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Racial Loyalty News => General News => Downunder News => Topic started by: Br.IanVonTurpie on Wed 04 Jan 2017

Title: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Br.IanVonTurpie on Wed 04 Jan 2017
XIII. You shall honor, protect and venerate the sanctity of the family unit, and hold it sacred. It is the present link in the long golden chain of our White Race.

The Sixteen Commandments of Creativity

Tags: Homosexual, faggot, fag, poof, poofter, poo-jabber, turd-denter, bum-burgler, butt-pirate, poop-shooter, johnny-jammer, sewage-screwer, rectal-rooter, star-fisher, knob-gobbler, horn-hobbler, donger-diggler, diggles, jobby-gobbler, sh*t-shagger, Smokey & the Arse Bandit, BJ & the Bear Butt, knight rimmer, sodo, chimney-sweeper, pansy, queen, fairy, fairy-with-boots, limp-wrist, shirt-lifter, queer, lesbian, dyke, lemon, carpet-muncher, minge-muncher, muff-diver, ginger-snapper, skully-diddler, hair-baller, clit-cobbler,  saphy, sapho-pooper-scooper, strapadictame, strapa, labia-licker, labiaphile, todger-dodger, bush-basher, fanny-wrangler, lemon tea & fairy cakes, paedophile, pedophile, rockspider, rock-spider, kiddy-*er, stalker, troll
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TRANSGENDER school students will be able to use their preferred names, wear the uniform and use the toilets of their choice, and sleep alongside students of their identified gender on school camps.

A new Education Department policy has, for the first time, explicitly detailed how public schools should accommodate transgender students in line with their legal responsibilities.

The department says the policy would ensure "consistent, clear" treatment of transgender pupils by school leaders, who have previously relied on the advice of bureaucrats.

"The difference is that this clearly articulates what we require from schools," executive director of statewide services and child development Ann-Marie Hayes said.

"We had a number of queries from schools and parents, and we needed to make it very clear what our legislative requirements were and how schools enact them — supporting principals in particular but also families in what they can expect from schools."

The policy ensures transgender students can:

USE their preferred first name and pronoun, such as she, he, or they;
ACCESS toilets and change rooms that match their gender identity;
CHOOSE from all uniform options available at the school;
SHARE sleeping quarters on school camps that correspond with their gender identity;
TAKE part in Physical Education lessons and most sports as their identified gender.

The new policy makes clear that "inflexible" dress codes — that require students to wear uniforms of a gender they do not identify with — breach anti-discrimination laws.

Ms Hayes stressed the policy applied to transgender students whose gender identity had been discussed with parents and confirmed by health professionals.

She said there was no chance that a boy could temporarily pretend to be transgender in order to sleep in girls' dormitories on school camps.

If the wishes of transgender students to "affirm their identity" clashed with those of their parents, the policy allowed schools to "assess the best interests of the child to ensure their physical and psychological safety and wellbeing".

However, Ms Hayes said in practice schools would always work with families and it was "highly unlikely" they would ever go against the wishes of parents, except if a student had already turned 18.

It would be an "absolute last resort" if, for example, a student was judged to be a suicide risk.

Ms Hayes said the policy would send a message of tolerance to all students.

"This is a particular group that we know get quite bullied and harassed," she said.

"The message we are giving to peers here is we don't support homophobia and transphobia in a school setting."

SHine SA, which delivers the controversial Safe Schools diversity and anti-bullying program in SA, backed the policy.

Chief executive Jill Davidson said bullying of gender diverse students had "a significant impact on wellbeing, school attendance and educational outcomes", and the policy would ensure students

"receive a quality education in a safe, supportive and inclusive environment".

"Schools have been looking for support in this area and it is great to have formal policies that provide them with direction and guidance."

Whatever happened to schools being a place of learning proper skills? Now they want to educate people? Now the school has to be about gender issues.
Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Br.IanVonTurpie on Tue 29 Aug 2017

THE first television advertisement for a 'say no to same-sex marriage' campaign has aired on Australian television.

The advertisement from the Coalition for Marriage — the key organisation behind the 'No' campaign — features Australian mothers who speak out as part of a series aimed at highlighting what they claim are issues that could arise from the proposed legislation.

Cella White, the first Australian woman who appears in the advertisement, tells viewers that her son's school told him "he could wear a dress next year if he felt like it". A second woman then stares down the barrel of the camera and claims that "when same-sex marriage passes as law overseas this type of program become (sic) widespread and compulsory".

The comments are followed by a black screen with text: "In countries with gay marriage, parents have lost their rights to choose", it reads.

A third woman expresses concern that "kids in Year 7 are being asked to role play being (in) a same-sex relationship".

The advertisement ends with the caption: "We have a choice. You can say no."

It prompted a mixed reaction on social media with some users calling it an outrage and others expressing their support.

Australian Labor Party and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten told Fairfax Media the ad was "offensive and hurtful to LGBTI Australians and their families".

"This is exactly what was predicted when Malcolm Turnbull decided to waste $122 million on a postal survey. He gave the green light to this rubbish," Mr Shorten said.

Equality Campaign executive director Tiernan Brady told the "ad is disgraceful in its dishonesty".

"The people behind this ad know that the Australian people are for allowing all Australians the right to marry so they want to desperately pretend this simple straightforward question is about something else," Mr Brady said.

"As they try to divide Australians will continue to campaign to unite all Australians."

Coalition for Marriage spokeswoman Sophie York said in a statement that "radical LGBTIQ sex and gender education programs" had started to become mandatory for primary schools in Canada and the UK.

"Every day across the country, on social media, in coffee shops, in mothers' groups and at barbecues, hundreds of thousands of parents are speaking to each other about the impacts of radical LGBTIQ sex and gender education programs," Ms York said.

"Millions of Australians are now concerned about the consequences of changing the Marriage Act.

"Australian parents have a right to know how a change in the marriage law will affect what their kids are taught at school. The education departments won't tell them. Those lobbying for change won't tell them."
The advertisement will run on all of the main commercial networks and pay-TV stations and is also supported by the Australian Christian Lobby (ACL).

"Changing the marriage law will have consequences for what is taught in our kids classrooms," the ACL wrote in an online post.

"Changing the marriage law to allow same-sex couples to marry will mean taking gender our of our laws.

"If same-sex marriage becomes law, parents will not have a leg to stand on if they don't want their kids taught radical sex education, and gender ideologies."
Earlier, the head of Australia's Anglican Church said he won't be advising its members on how to vote in the same-sex marriage postal survey, but will himself be voting no.

Archbishop Philip Freier has written an open letter urging all Anglicans to "exercise their democratic right" and engage in the debate in a sensitive way.

"Anglicans, like other Australians, have a wide range of opinions on same-sex marriage, supporting or opposing it for a variety of reasons in accordance with their conscience and their understanding of the principles and issues," he wrote.

"I do not presume to advise others how they should vote, though I myself intend to vote no." Although the survey was not binding the parliament would find it hard to ignore the will of a majority of Australians, Archbishop Freier said.

