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Announcements & General Jabber => General Jabber => Topic started by: Rev.Cambeul on Fri 02 Jul 2010

Title: Coles Supermarket Home Deliveries
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Fri 02 Jul 2010
To cut a long story short, they have sacked nearly all the White men working 18 hours to do deliveries and replaced them with sweat soaked, stinking Pakis that don't speak a word of English apart from "Goodness Gracious Me!"

That is (

I used it for a few months before they replaced the two White men with a stinking Paki that I couldn't understand a word of. The Paki also fled in the middle of his own incomprehensible speech when my dog (who hates anyone black) was barking and I told her to "Shut up Nigger!"

Reports from those that still work for Coles and deliver to other people are that the muds they hire despise Whites and spend all their time talking about how much they hate us White people.

Anyone heard of similar problems with home deliveries from other supermarket net order companies?

Title: Re: Coles Supermarket Home Deliveries
Post by: Sinn on Sat 10 Jul 2010
This is slightly off-topic but makes the same point.

While I was working in direct sales, doing in-home demonstrations of a product I frequently ended up in the homes of mudslims and niggers, often recent arrivals from Pakistan and India. It was obvious they resented me, despite my efforts to put my personal beliefs aside enough to be professional and earn some money to pay my rent.

They never faltered in their English speaking ability when they wanted to order me around their home but as soon as they had something to say they didn't want me to understand, they went back to speaking their monkey talk. They did this while smirking at me, almost daring me to fly off the handle and give them a piece of my mind.

The muds know we're the second class citizen, they know they have the protection of the police, the media and the government. They show no fear in putting us down and disrespecting our land, our culture and our folk. They hate us with a passion and will not be happy until we're literally slaves, spit polishing their shoes.

Hate your racial enemies!
Title: Re: Coles Supermarket Home Deliveries
Post by: SShafer on Sat 10 Jul 2010
Yes the  same thing happens here in America only it is the Mexicans that take our jobs. I look at it like this, if you aint White you don't need to work in my country. That goes for anyone niggers, Mexicans, Middle Easterners and anyone that isn't White. And you can tell they aint White by there last name 'cause some people look White but have Hispanic last names, so we know they aint White; but that's for another subject. All I want is our people to be able to work and support there White families.
Title: Re: Coles Supermarket Home Deliveries
Post by: Art on Mon 20 Dec 2021
We've gotta problem with stinky muds taking over the taxi cabs in America.  They also dominate the driver delivery "apps"
Title: Re: Coles Supermarket Home Deliveries
Post by: Br.IanVonTurpie on Mon 20 Dec 2021
Curries buy their way in here with a business visa. They need to buy a business and a newly built home to live here in some cases. They Penny pinch and cut corners. They employ Curry students who are able to get some work. Often they don't attend school and just work cheat at school to get a bogus degree, then there's a visa at the end of the rainbow.

The Curries are into:- Truck driving, Petrol stations/convenience shops/taxi and Uber delivery driving, and accounting and finance.

I don't see any White Uber food delivery drivers now!