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Announcements & General Jabber => General Jabber => Topic started by: Chuck on Wed 17 Apr 2013

Title: How Language Shapes Your Brain
Post by: Chuck on Wed 17 Apr 2013 (

This is a great article about how language shapes how you view the world. We all know that part of what makes each culture unique is their language, but did you know that the language you grow up speaking can make you see a different world from those who speak different language?

So a person who natively speaks Latin, for example, would see the world in a different way than someone who speaks Hebrew simply because their languages are so diffferent. They would still sense the same things- the colors, sounds, and textures are the same- but they would perceive and relate to those things differently.
Title: Re: How Language Shapes Your Brain
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Wed 17 Apr 2013
This probably explains a lot about the Jewish outlook or psychosis, with Jews choosing to live in an enclosed sphere of eternal victim-hood. Their language - Hebrew - being a recently concocted language loosely based on guess-work from a mixture of ancient texts, borrowings from Yiddish, and Kikisms from the Talmud and your typical whining Jew, all means a language where they unfailingly find themselves to be oppressed by the world at large, and as a consequence see everything not Jewish through a veil of envy and pure hatred. This causes the Jew to be a creature of guile. Naturally manipulative of events and people, the Jew can do no wrong because the Jew is a victim in waiting.

Further, the language of Hebrew is not necessary for this unique way of seeing the world, as the Jew in all nations around the world forms its own dialect from the dominant language of the nation, adding every vile and typically Jewish loathsome trait until the dialect loses all but the most tenuous connections with the original dominant language.

For an example, try watching an example of Seinfeld. Take note of the quaint little Jewish euphemisms that the show is known for and do your own research.

Shiksa: A non-Jewish woman. Derives from Sheketz. A Hebrew noun meaning "abomination," used in the Bible to refer to an unclean or nonkosher animal.

Basically, the vile and loathsome language of the Jew has warped the Jewish brain and thereby the Jew himself into the vile and loathsome creature that he is today.

When first coming upon the Jew, the unaware see a fellow human being. The Jew in return however, sees only a two legged, ravenous beast with gas ovens for eyes and swastika claws for hands.

How the Jew sees himself ... and You, the Goyim

It's such a shame the Jew cannot see himself, or herself for what he, or she actually is ...

... because the Jew in reality is such a beautiful person
