nuclear weapons. It has also produced about 170 kilograms of Lithium-6, which would produce about 220 kilograms of lithium-6 deuteride. Roughly 6 kilograms are needed to construct a thermo-nuclear weapon. Israel could, therefore, have as many as 35 thermo-nuclear weapons.
Structure : Once described as a "textiles factory" by David Ben-Gurion, Dimona is made up of separate blocks. Currently, there are nine of these blocks, called machons. Machons 1, 2, 8 and 9 are directly involved in producing materials for nuclear or thermo-nuclear weapons; the others provide services for these four.
The reactor : Machon 1, the domed structure is the reactor built by France. Machon 2 is the reprocessing plant which removes the plutonium produced in the reactor. It also contains an operation that separates the isotope lithium-6 from natural lithium for ultimate use in thermonuclear weapons. This is the key facility and the primary target in any raid on the center. Without it, there is no nuclear weapons development. Of the 2,700 employees at Dimona, only 150 are permitted access to Machon 2, which extends six floors underground.
The centrifuge : Machon 8 contains a gas centifuge for the production of enriched uranium, an alternative fissile material, by an advanced laser enrichment process. And Machon 9 contains a laser isotope separation facility which can be used to enrich uranium and to increase the proportion of isotope plutonium-239 in plutonium, helping Israeli nuclear weapons scientists get more bang for their buck. The facility's reactor is now 35 years old and thus reaching the end of its practical lifetime.

Air Bases

Test range : Palmikhim is the Vandenberg Air Force Base of Israel, where missiles and rockets are assembled and tested. It is the main Israeli Defense Force research and development facility. The US believes that Israel has a capability to develop and launch ICBM's, although it has never tested one.
Layout : Satellite photos of the area show an airfield with one runway and seven large hangars-suitable for cargo-liners - inside the security zone. In addition, there are other manufacturing facilities inside the zone. The missile assembly building is at the south end of the security zone, as is the launch site. Some sources indicate that Palmikhim may also be home to Israel's version of the U.S. Doomsday plane, airborne command post to be used in wartime. Other sources suggest it is located in a hangar at Lod Airport. The Jericho-class ballistic missiles are known to the CIA as Yavne, named for the nearby town.

Strategic air power : Tel Nof is home to Israel's "Black Squadrons," the F-4 and F-16 units assigned to the nuclear strike mission. A large airbase off Route 4, it is located only a few miles from both Tirosh, where nuclear weapons for its missions are reportedly stored and Hirbat Zekharyah, a missile base.
Location : Like the two other nuclear facilities, Tel Nof is located in Israel's heartland, just south of Tel Aviv. Several aircraft are believed to be on 24-hour alert at the base. In 1973, eight F-4's were on alert and could have been ordered to drop nuclear bombs on Egyptian and Syrian targets. It is possible that today some of the 24 F-15E "Strike Eagles" bought from the U.S. are stationed there ? The "Strike Eagles" were originally developed by the U.S. as a tactical nuclear bomber and it is the only Israeli aircraft capable of flying a round-trip to Iran without refueling.
Missile Facilities

Missle production : Just outside the town of Be'er Yaakov lies Israel's main missile assembly facility. There, in a long building, the Jericho and Arrow missiles as well as the Shavit launch vehicle are assembled. The Jericho's and Shavit are assembled in one area, the Arrow in another.
Proximity trouble : The U.S. has expressed concern about the proximity of the two assembly halls since the U.S. provides technology for the development of the Arrow - a missile meant to improve on the Patriot anti-missile system. The U.S. also views the Jericho as a missile proliferation problem. The missiles are presumably shipped to the Hirbat Zekharayah missile field via a rail line that runs out of the factory and connects to the main Tel Aviv-Jerusalem line that runs past the missile field.

Missle range : The mobile Jericho-I and Jericho-II missiles, Israel's strategic rockets, are deployed at this base. They constitute the so-called "second wing" of the Israeli Air Force.
Location : Hirbat Zekharyah is near the town of Zekharyah between Jerusalem and the sea.
Weaponry : In satellite photos, about 100 missile emplacements can be seen, evenly divided between the short-range Jericho-I and the medium-range Jericho-II. Jericho-I range is about 500 miles while Jericho-II has a range of about 750 miles. They are kept inside tunnels dug into limestone formations that are prevalent in the area, and rolled out for firing. In December 1990, just before the Gulf War, Israel test-fired a Jericho from Zekharyah. Another Pentagon document states that the missiles can carry high-explosive, chemical or nuclear warheads.

So this is why we here jew-talk like this :

"We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome[here we have the ancient hatred of the White Race]. Most European capitals are targets of our air force. Our armed forces are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that this will happen before Israel goes under." [Martin Van Creveld]
"Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother." [Moshe Dayan]  :-\

And crap like this :

Israel "will attack Iran this year" if West does not cripple Tehran with sanctions  :-\
Ephraim Sneh, Israel's deputy defence minister until 2007, said a nuclear-armed Iran was an unacceptable threat to Israel. No Israeli government could put its faith in President Barack Obama's efforts to bring Tehran to the negotiating table over its nuclear programme, he said. "The Israeli government is the only entity that is responsible for the existence of the Jewish people," he said. "Iran has been explicit in its hostility to Israel time and again. They would use these weapons.

"We believe that Iran has the capacity and the delivery capability for nuclear weapons. They can proceed to production. We have got two months to act - before the end of 2009." Iran and the major world power are to start talks on the stand off over its nuclear programme, which stands in violation of United Nations resolutions, on Oct 1. Mr Obama's offer to talk to Iran without pre-conditions has made Israel nervous that Tehran will use detente as a cover to complete its drive for an atom bomb.

"If Iran gained the bomb it would trigger a regional arms race with Saudi and Egypt quickly obtaining weapons," he said. "We would be living next to three Pakistans." Mr Sneh believes Iran's regime has been weakened by the pro-democracy uprising in the aftermath of the disputed presidential election. It could be brought to its knees by sanctions curtailing imports of petrol, the sale of spare parts for energy production, freezing its banks out of the global monetary system and banning cross-border investment. But Israeli society would change irrevocably if the cleric-led government acquired the bomb. "We are not looking for adventures but we cannot take the risk," said Mr Sneh.

Expect Iran to be the first to go down soon ... just like Iraq[Syria will be next]. While Israel have all the nukes ... thus all the power ... centrally situated to reach all foes.
Title: Re: The Secret Arsenal Of The Jewish State
Post by: Maritz on Mon 05 Oct 2009
US Won`t Make Israel Disclose Nukes  :o

US President Barack Obama will not pressure Israel to publicly disclose its suspected nuclear weapons program, nor will he pressure the Jewish state to sign the nuclear Non-Proliferation treaty, the Washington Times reported on Friday. According to unnamed officials quoted by the paper, the understanding between Obama and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was reached during the first meeting between the two leaders at the White House in May.

The Times reported that there had been concern in Israel that the US president would renege on a 1969 agreement between Jerusalem and Washington, because of his focus on the Iranian nuclear threat, and his push for nonproliferation. Speaking to Channel 2 last week, Netanyahu seemingly made reference to the nuclear understanding, stating that when Obama mentioned nuclear nonproliferation in his speech to the UN General Assembly, he was referring to North Korea and Iran, rather than Israel.

Source : Jerusalem Post