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Announcements & General Jabber => General Jabber => Topic started by: Br.Rebel on Thu 05 Apr 2018

Title: A Simplified Explanation of Creativity
Post by: Br.Rebel on Thu 05 Apr 2018
I have noticed that Creators cannot explain to people a clear future of White order. Well in short Creator order is a theocracy who rule over White kingdoms as the Christian church did in the past, but did not have eugenics program so the underclass destroyed the White elite who spoke the Latin language. Such an order until White genetic downfall would have been peaceful; just as if we look into the past when Romans had Pax Romana.

Today in Rome, the natural Pontefix Maxumus remains the enemy. An old powerless weak leader what is a picture of a White man how the jew sees us in order to establish their Pax Judaica.

Romans destroyed the jewish temple and jews today want to build anew and want that we kneel under them.

The reason why they can do that is because today, we have a jewish temple in the White Man's brain. ie. Rabbi Jesus Christ: The jewish fiction for goys.

Creativity's purpose is that White Man has a White brain, in order that a White Religion will destroy the jewish temple situated in the White Man's mind. And one day a new Pontefix Maximus - young and full of energy - will be put in place where the Catholic pope is today, raise a hand in the Roman salute and send the message to our enemies Delenda est Judaica! And White men everywhere will answer as one - not Amen, but  RaHoWa!