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Announcements & General Jabber => General Jabber => Topic started by: Grimm on Wed 18 Dec 2013

Title: Help me find: Gov. Power Title List
Post by: Grimm on Wed 18 Dec 2013
Hello, I'm hoping someone will come across this post and might be able to help me with my search of a list of government titles and influence. 

Something like this: (

I was initially hoping to find a tree chart showing hierarchy/influence of government structure from the ground up so that people would be more aware of the positions that make the decisions they need to live by.

I know it varies between countries, and local, state, federal, etc.

This is not so much a list I'm trying to compile for the purpose of trying to get sympathizers into those offices but a list so when people come across some restrictions they don't like, they know where that decision came from and who can change it and how they would have to go about changing it..

Current example would possibly be for stopping these AU agencies I heard about in the forum from being able to just tell officials to just drop charges.

LOL, that particular discovery really kind of urks me because that is like saying some non-law enforcement agency is going around essentially telling the law enforcers to not enforce the law that supposedly the people have determined the law to be.   

Maybe I'm not so urked that that option is available but perhaps the urk comes from not being able to mimic that ability.
Title: Re: Help me find: Gov. Power Title List
Post by: PatTracy on Wed 18 Dec 2013
Quote from: Br.Grimm on Wed 18 Dec 2013
Hello, I'm hoping someone will ... help me with my search of a list of government titles and influence. 

Title: Re: Help me find: Gov. Power Title List
Post by: Grimm on Thu 19 Dec 2013
Hmm, I'm not sure "JEW" is an official title of government influence.. I did just check but yeah..  no luck for any kind of "Jewish Power Chart".. maybe you can make one?

Maybe you are recalling this 1999 chart?