Meanwhile, polling commissioned by same-sex marriage advocates found two-thirds of Catholic Australians say they'll vote yes — broadly in line with polling for the wider community.

The proportions were similar for Australians from other religions, the Newgate Research poll found.

Meanwhile, a group of conservative Australians who support same-sex marriage has launched a campaign to convince voters to say 'yes' in the upcoming postal survey. The campaign features quotes from Liberal and Nationals party elders — including federal cabinet ministers Christopher Pyne and Kelly O'Dwyer, Tasmanian Premier Will Hodgman, and former Victorian premier Jeff Kennett — as well as voters and party members.

"There is a very strong case for same-sex marriage within the liberal and conservative traditions embodied by the Liberal party," spokesman Luke Barnes said.

That was reflected in support among party members and politicians as well as growing support within the Nationals.
Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Br.IanVonTurpie on Mon 11 Sep 2017
Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Br.IanVonTurpie on Mon 11 Sep 2017
Yea, Russia even stopped Maddona from touring there because she was pro Gay.
I don't know what the world is coming to? It's gone feral in western countries.They should never let gays have kids and marry.
It isn't "equality" in marriage because the kid doesn't have either a mum or a Dad.
We need all the White women breeding with men to have solid families.
Homosexuality should be outlawed again not made equal.These are people who are all suffering from mental issues.

It isn't the about poofs getting a piece of paper. They want a myriad of other rights. Ridiculous crap taught in schools featuring cross-dressing etc.

Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Tue 12 Sep 2017
Due to the impending fag marriage vote, the Federal Government is creating a new range of Hate-Crime laws. Basically, if anyone feels vilified during the campaign, they'll get a load of cash.

Question: Who can be vilified?

According to the law, everyone is equal in all respects and everyone is protected - just like racial vilification law claims to be. However, fact is far different from the imposed fiction of feel-good laws. Like all Hate-Crime laws in practice, the politically correct cannot vilify White, Heterosexual Males. Only White people are racist, only men can be misogynist (women can never be misandrist), and in this argument, only gay-bi-trans-xyz can be offended due to sexual preferences. Straight/heterosexual people can be Homophobic, but not even the word (never mind the concept) Heterophobic is acknowledged, unless it is being used as a form of mockery against heterosexual people.

How this new law will work

Admitting that one intends to vote "NO" during the same-sex marriage campaign is considered by the "YES" faction to be an act of Homophobia. Therefore anyone admitting to intending to vote No or having voted No, has committed a Hate-Crime. You may be guilty of a Hate-Crime based on something you said, something you wrote, something you implied. You may be guilty of a Hate-Crime based on your actions, or something someone else has said or written on your behalf. It really doesn't matter, just as long as a "YES" campaigner feels vilified.

Note that the attorney general that is enacting these "Emergency" Hate-Crime Laws has frequently claimed that so-called Hate-Speech is not protected by Freedom of Speech Laws; and we've seen that the so-called Hate-Speech label can be thrown at anyone not part of the PC Crowd.

Therefore it is reasonable to assume that any person on the "NO" team that is genuinely vilified by proponents of the "YES" faction  will be told that offence and deemed vilification is all part of freedom of speech ... they will be told to grow a spine ... to build a bridge and get over it.


Emergency laws to ban vilification, intimidation and threats in same-sex marriage campaign

Michael Koziol and James Massola | The Age ( | 12 September 2017

Extract: Australians who feel vilified, intimidated or threatened by another person's conduct during the same-sex marriage campaign will have legal recourse under emergency laws being rushed through Parliament this week.

Civil penalties of up to $12,600 will apply, but any legal action for an alleged breach of the new law will have to be approved by Attorney-General George Brandis.

The special protections will end at the conclusion of the same-sex marriage postal survey in November.

"It will be unlawful to vilify, intimidate or threaten to harm a person either because of views they hold on the survey or in relation to their religious conviction, sexual orientation, gender identity or intersex status," a government spokesman said.
Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: G.E.Imperium on Tue 12 Sep 2017
Essentially we are talking cultural Marxism, it's primary target being confused children. We have the same madness prevalent and promoted by perverts and freaks in the UK.

I actually feel sympathy for the victims, generally mentally confused, but they need psychiatric help rather than encouragement, it's promoters belong in concentration camps.
Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Br.IanVonTurpie on Tue 12 Sep 2017

A Sydney doctor who became the subject of a petition to be deregistered after appearing in a same-sex marriage No Campaign advertisement says she has been physically threatened since the ad aired.

Dr Pansy Lai has told the ABC she and some staff at the medical clinic where she works had been threatened since she appeared in a Coalition for Marriage advertisement calling for a No vote in the upcoming same-sex marriage survey.

"There was one comment that says they were going to turn up at my practice and that I had better bring security," Dr Lai said.

She said receptionists at her clinic "had to cop some really terrible phone calls; people have been swearing at them and threatening physical harm".

As the founder of a group called Australian Chinese for Families, Dr Lai said others advocating for the existing definition of marriage were also worried.

"Chinese parents are telling me that they are fearful for what it means," she said.

"If the law changes, will parents still have the right to voice their concerns about the Safe Schools program? Would the same happen to them? Are they going to be laid off their government jobs or have their job registrations reviewed for voicing out their views on traditional marriage?"

'Anarcho-socialist' defends posting petition
Picture of man with long hair.
PHOTO Lev Lafayette calls himself an anarcho-socialist.

A petition, published on site CommunityRun, called for a review of Dr Lai's medical registration for appearing in the No promotional video and content on the Australian Chinese for Families site.

Lev Lafayette, a programming trainer at the University of Melbourne who describes himself on Twitter as an Anarcho-socialist, is the man behind the now-cancelled petition.

He defended the petition and the people signing it.

"As citizens, the people who have signed that petition are saying, 'hey, we have got a concern here that a medical professional ... has breached their own code of practice," Mr Lafayette said.

"We're just putting it forward. It's not up to us, it's up to them."

GetUp's website has removed petition
GetUp, who created the community petition platform, said the petition was removed after receiving dozens of complaints.

"Following the review, the petition was found to breach CommunityRun's terms and conditions and was taken down on Monday morning," a GetUp spokesman said.

Petitions listed on CommunityRun can be uploaded by anyone and are not run or endorsed by GetUp.

A GetUp spokesman said while the organisation was opposed to a same-sex marriage survey, it condemned personal attacks against individuals on either side of the campaign.

"GetUp does not support a petition targeting Dr Pansy Lai, which was uploaded over the weekend, nor did GetUp endorse or organise it," he said.

VIDEO 0:24
A No television advert ahead of the same-sex marriage survey
The first ad ahead of the same-sex marriage survey
AMA slams 'inappropriate' petition
The petition was addressed to the Australian Medical Association, which has criticised it as being inappropriate and concerning.

"Individuals should be able to express an opinion on a political matter, without being shouted down," AMA president Dr Michael Gannon said.

