Creator Forum - Racial Loyalty News Online

Announcements & General Jabber => General Jabber => Topic started by: Grimm on Sun 07 Nov 2010

Title: YOU are a teacher.
Post by: Grimm on Sun 07 Nov 2010
You don't need to go to college or anything to teach what you know.

Here's an idea. Is there a topic or two that you feel you are worthy of teaching?

Start a workshop on your topic.

Hang up some flyers outside or leave them half under people door mats.

After the workshop you will have time to suggest your students look into N.E.R or other Klassen books.

I bet you will get more of a reaction then just hanging up Creativity flyers, and you will be giving an educational edge to your fellow white who need that to survive in this competitive life.

Title: Re: YOU are a teacher.
Post by: SisterAmber on Mon 08 Nov 2010
I think this is a great idea I am willing to learn as much as I can. Even on Facebook I am talking to people, which is helping me, when they ask about Creativity I can answer some questions :) Which is a huge improvement from what I was 5 months ago.
Title: Re: YOU are a teacher.
Post by: Rev.WillWilliams on Mon 08 Nov 2010
The Creativity religion is our subject, and that's what people visiting the Creativity Alliance forum expect to see being discussed and taught by Creators when they visit. We are the teachers. We were also once all students. We, as teachers, are always on the lookout for exceptional students who will eclipse us and become the teachers of Creativity to our next generation.

Ben Klassen never figured on the Internet becoming a factor, but I can guarantee that were he around today he'd be proud to see Creators using the 'Net as we at CA are using it to spread the message of Creativity to our kinsmen.

Here's one of a few places on the 'Net where White folks are willing to discuss our subject freely and seriously. We might just find the students we seek there (as well as independent Creators like Mr. Ragnar) and help them to find us for some mutual Alliance-building: (

Will Williams
Posted October 31, 2010 at 9:54 am

Back in the late 1980s, before we had the Internet, I was editor of the Racial Loyalty tabloid, the monthly newspaper for Ben Klassen's Church or the Creator (COTC). I recently found RL #52, July '89, and saw in it a letter to the editor I published from a National Alliance member which included the following quote from Dr. Pierce from his February '89 National Alliance Members BULLETIN:

"The greatest obstacle to the survival of our race is Christianity. Even with all their malice and cunning, the Jews would pose no real threat to the race were it not for their Christian collaborators. In the U.S. just as in South Africa, the Jews may be pulling a lot of strings behind the scenes, but the troops in the war against the White Race are mainly White Christians filled with religious guilt and obsessed with the need to expiate that guilt by sacrificing their own race on the altar of 'equality'.

"...Let us never forget...that Christianity itself is an alien, hostile, racially destructive creed of Jewish origin, and in the future most of those who have fallen under its spell will continue to be our enemies and the enemies of our race."

A couple of years after Dr. Pierce wrote those words to his Alliance members in the internal NA Members BULLETIN, and I republished them for Creators in Racial Loyalty, he invited me to come work with him in WV as the Alliance's first Membership Coordinator. The COTC self-destructed around 1992 and many Creators, knowing Dr. Pierce's world view, naturally gravitated to the National Alliance (especially after he purchased the COTC headquarters property from Mr. Klassen), so it doesn't take a great leap of imagination for some of the more activist-minded former Alliance members to
want to help rebuild a viable Creativity Alliance. Erich Gliebe's "new & improved" National Alliance is unrecognizable to them compared to the Alliance they had been a part of under Dr. Pierce. Alliance-building is Alliance-building.


Title: Re: YOU are a teacher.
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Mon 08 Nov 2010
Quote from: Rev.WhiteWill on Tue 09 Nov 2010Back in the late 1980s, before we had the Internet, I was editor of the Racial Loyalty tabloid, the monthly newspaper for Ben Klassen's Church or the Creator (COTC).

Today's successor to the old Racial Loyalty tabloid is basically this, our Creator Forum. However, forums do not last forever, so expect me to take the best posts from our electronic Brickbats and Bouquets and add them to the new Racial Loyalty newsletter. Perhaps then, the lessons you present to one another here will survive the thirty or even one hundred and thirty years it takes us to win this racial holy war, and become part of the archive of history for future generations that the old Racial Loyalty tabloid has become for us.

Keep up the good work and keep those lessons coming. You've all done very well.

Pontifex Cambeul.