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Lunacy in the UK: Not for Serious White Racial Activists

Started by PaulW, Wed 23 Oct 2013

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Just an update on the BUF in the Uk


Returns for the training weekend in April have been most disappointing. I know it is two months away but it has been made clear that tickets (£40 each) should be purchased ASAP to enable planning and the required deposit to be paid in time.

The event has been moved closer down South to help with travel, leaving us up in Scotland with the greatest distance to cover. Everything is being done for you, booking of venue, meals, training aids, and instructors etc, all I ask is that you can spare two days, or one at least, for the sake of our movement.

Looks like the so called leader is having a problem getting his troops in place. Might just be him marching around for two days. Trying to make himself look like massed ranks. He will have to march fast to make the documentary team happy.
On the road ... travelling from the UK to the Black Sea. Then after a little rest, back across Europe all the way to the Arctic Circle through Sweden and Norway. The trip will last until around October. I am not well off or getting any sponsor, but if you would like a visit while I am on the road feel free to drop me a line. And I will do my best to stop in and see you.  I will be doing my best to get the word out about our Church. There are lots of so-called Right-Wing groups throughout Europe and whenever possible I will be meeting up and putting the good word forward.


An update on the NBU/BUF in the UK. It looks like the training weekend planned would have just been the Leader marching in formation all by himself. The man is deluded. Here is the latest mail from him.


Sadly we have had to postpone the planned training weekend. Despite requests for members to purchase tickets early so the deposit could be paid not enough did. Those that have bought tickets can either have a full refund or keep their delegates number for when the weekend is re-programmed.

Finding venues to host events like this is very difficult; every one I tried required a 50% deposit and full payment up to a month before the event! They are however perfect for what we need, cheap accommodation with dining area and classroom far from prying eyes.

A minor set back, no more, our march continues.

In union

Gary Raikes
On the road ... travelling from the UK to the Black Sea. Then after a little rest, back across Europe all the way to the Arctic Circle through Sweden and Norway. The trip will last until around October. I am not well off or getting any sponsor, but if you would like a visit while I am on the road feel free to drop me a line. And I will do my best to stop in and see you.  I will be doing my best to get the word out about our Church. There are lots of so-called Right-Wing groups throughout Europe and whenever possible I will be meeting up and putting the good word forward.


Hi brothers looks like we have been getting it all wrong. After reading the EDL website i just had to post this to show all you out there where we are going wrong.

We have recently learned that a 'Nationalist Demonstration' is to be held on 8 October in the North of England. Unfortunately, we have also learned that many far Right groups, including the National Front, Combat 18, Blood and Honour, and members of the white supremacist Stormfront forum plan to attend.

Whilst we are unable to confirm whether the organisers are involved with these groups, we are concerned that the far Right may be looking to emulate the success of the EDL by adopting our strategies for their own use, and by enticing EDL members to attend their demonstrations under the illusion of supporting our aims.

We must therefore make it incredibly clear that this demonstration is in no way endorsed by the EDL.

The far Right give the word 'nationalist' a bad name, and by confusing patriotism with their own particular extremist politics – be it racial segregation, neo-Nazism, or white supremacism – they undermine our efforts.

So take note you nasty far right people. Start loving the mixers and don't give them a bad name.  It's not nice.  :)
On the road ... travelling from the UK to the Black Sea. Then after a little rest, back across Europe all the way to the Arctic Circle through Sweden and Norway. The trip will last until around October. I am not well off or getting any sponsor, but if you would like a visit while I am on the road feel free to drop me a line. And I will do my best to stop in and see you.  I will be doing my best to get the word out about our Church. There are lots of so-called Right-Wing groups throughout Europe and whenever possible I will be meeting up and putting the good word forward.


Yes, the EDL. Or as we call them, the Yiddish Defence League. There's some in there that need a little waking up, but as a group, they need to be shunned and fought as we fight any enemy of the White Race.

EDL and the Jew: It's a now standard tactic that the Jew has been pushing since the sixties in the US - and yet, based on the oldest of Roman tactics ... Divide and Conquer, and then take over both sides. Control the Marxist politics and agenda, and control the opposing pro-White, individually Nationalist agenda and they control all sides of White political outlets. ... which for those that have been disenfranchised by the Jewish takeover, leaves only one option: WAR!

Which means we first have to bring down the current infrastructure and put a stop to the scapegoating employed against Whites as a weapon. That begins with cutting the throats of Whites that have joined or become our racial enemies, followed by the collection of firearms and explosives without pause to reflect on the potential suffering and damage soon to come. Following that it is simply a steady path to political assassination, political insurrection and all out bloody racial war culminating in the eventual Victory Day.

.... But hey, I'm not advocating violence. I am predicting the future. You can call me Reverend Nostradamus and laugh it off; but remember that the knife soon to be held to your throat can be held by either side. Do you want it held by a White man or woman whom has targeted you based on your traitorous activity? Or would you prefer that knife to be wielded by a member of one of the world's inferior mud races, which have targeted you for torture and an exceedingly slow death ... simply because you happen to be a White man or woman?

The choice is yours, Whitey. A guaranteed slow and torturous death from a black hand, or a quick slash from a White hand so that you die choking on your own blood and vomit. Or will you fight back, so that you and your family will live to fight another day ... and with any luck, another generation?

But like I said, call me Reverend Nostradamus if you want, but accept it as fact that if you don't fight back now with politics, the next fight will be in blood.

And who's to say that the blood hasn't already begun to flow?


Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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