"Everyone's entitled to an opinion and to call for someone to have their livelihood taken away, which is effectively what medical deregistration would mean to a doctor, is utterly inappropriate."
Mr Gannon said the Medical Board of Australia, which is the registrational authority for doctors, would dismiss this complaint very quickly.

"Doctors, like other members of the community, are entitled to an opinion and that should be heard," Dr Gannon said.

A Coalition for Marriage spokeswoman condemned the now-removed petition.

"In seeking to ruin the career of a doctor who dares disagree with its agenda, the same-sex marriage lobby has shown, yet again, that it has no interest in freedom of speech," she said.

"The petition against Dr Lai is a threat not only to her, but to any others who might try to voice their opinion. The message is loud and clear: agree on same-sex marriage or else."

A petition, published on site CommunityRun, called for a review of Dr Lai's medical registration for appearing in the No promotional video and content on the Australian Chinese for Families site.

Lev Lafayette, a programming trainer at the University of Melbourne who describes himself on Twitter as an Anarcho-socialist, is the man behind the now-cancelled petition.

He defended the petition and the people signing it.

"As citizens, the people who have signed that petition are saying, 'hey, we have got a concern here that a medical professional ... has breached their own code of practice," Mr Lafayette said.

"We're just putting it forward. It's not up to us, it's up to them."

GetUp's website has removed petition
GetUp, who created the community petition platform, said the petition was removed after receiving dozens of complaints.

"Following the review, the petition was found to breach CommunityRun's terms and conditions and was taken down on Monday morning," a GetUp spokesman said.

Petitions listed on CommunityRun can be uploaded by anyone and are not run or endorsed by GetUp.

A GetUp spokesman said while the organisation was opposed to a same-sex marriage survey, it condemned personal attacks against individuals on either side of the campaign.

"GetUp does not support a petition targeting Dr Pansy Lai, which was uploaded over the weekend, nor did GetUp endorse or organise it," he said.
Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Wed 13 Sep 2017
Same Sex Marriage - Just Say No

In the Gallery;sa=view;id=2173
Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Wed 13 Sep 2017
Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Wed 13 Sep 2017
SSM voting forms not secure.

According to MSM, it's easy to fraudulently duplicate SSM voting forms and pass them off as legit. The official government response: Sh...It happens.

SSM: ABS releases same-sex marriage postal survey form

ABS warns Australians not to post same-sex marriage survey forms online

SSM postal survey envelopes reveal same-sex marriage responses under torch light, prompting privacy concerns

Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Br.IanVonTurpie on Wed 13 Sep 2017

A SECOND Christian college has warned that schools risk losing their right to teach the traditional view of marriage if same-sex marriage is legalised, urging parents to vote "no" in the postal survey.

The principal of non-denominational Temple Christian College, Marcel Rijken, has joined affiliated Sunrise Christian School in writing to parents saying the idea the Constitution will adequately protect religious freedom is "patently absurd".

In the letter, Mr Rijken said the ability of schools to teach Christian views would likely have to be tested in the High Court.

"It is likely to take expensive litigation through to the High Court to finally resolve this issue, and this is not an avenue which our school would necessarily be able to fund," he said.

Former PM Kevin Rudd says godson Sean was punched for "standing up for marriage equality".
"As a Christian school, we have genuine concerns about our ongoing ability to have these very discussions and to continue to teach and model these views ... we are, respectfully, asking all those associated with the school community to participate and consider voting 'NO' in the survey." Both Temple and Sunrise belong to the Adelaide Christian Schools group.

Mr Rijken said 87 per cent of UN member states supported traditional marriage, including half of OECD nations.

"Decisions of international courts and tribunals have clearly demonstrated that there is no 'human rights'-based requirement to recognise 'same-sex marriage'," he said.

"The worldview which underpins the proposed changes is dramatically different to the Biblical worldview to which we hold as a Christian school.

"The (survey) question implies an understanding of marriage as merely a legal construct, recognising the relationship between two adults removed from the traditional anchor of family and children and without the constraint of biological complementarity."

Former High Court judge Michael Kirby, who is gay, yesterday described the postal survey as "hurtful" while speaking at a graduation ceremony at Adelaide University.

"To submit the rights of a minority of citizens of this country to the voting decision of a majority of others as a precondition to the mere possibility of having the issue considered in the normal way in Parliament is very hurtful," he said.

Liberal Party federal vice- president Karina Okotel said same-sex marriage would deprive children of their right to know biological parents.
Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Br.Rebel on Wed 13 Sep 2017
Whether you like it or not, you will be forced to accept it. How do I know that? Same already in one state where more than 90% people voted NO and the government had it legalised under another law/name.
Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Br.IanVonTurpie on Thu 14 Sep 2017
Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Fri 15 Sep 2017
ALERT! The faggot and dyke filth that consider vilification to be the mere dislike of their degenerate ways are watching you ...

Online discussions on same-sex marriage to be monitored

Felicity Caldwell | Brisbane Times (//http://) | 14 September 2017

Extract: A team of Queensland volunteers will scour neo-Nazi and other far-right or anti-gay web forums to monitor conversation around same-sex marriage and report those who overstep legal boundaries during the postal survey period.

The LGBTI Legal Service will run a project named Like Love, involving training and co-ordinating volunteers to monitor online forums, media and posters to ensure accountability where unlawful vilification may have occurred.

LGBTI Legal Service president Matilda Alexander said vilification had increased on social media and in posters and there was a need to educate the community that certain forms of speech were unlawful hate speech, not justified by freedom of speech provisions.

A team of volunteers will be trained before monitoring "No" vote websites, neo-Nazi and extreme right wing and anti-Same Schools pages to ensure they were not breaking the law.

The information will be compiled and sent to the Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland for investigation.
Bound For Glory: The Anthem of Freddie Mercury

The Queensland government has announced an extra $7000 for the Like Love project during the postal survey.

The funding comes from a contingency fund that was set aside to assist legal services responding to emerging community legal needs.

Queensland Attorney-General Yvette D'Ath said the LGBTI Legal Service expected there to be an increased demand for legal assistance during the postal survey.

"The Palaszczuk government is committed to ensuring Queenslanders have the help they need during this crucial time of the marriage survey, and we want to support the LGBTI community as much as possible," she said.

Last month, Queensland Health announced $338,000 for four non-government organisations to protect the mental health of LGBTIQ community members during the postal survey.

The volunteer-run LGBTI Legal Service received government funding for the first time in April - $406,000 over the next three years.

If people spot questionable content, the LGBTI Legal Service has asked they take a screen shot and visit the Fag, Dyke & Freak Legal Service (

Quote from: Fag, Dyke & Freak Legal ServiceCommunity Announcement

Vilification is a public act or statement that incites others to hate a person or their group because of their gender identity or sexuality. A public act includes publication on the internet. Vilification is UNLAWFUL in Queensland. If you live in Queensland and hear or see something in your neighbourhood, post box, or on social media that incites hatred on the basis of gender identity or sexuality, we advise you to record or screen capture it (including the date and time) and seek legal advice.

