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Announcements & General Jabber => General Jabber => Topic started by: Rev.Cambeul on Mon 30 Jan 2023

Title: How Scots Are the Royal Family Today? / America's First Civil War
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Mon 30 Jan 2023
How Scottish are the British royal family? Should Prince William and Harry wear Scotland rugby shirts? Scottish history tour guide, Bruce Fummey, meets historian Lars Cook at Stirling Castle to look at the family trees that led to today's UK royal family.
A Scottish Historian & Comedian Asks
"How Scottish are the British Royal Family?"

In short, the Queen Mother that died before the Queen, she was of Castle Glamis - Macbeth, King of Scots. And the Royals are related to the Kings of Scots through the Stuarts.

Cailen Cambeul

Speaking about the Scottish Wars of Independence title being another story on their own, did y'all know that many Americans consider the American Revolution/Rebellion to be nothing more than what they refer to as America's first Civil War? From the common point of view, it was British vs British. The people that were already running the place and were already toffs were rebelling to either promote themselves to the House of Lords in London - or to make themselves Lords under their own King. Whatever the outcome they were just trying to secure their own power that they already had within the American Colonies. Good on GW for rejecting the royal title, and stepping down when he felt his time was up. And for refusing to allow his Presidency to be made hereditary. (Reminds me of LC Sulla of Rome.)

What most don't realise today is that Biden (2023 POTUS - not picking, he's just in charge ATM) is an elected King that can do mostly whatever he likes. Like Chuck III, he has the legal RIGHT to do whatever the hell he wants. It's only custom that holds them both back. Should he ever go Mad King Joe Biden and perhaps want to play "Football" ... then the entire world is up Sheeeit Creek! We'll all pay that tax, and nobody will have have representation.
Ian Stuart - Simple Man (