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Rev. Guy Lombardi (R.I.P.) Last Words 1

Rev. Guy Lombardi (R.I.P.) Last Words 2Rev. Guy Lombardi (R.I.P.) Last Words 1Pontifex Cambeul 6

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Description: As exchanged on Facebook a week before his fatal heart attack.

Reverend Guy Lombardi was ordained by Creativity's founder, Ben Klassen and was head of the Guardians of the Faith Committee (GFC) that appointed Matt Hale as Pontifex Maximus. Hale later expelled Reverend Lombardi due to personal differences.
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Keywords: Hale  Lombardi  Guy  Reverend  GFC 
Posted by: VanDamme Sat 05 Sep 2015


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Comments (3) rss

. . The Shotcaller . .
Church Admin
Forum Hang-Around
Posts: 10,558

Wed 17 Oct 2012
Yes he was. That he and the other GFC were quickly denounced, and most Premier Era Creators, left the WCOTC in disgust is something that still effects us today.

The Second Era/WCOTC was One Church, One Creed, Under One Pontifex. Motto: Obey! Obey! Obey!

Ours, the Third Era of Creativity is A Thousand Churches, One Creed, Under  the umbrella a Multi-Church Guardians of the Faith Committee (the Creativity Alliance). Motto: Although no man is an island, you've got to think for yourselves; You're all individuals.

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Independent Creator
Forum Hang-Around
Posts: 124

Wed 17 Oct 2012
Isn't the Church history that Guy Lombardi was the main moving force , head of Guardians of the faith and white berets that put Matt Hale in as head of the WCOTC. Only to be booted out later. It appears his last sentiments vindicate a dispersed global church.

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. . The Shotcaller . .
Church Admin
Forum Hang-Around
Posts: 10,558

Wed 17 Oct 2012
Another good Creator chased out by the same reprobates that brought our religion so low. Reverend Lombardi had exited the WCOTC prior to my joining, but, Reverend Billy knew him well; And like Reverend Billy, Reverend Lombardi remained a Creator right up to the end.

Hail Reverend Lombardi!


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