The LGBTI Legal Service is currently running a project to address hate speech called "LIKE LOVE". Comments saying that gay people are more likely to be rapists or pedophiles have been found to be unlawful vilification in other legal cases. These kind of comments are not excused by the right to free speech.
Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Br.IanVonTurpie on Fri 15 Sep 2017
Why am I spending so much tax $ on poofs and Lesos feelings from being hurt? So what if people don't like their lifestyle? Can't people talk about it? How about we get a plebiscite on if we want to spend $$$$ on poofters hurt feelings?

How about that money being spent in infrastructure and schools and hospitals?
Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Fri 15 Sep 2017
Quote from: Br.IanVonTurpie on Fri 15 Sep 2017Why am I spending so much tax $ on poofs and Lesos feelings from being hurt?

If they're admitting that relatively minuscule amount being spent purely on the promotion and protection of sexual degeneracy, then how much are they not admitting to?
Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Br.Rebel on Fri 15 Sep 2017
Same sex marriage has been in downfall after legalisation.  Something for consolation.
Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Br.IanVonTurpie on Fri 15 Sep 2017
 Homosexuality was prohibited in Australia. Donald Dunstan who was a bisexual and a race mixer was a politician instrumental in legalising it.

We shouldn't be making laws to assist poofs. We should be making laws to punish them again. We need all the White kids we can get! These "franken kids".

These Lesbians make with their gay friend's semen don't count.

The sperm poofs send to Indian surrogates to make kids don't count!

Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Fri 15 Sep 2017
Quote from: Rebel on Fri 15 Sep 2017Same sex marriage has been in downfall after legalisation.  Something for consolation.

It's not about "same sex marriage" at all. It's about the destruction of the Family Unit, it's about the manipulation of children in order to bring about the destruction of society as we know it. It's about the inevitable Hate-Crime laws brought about to protect sexual deviants while punishing the normal. It's about every child looking at his neighbour with hostility because that child is queer and the world is a falsely perceived threat. It's about the youth debating on whether to kill all old people because they are homophobic. It's about the inability to defend oneself from outside threats, because stereotypical fairies don't wear boots. It's about the genocide of the White Race, because homosexuality is only promoted in White schools for White kids, but is forbidden in every other culture on Earth ....

That is what we are fighting against.

And that's why many fags are on our side.

Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Br.IanVonTurpie on Sat 16 Sep 2017

A new advert from the Coalition for Marriage, the chief 'no' campaign, shows a mum complaining about "radical gender ideas". While on Saturday, a spokeswoman from the same organisation was quoted talking about "radical gay sex and gender education classes".

On Saturday evening, the Coalition for Marriage will hold its official campaign launch in Sydney. Expect to hear the word "radical" spoken loudly and repeated often.

The launch comes as police investigate claims same-sex marriage ballots are being auctioned off on eBay. There are also fears for the survey's reliability after dozens of forms were found strewn across a Canberra street.
The use of the term "radical" is part of what the 'yes' side claim is a deliberate strategy by the 'no' campaign to move the focus to issues that will not be changed by the law — such as what in taught in schools — because they know most Australians would be happy for gay couples to wed.

On Friday evening, the Coalition for Marriage's new ad dropped. It's very similar to the organisation's controversial first ad — it even features two of the same people.

The new ad focuses on a book called The Gender Fairy with one woman, church pastor Heidi McIvor, saying: "School programs have no place teaching my son radical gender ideas that he might not be who he was born as."

On the Coalition for Marriage's Facebook page many people have taken issue with the ad, an ad that doesn't actually mention marriage.

"Too funny — again nothing to do with marriage equality. This book is not even part of the Safe Schools program but you are trying to insinuate it is. The lies are just getting weirder every day," said one respondent.

What isn't radical about all this? What they are into radically defiles nature! They are radically deranged mentally.
Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Sun 17 Sep 2017
Stephen Molyneaux: Gay Marriage and what nobody talks about ...
Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Br.IanVonTurpie on Tue 19 Sep 2017

A SMALL-BUSINESS owner has sacked a staff member who came out in support of the "no" campaign in the same-sex marriage postal plebiscite.

Madlin Sims, who runs a party entertainment company in Canberra, said she was taking a stand on the issue, likening it to employing a staff member who posted racist material online.

The sacked contractor was a woman who took photos of events and often posted them on Facebook. "Today I fired a staff member who made it public knowledge that they feel 'it's okay to vote no'," Ms Sims wrote on Sunday.

"Advertising your desire to vote no for SSM is, in my eyes, hate speech. Voting no is homophobic. Advertising your homophobia is hate speech. As a business owner I can't have somebody who publicly represents my business posting hate speech online.

"1. Its bad for business. 2. I don't like s**t morals. 3. I don't want homophobes working for me, especially in an environment with children.

"It's not okay to vote no. It's not okay to be homophobic. This isn't a matter of opinion or even religion. It's a matter of the love and livelihood of real human beings. Freedom of speech is there for a reason and so are consequences. Vote against homophobia. Vote for equality. Vote yes."

She added that it wasn't a "you're voting no, you're fired situation".

"There were prior conversations had," she wrote. "As a business that works with children of all kinds, we have a responsibility to working with vulnerable people and having someone who is out and proud about their beliefs (of which are statistically proven to have horrible effects on young members of the gay community) is a risk for the wellbeing of the children we work with."

She said "freedom of speech and hate speech are very different things". "We have members of the gay community all over the world committing suicide because of inequality but we aren't going to have anti-SSM supporters killing themselves over equality," she wrote.

Ms Sims' original post has been shared more than 140 times and sparked fierce debate.

The business owner also said "We have gay staff members. We entertain at parties where the children of gay parents attend. We entertain at parties where gay children attend. This. Woman. Was. A. Risk."

She added that the sacked girl had made comments on an online article about the sacking "explaining that Australia was built on white Christianity and we need to respect those views".

"Unwillingness to acknowledge the suffrage of indigenous Australians is a big no no and extremely twisted," she wrote. "Not only did I realise I had a homophobe but also a racist on my hands."
Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Br.IanVonTurpie on Tue 19 Sep 2017

A FAR right group, one of the chief organisers of the Cronulla riots anniversary events, has a new target — people voting yes for same-sex marriage.

The Party for Freedom will hold a 'Straight Lives Matter' protest on Saturday in Sydney to campaign for "white heteronormativity".

The group, which usually campaigns against Muslim immigration, described the march as a reaction to the "purple haired rainbow collective".

The party's leader, Nick Folkes, told being gay was a choice and called on people who didn't identify with their biological gender "retards".

Provocatively, the protest is being held in the Sydney suburb of Darlinghurst, famous for its large LGBTI population and metres from a memorial to murdered gays and lesbians.

The group was unapologetic for holding the rally next to a monument mourning gay people executed by the Nazi regime during the Holocaust.

"We want to make a strong point — I don't feel were provoking anyone, we can hold a rally anywhere," Mr Folkes said. He said "yes" campaigners could hold a march in a "straight area".

NSW Police confirmed they would be in attendance at the event.

