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Racial Loyalty News => General News => Topic started by: Rev.Cambeul on Thu 01 Nov 2018

Title: Halloween is for RACISTS!
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Thu 01 Nov 2018
AAAAGGGGH! How Halloween became the scariest night of the year for anyone not caged in the snowflake prison of political correctness

Piers Morgan | Daily Mail ( (UK) | 1 November 2018

Extract: Bill Maher addressed this Halloween PC nonsense on his Real Time show last week when he said; 'The Office of Scolding Justice Warriors has decreed no Indian chiefs, no hula girls, no Southern belles, no Daniel Boone, no geishas, no ninjas, no gypsies, no mobsters, no terrorists, no Cleopatra. Pirates offend one-eyed people, you can't dress as a hobo because it makes light of the homeless, you can't dress as Quasimodo because it offends hunchbacks, you can't dress as an escaped mental patient because... it offends Kanye.'


In short, you can't go as anyone.

Well, except Donald Trump because the PC rules on offensiveness don't apply to him.

Yet the people screaming about all this stuff are in fact a very small majority.

A recent poll revealed that 80% of Americans hate the new PC culture including most African-Americans, Asians, Hispanics and Native Americans.

So the perpetually whining and outraged 'woke' snowflakes are not speaking for the majority, and they're not even speaking for the people they assume are feeling victimised.

Despite this, their bullying and squealing works.