The Straight Lives Matter march — the name a clear reference to the Black Lives Matter anti-racist movement — is being led by Folkes, the chairman of the Party for Freedom. He was the figurehead of a protest in the Sydney suburb of Cronulla in 2015 to mark the 10 year anniversary of the infamous beachside riots.

That march led to violent clashes with anti-fascist protesters.
Mr Folkes told he expected hundreds of people to attend. Currently 26 people have confirmed they will be a part of the march on the event's social media page.

Asked if he really believed sexuality was something people chose, Mr Folkes said: "In most cases it's a lifestyle people choose. My neighbour has kids and he was straight but went gay."

He also railed against transgender people — also not mentioned on the ballot paper.

"All these 76 genders. I say there's three genders: male, female and retards. The rest is lunacy The world's being turned upside down."

In a Facebook post, Mr Folkes, who describes himself as a "nationalist", wrote: "The same people who support the multi-sexual agenda of redefining marriage support third world immigration, global warming and restrictions on freedom of speech."

The group has been condemned by its own Facebook group. One person said the protest was "disgusting".

"Are you actually holding this homophobic stunt in a park that has a memorial for homosexuals who were murdered at Auschwitz? Are you people actually that idiotic and disgusting?"

Asked if the rally occurring so close to the memorial was itself a form of bulling towards the LGBTI community, Mr Folkes said he was not aware of the monument when the event was organised.

He said the Yes campaign "is a massive propaganda campaign to attract more people to that lifestyle. I believe it will weaken society and make a homosexual society."

On social media, members of the party have posted images of themselves putting up now infamous posters which equate same-sex marriage with child abuse. But, talking to, Mr Folkes denied he was homophobic, and said gay people already had the "same rights" as heterosexuals.

"This is not about gay marriage, it's a Pandora's box. Some people are talking about polygamy and lowering the age of consent."
Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Br.IanVonTurpie on Tue 19 Sep 2017

OUTSPOKEN Senator Cory Bernardi labelled same sex marriage as a "rainbow Trojan horse" during a 'No' campaign rally at the Adelaide Town Hall on Tuesday night.

The leader of the Australian Conservatives was among several SA politicians to voice their disapproval of legalising same sex unity in the postal survey during a Coalition For Marriage crusade attended by 700 supporters.

"Redefining marriage ... will open the door to political correctness," Senator Bernardi told the meeting.

"When has it become OK for a four-year-old to question their gender?

"Make no mistake, if they can redefine marriage, they can redefine what you can say, think about marriage."

A controversial ad that aired nationally earlier this month, featuring Australian mums concerned about radical LGBTIQ sex and gender education in schools, was played again at the event.

Organisation spokesman Damian Wyld said their campaign encourages people to vote no in the upcoming Federal Government plebiscite.

"There has been a lot of bullying and intimidation in the last few weeks of the campaign," he said.

"People are seeing very real consequences involved with changing the Marriage Act.

"They shouldn't be afraid to talk about that."
In contrast, thousands of same sex marriage supporters brought the city to a standstill in a colourful gathering on Saturday.

Tuesday night's 90-minute, $10-a-ticket rally ran smoothly without any incidents.

Liberal MP Tony Pasin slammed people who found more ballots in their letterbox and voted on behalf of others as "criminal" behaviour.

He said the opposing camp supporting same sex marriage threatens religious freedom and freedom of speech.

"If you sick of the political correctness, vote no," he said.

Independent Senator Lucy Gichuhi, said a same sex union would change the traditional family unit.
Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Br.IanVonTurpie on Wed 20 Sep 2017
Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Br.IanVonTurpie on Wed 20 Sep 2017 (

AN Adelaide primary school's "wear a dress day" has been labelled as absurd by South Australian Senator Cory Bernardi — but his comments have pushed the fundraiser to national prominence and far above its goal.

Senator Bernardi has hit out at a proposed fundraiser by the Craigburn Primary School that has encouraged staff and students to wear a dress to school on the last day of term.

The leader of the Australian Conservatives and a vocal supporter of traditional marriage has questioned the timing of the fundraiser.

South Australia's Education Minister Susan Close defended the decision, saying the student-led fundraiser had nothing to do with the debate about marriage equality.

Senator Bernardi told The Advertiser he did not understand why the tradition of casual dress day has suddenly become "wear a dress to school day".

"In the midst of a debate about the safe school gender ideology program, the redefinition of marriage and attempts to de-genderise society it seems this school is playing into a political cause rather than an educational one," Senator Bernardi said.
"Craigburn Primary School is raising money to help girls in Africa have access to education," Ms Close said.

"The funds will go towards books and other resources.

"This is a student-led initiative and is completely unrelated to the current marriage equality debate.

"Senator Bernardi should check his facts before incorrectly naming and shaming a school undertaking charity work."

Raising money for niggers to be educated?So some warlord in Africa winds up with the money anyway.Then the niggers chimp out and oppress the remaining whites there.First they want to degenderise society their next mission is to de racialise society.
Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Thu 21 Sep 2017
Quote from: Br.IanVonTurpie on Wed 20 Sep 2017First they want to degenderise society their next mission is to de racialise society.

Their acknowledged mission is to destroy White or "Western" society. A new globalist utopia of Asiatic-Black minimum wage slaves living in ghettos with their Jewish overlords living it up in castles, ruling from Israel.
Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Br.IanVonTurpie on Thu 21 Sep 2017

Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Br.IanVonTurpie on Thu 21 Sep 2017

VANDALS have slopped black paint on Darwin's new pride rainbow crossing, less than 24 hours after the $12,000 council project was installed.

Council roads staff cleaned the bulk of the mess from the Knuckey and Smith St crossing Thursday morning, with workers telling the NT News it appeared to be from a plastic cup filled with black paint and sparkles.

Team member George Webster said it was just more unnecessary cost to ratepayers.

"Someone's obviously upset. Not everybody's in favour of it, and this is the world we live in," Mr Webster said.

"You don't just go dropping it in the middle of the road unless you're trying to make a statement."

NT Police were reportedly looking at CCTV to try and ascertain who the culprit was

The vandalism comes as the Darwin Pride Festival officially started on Thursday.

The festival will showcase all things "pride" including a march, book clubs, exhibition openings and parties.

In its 32nd year, the festival runs as a promotion of diversity, equality and celebrating the LGBTIQ community.

Festival committee co-chair Jill Pope said she was looking forward to celebrating the festival.

So they expect people to pay rates and get this bloody rainbow on the street and have people like it?! For some reason the NT is full of carpet lickers and reds!
Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Thu 21 Sep 2017
I would have labelled that "rainbow" garbage as vandalism. Fine the fag & dyke community and imprison the vandals.

Quote from: MSM on Thu 21 Sep 2017VANDALS have slopped black paint on Darwin's new pride rainbow crossing, less than 24 hours after the $12,000 council project was installed.

Council roads staff cleaned the bulk of the mess from the Knuckey and Smith St crossing Thursday morning, with workers telling the NT News it appeared to be from a plastic cup filled with black paint and sparkles.

The fags probably did it themselves, looking to present themselves as victims in order to get a few more votes.

"$12,000 council project" ??? Why doesn't the MSM and local government tell the truth and admit that the entire project was TAXPAYER FUNDED.

"No, sorry Mr Von Turpie. Your campaign to have stolen signage replaced around disabled carparks is denied. Your poor crippled centenarian grandmother needs the exercise anyway. We assure you that funds have already been allocated for the denigration of families and the promotion of specifically LBGXYZ causes. A gay activist will be arriving at your home shortly to headbutt you in the face, followed by a federal warrant issued for your arrest."

Fabulously Yours,
Your Local Council.
Putting Your Tax Dollars, to Absolutely Fabulous causes against your better interests.

Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Br.IanVonTurpie on Fri 22 Sep 2017
Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Br.IanVonTurpie on Mon 25 Sep 2017

The Queensland Police are investigating after vandals drew swastikas and threw rocks at Brisbane homes and businesses flying rainbow flags.

Investigators are probing whether the four properties, all in suburbs in South Brisbane, were "directly targeted as all four had rainbow flags flying at the addresses".

"A woman who had been absent from her home business address on Park Road Saturday night, returned on Sunday to find swastika graffiti on her fence and business signage," a Queensland Police statement said.

"Two homes on Lochaber Street were also found to have swastika graffiti painted at the properties."

"Just before midnight on Sunday, two windows of an O'Keefe Street, Woollongabba property were broken when rocks were thrown through them."

Good job fellas!
Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Mon 25 Sep 2017
Probably done by fags looking for attention.

Never Forget the Deception ...
Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Br.IanVonTurpie on Thu 28 Sep 2017

THE Greek flag, Chinese characters and Larrakia artwork could all be made into road markings in the Darwin CBD if Lord Mayor Kon Vatskalis gets his way.

Following on from the success of the rainbow markings on the Smith and Knuckey St intersection, which became a selfie hotspot, Mr Vatskalis said other designs could show off the city's cultural diversity.

Lucy Gunner, Jill Pope, Luci White and Jenny Smith take a walk on the city's rainbow crossing . Picture: GLENN CAMPBELL
"We have plenty of crossings around the city – why can't we put something on to them to celebrate different cultures?" he said.

"For example, Chinese New Year is coming up, so we could put some characters on one of the crossings and at another we could put a nice Larrakia painting. Instead of just having markings on the road that say slow down, we could make our roads a tourist thing.

"No other place in Australia has different crossings, other than the rainbow ones, and we could show people what really makes Darwin tick and what makes the place beautiful."

Mr Vatskalis said not only would the literal street art show off the city, it would bring tourists.

"I bet you people would take photos of it all from up high, share it on Facebook and I'm sure it would attract people to Darwin," he said.

A report into the feasibility of the idea was commissioned at Tuesday night's council meeting, as the council also voted to make the temporary rainbow markings permanent.

It was a split vote over the retention of the crossing, with aldermen Gary Haslett, Sherry Cullen, Andrew Arthur and Jimmy Bouhoris voting for the crossing to be removed as originally planned.

Its removal would have cost council $9000, including traffic management, while the maintenance is expected to cost ratepayers only $6500.

Just when you thought things couldn't get sillier! Celebrate Chinks overlords and Boongs,Cough up rates for this crap!Oh yes!Tourists will fly to Darwin to photograph the PC crossings!Anybody talking about putting a flag of Australia there? The Union Jack is racist!Ban Australia Day too why not?!
Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Fri 29 Sep 2017

Ugly and racist same-sex marriage rant caught on camera
A WOMAN has been filmed yelling racist abuse at an anti same-sex marriage campaigner as she tried to remove his signs.

Victoria Craw ( | ( (Australia) | 28 September 2017

Extract: A SAME-SEX marriage supporter has been caught on camera shouting racist abuse at a No voter while removing his signs from a Sydney intersection.

Video posted on Ray Hadley's Facebook ( page shows a young woman collecting signs that say "It's OK to vote No" posted around a busy intersection at King Georges Road in Sydney's west.

The young woman is shown swearing, yelling insults and running down the middle of the road before approaching a Lebanese-Catholic Australian man known as Alan who is filming the encounter.

"Gimme those signs," she said to him while he tells her not to touch him.

"You've done well. That will do. You're not taking them," Alan said.

"Give me those signs," she replies. "I'm not threatening anybody, you're double the size of me."

Alan says to her: "Please don't touch me or my signs," before copping racist abuse.

"Get the f**k out of our country," she yells at him while walking away down the road.

"Go back to la la la la la Arabland ... you want to change our country, go change your own f***d up country get the f**k out of ours."
Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Br.IanVonTurpie on Fri 29 Sep 2017
You can't expect any activism or anything from most Australians,just insults and swear words really.
Then they go back to their Beer and Football with the rest of the sheep.

I would have belted her I think, touching somebody when it isn't wanted after warning them not to is an assault.
She is putting herself in a man's position.She could be treated as such.
Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Mon 02 Oct 2017
Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Thu 12 Oct 2017
Did you know that fags and dykes have more rights in the UK? Their de-facto/common-law marriages are recognised under British law, but the same de-facto marriages between people of opposite genders are considered illegal.

Quote from: Family Court of AustraliaA de facto relationship is defined in Section 4AA of the Family Law Act 1975. The law requires that you and your partner, who may be of the same or opposite sex, had a relationship as a couple living together on a genuine domestic basis.

Quote from: Web SearchCommon-law marriage, also known as sui juris marriage, informal marriage, marriage by habit and repute, or marriage in fact is a legal framework in a limited number of jurisdictions ( where a couple is legally considered married, without that couple having formally registered their relation as a civil or religious union.

And BTW ... For all of those out there that read our posts and comments, but think we're evil Nazis that deserve to be screwed over by companies like PayPal - which of course we naturally boycott in return - your precious icon of financial rebellion is now throwing its millions (read that as YOUR DOLLARS) into the same-sex marriage debate.

For those uncomfortable with that, you'd better pull every penny out of your PayPal accounts and close them NOW; because if PayPal get wind that you're opposed to their gay agenda against families, they will seize your funds and withdraw from your attached bank accounts any amount they determine you may be in debt for.

You will not be permitted to close your PayPal account or be able to prevent PayPal drawing on your bank accounts however any PayPal operator may wish. Your only options are to either close your connected bank accounts, or accept it that you have no rights and you're a dumb arsed traitor to your own kind, when PayPal rips out forty grand or whatever from your bank accounts for reasons yet to be determined.

Get Smart: #BoycottPayPal

Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Br.IanVonTurpie on Thu 12 Oct 2017
 The article states "HP" is one of the tech Giants donating money to the fag cause!

Well most people think HP stands for "Hewlett Packard"
But it should stand for "Hindus and Phillipinos" because that is the kind of people they employ in Australia now.
Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Br.IanVonTurpie on Tue 17 Oct 2017
AN OPPONENT of same-sex marriage has been ordered by Mitcham Council to take down a sign from his property – or face a $20,000 fine. (

Ernie van Stralen put the sign, reading "Vote No, it's the loving thing to do", in the front garden of his East Pde, Kingswood, home last month.

But it was soon vandalised and Mr van Stralen was contacted by council staff, who told him it required development approval.

The council ordered Mr van Stralen to remove the sign by Monday, October 9.

He felt he had been "victimised" by people who had complained to the council.

"(The council) sent me the notice that I had to take it down ... or I'd get a $750 fine, and if I wouldn't comply they'd take me to court and I'd lose and have to pay court costs," Mr van Stralen said.

"It smacked a little bit of heavy-handed policing. Even though it was well handled, I still think there needs to be some room for expressing our opinion."

He said the first sign he put up was stolen and a subsequent sign had a rock thrown through, was defaced it and ripped down.

To protect it against vandalism, he resorted to taking the sign down at night and putting it up again in the morning.

A letter from Mitcham Council development compliance officer Henry Mitchell earlier this month informed Mr van Stralen that his sign was a "construction or alteration of the land".

If Mr van Stralen or the council had chosen to take the matter to court, Mr van Stralen could have faced a penalty of up to $20,000 plus legal costs.

Should he have continued to leave the sign up, after a conviction, he would have been fined a further $500 a day.

Mitcham's general manager of development and community safety, Craig Harrison, said Mr van Stralen's sign was considered advertising and could not be put up without lodging a development application, even though it was temporary.

The state's Development Act gives councils the power to request the removal of illegal signs and enforce a penalty if residents do not comply.

Under the Act, any sign that is "visible from the road or public place or by passengers carried on any form of public transport" requires council approval.

Mr Harrison said only real estate, directional and commercial signage were exempt from the law.

"The content of the sign was not considered offensive. However, as it was an advertisement and (a) subsequent change in land use without development approval, the sign was required to be removed," Mr Harrison said.

Mitcham Council says it has taken down two other signs across the district in relation to the marriage law postal survey – both against same-sex marriage.

The home of a Yes voter, adorned with advertising.

The council does not have a formal position on same-sex marriage.

The sign is now being stored away from public view, in Mr van Stralen's backyard.

Quote from: Mitcham Council via MSMMitcham Council says it has taken down two other signs across the district in relation to the marriage law postal survey – both against same-sex marriage.

The council does not have a formal position on same-sex marriage.

MITCHAM Council will fly the rainbow flag for a fortnight during November's Feast (Fag) Festival ... to support diversity.
Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Sun 22 Oct 2017 ( (

Quote from: VoteNoAustraliaVote NO Australia - Marriage Plebiscite
Like This Page · Yesterday ·

(What do you think of this!)

NEVER did we expect that Australia could become like Communist China—where our Government bans certain Facebook pages from being viewed in Australia.

Last night, VOTE NO Australia was censored from being viewed in Australia. It can be seen in America, in Europe in fact it can be seen everywhere except in Australia.

20,000 fans, supporters of the VOTE NO page lost their freedom to support NO changes to EXISTING LEGISLATION.
(Is it now a crime to go against Turnbull's stated position?)
Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Br.IanVonTurpie on Fri 03 Nov 2017

SYDNEY, Australia — The same-sex marriage battle has come to Australia as Aussies face the final days of a postal survey to redefine marriage in their country.

So far, 75 percent have voted and preliminary results show a majority approving legalized marriage between people of the same sex. The postal survey has drawn controversy across the country but it has also stirred the church to rise and fight for the preservation of marriage.

"Down a slippery slope" is how the Party for Freedom political party group describes Australia if voters approve same sex marriage.

Muehlenberg says everything changes when you change the definition of marriage — change to the culture, your children, education, words themselves. The words "mother" and "father" will be taken out of the dictionary because they will be seen as discriminatory and bigoted.

Pastor Daniel Nalliah calls the postal survey on same sex marriage a blessing in disguise.

Party for Freedom Member, Jeff Pryor says, "We are just carrying the slogans of the gay movement that they're saying love is equal. Love is love. So if love is love, I wanna marry my child."

Another member, Nick Falks commented, "This is going to be the future after gay marriage. It may take decades but it's all about sexual rights and we can't deny them these sexual rights because it's discrimination. And that's nonsense for those who are pushing legalizing gay marriage in Australia. So why shouldn't it extend to polygamist relationships. Why shouldn't it extend to bestiality where does it end?"

Some Australians believe it's a personal choice to love anybody they want, that everybody should be free in 2017 to make their choice if they want to get married or not, no matter what their sexuality is.

One lady commented that marriage should be redefined because different values are coming through, different minorities are having a voice, and it's important we recognize them as legitimate people with feelings and with rights.

In the past weeks, Australians were sent postal ballots where they can vote yes or no to the question, "Should the law be changed to allow same-sex couples to marry?"

If Australians approve the survey, the law will only be changed if Parliament acts on the advisory vote.

Cultural analyst Bill Muehlenberg says, over the past 13 years, Parliament has tried to change the law 22 times. Each vote has failed. He believes that even if the no vote wins, it will only be a reprieve.

"A lot of people don't know just how serious this is. The so-called safe schools program which is really a pro-homosexual program for our children... all of these, it's a package deal. You get the same-sex marriage, you get all these other bits thrown in," Muehlenberg says.

Casey City Councilor Rosalie Crestani says she was persecuted for raising concerns about promoting homosexuality in the community.

"I've never seen the churches in Australia so active in any issue as this one which is fantastic. Australia has proven there are thousands of men standing in the gap," he says. "This is not right. We want marriage to be kept between a man and a woman. When the same-sex marriage bill came out, the safe school program which was undercover in the schools got all exposed. We will not let the next generation slip away. We will stand and fight till the end."
Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Thu 09 Nov 2017
UN slams Australia's human rights

Extract: AUSTRALIA's gay marriage postal survey and its hard-line policy on refugees has come under fire from the UN as advocates warn the Manus Island stand-off could turn deadly.
Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Br.IanVonTurpie on Fri 10 Nov 2017
Quote from: Rev.Cambeul on Thu 09 Nov 2017
UN slams Australia's human rights

Extract: AUSTRALIA's gay marriage postal survey and its hard-line policy on refugees has come under fire from the UN as advocates warn the Manus Island stand-off could turn deadly.

AUSTRALIA'S voluntary postal survey on gay marriage is "not an acceptable decision-making method", the UN Human Rights Committee has said in a damning report released overnight.

The committee has recommended Australia urgently legislate to make same-sex marriage legal regardless of the poll's results, which are due to be released next week.

The committee has also blasted Australia's policies on refugees as advocates warn the stand-off with asylum seekers on Manus Island could turn deadly.

Honestly!All Australia's problems have been due to the UN! So we vote in a postal survey and they think voting is wrong. We offer alternative housing for refugees and for some reason they think they aren't safe there?

Even Blind Freddy knows it is part of their tantrum! We'd do well to leave !
Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Thu 16 Nov 2017
The Vote is Over.

The vote for decency and the future of White Children - the NO VOTE - has lost by 12%.

The results of 12.7 million votes were announced in Australia on Wednesday morning.

Yes responses, 7,817,247 ... 61.6 per cent of clear responses were Yes.

No responses, 4,873,987 ... 38.4 per cent of clear responses were No.

36,686 responses were unclear representing 0.2 per cent of total responses.


However, the battle continues.

Politicians are now debating how extensive the new Hate-Crime Laws are going to be.

* Can a priest refuse to marry fags or dykes?

* Can a marriage celebrant refuse to marry fags or dykes?

* Can a baker refuse to bake a wedding cake specifically designed for fags or dykes?

* Can incorporated groups or clubs refuse the membership of fags and dykes?

* Can religious organisations - whether state acknowledged Christian or unacknowledged Creator - reject fags and dykes?

* And, have I broken the new Hate-Crime laws by dispensing with the term "Same Sex Marriage/Couple" in favour of the plain old "fags and dykes?"

Let me give you some insight about that last one:

Yesterday, I received a phone call from an Australian Creator that had been approached by a rather senior representative of the State Police - I'll withhold which state. The Brother had printed his own protest flyer re fag marriage, and stuck it on the window of his car. The brass-tacked copper proceeded to question our Brother with an end-goal of Hate-Crime charges. Basically, the questions took the following format:

* Who created the flyer?

* Who put the flyer on the car?

* What does the flyer represent?

* What is the purpose of the flyer?

The key questions here are: Who placed the flyer on the car and, What is the purpose of the flyer? If the Brother was to answer with something like, "It's to annoy the fags. I hate those degenerate bastards." He would probably be held in prison, refused bail, arrested under the state's and possibly Federal Hate-Crime charges.

Fortunately for the Brother, he was able to genuinely say that he merely placed the flyer on his car as a protest against Same Sex Marriage. The difference with the second statement is that it was one of legitimate concern during a national debate, while the former reveals intent that has been deemed a criminal act under Hate-Crime legislation.

Under Australian Federal and the various State Hate-Crime Laws, "Good Intentions" is the legal decider as to whether or not you are charged and/or convicted with a Hate-Crime.

However, despite the Brother's clear good intentions to make a valid and reasonable public statement at a time of national debate, the Brother was ordered to either remove his flyer, or be arrested under a range of numerous other laws unrelated to the context of the flyer itself, such as Disorderly Conduct and Incitement to Violence.

Given the option, the Brother had no choice other than to remove his flyer. And the brass-tacked pig waddled off back to its sty of an office, to wallow and await the next opportunity for quick advancement to the heights of the State Political Police.

It should go without saying that our Brother was shocked when he realised how close he'd come to being arrested for Hate-Crimes just for a simple flyer. And even worse, how close he'd come to being responsible for elevating that brass-tacked porker of an overblown constable from complete obscurity to international fame as the pig that found the golden truffle. However, the fact remains that our Brother was not aware of how his local (both Federal and State) Hate-Crime laws work, just as I'm sure many of you reading this remain unsure of how your own Hate-Crime Laws work.

My Advice Is:

* Learn and understand your local Hate-Crime Laws.

* When questioned by the political police, speak only of your good intentions to participate in the debate (whatever that debate may be). Even so, keep it to a short, pre-prepared statement.

* Beyond that remember The Five Words: "I have nothing to say."

Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Thu 16 Nov 2017

Scrawled in pink chalk on a Sydney pathway in the wake of today's vote on the Sodom Law were two words, "Love Wins."

United Nationalists Australia ( | 15 November 2011

Former Australian Parliamentarian & head of the Liberal Party, Alexander Downer.
Moments when Australian politicians were just awkward (

"Love Wins." This is a propagandistic slogan if ever there was one. We should know since we've come up with enough of our own.

Once you've understood the slogan's referential function, deduced its expressive function, surmised its conative function, fathomed its phatic function and flipped by its contextual function you'll realise what the slogan would properly mean separated from the sentimentality of its addresser is that "institutionalized love wins". Once you've dealt with that dialectic you should be free enough from the propaganda to deduce that this has nothing to do with 'love'.

Love doesn't require the formal acknowledgement of an institution to prosper and in fact, it is more likely to stifle and suppress that love.

Moreover, you must grapple with the logic of tearing down the pillars of an institution to institutionalise that which the former pillars existed to ensure did not endanger the institution that was in place to safeguard against what the new institution formally validates. Meaning, there was, beyond what the Cultural Marxists who voted Yes perceive, more to the institution of marriage than "love". Indeed, it was a social contract beyond enshrining the rights of deviant minorities into law.

But before we use the word deviant we must now readdress the contextual relevance of that word since deviancy can only really be determined by the majority of society and policed by its agents of social control, such as the media, lawmakers, academics, politicians, Waleed Aly and so forth.

Even here we have a problem since the degenerate homos who have won this "right" to smash apart a sacred pact between a man and a woman are not of themselves in the majority but the reverse. It is their agents who are in the majority.

For that matter, the vote only passed by a rabbit's dick of 7% with some Labor electorates like 'Calwell' in Victoria, named after our Nationalist Aussie hero Arthur Calwell, doing us proud by voting No. Now it is down to the traitor political class to pass this bull* law and applaud themselves for having totally *ed everything that this country once stood for. It is now in the hands of the banks, corporations, and the hedonistic consumers who keep their share portfolios fattening with profit. This same-sex marriage vote was, after all, pushed heavily by media and the corporations.

Anyway, having digressed for a moment, we have ascertained that the majority has granted the minority an unequal representation among the majority. If we tie that back to what social science once understood about deviancy we now have anyone from the former institution who is strident enough to hold firm to their beliefs cast on the outside of what society now upholds to be 'normal'. The respectable is now the outsider and the deviant is the pillar of this brave new society.

Since we're talking about institutions, it seems fair to acknowledge that garbage from the baby boomer generation who trampled this filth into our lives — who inculcated these Cultural Marxist codes into the heads of our youth via the institutions they took over — were the ones who loathed the very concept of the institution of marriage. Their lot burned their bras and jockstraps and went in for "free love" and threw things at Servicemen returning from the horrors of America's doomed war in Vietnam.

SJW two'fer deal...
They may adopt a White male baby and kill it.

Yet, here are the fruits of their decades of campaigning — they have killed the social and religious premise of marriage. They have redefined it and in doing so have set in motion an entire wheel of social changes that will exclude, criminalise, and disadvantage all of those whose ideological and religious convictions now place them as an "other".

The despised "cisgender" White male; the devout Christian; the fervent social conservative are all now outside of that societal approval and therefore beyond the gates of the institution which ironically once upon a time they were the most ardent advocates for.

Any parent who doesn't wish their child to be taught the finer points of buggery by a genderless freak reared in the social laboratory of modern society will be demonised, ostracised, and — if they aren't just patronisingly dismissed as absurdly quaint — used as an example of that which is abhorrent to this newfangled society based on repudiated gender and opposition to the fundamentals of nature. Any Christian who refuses to accommodate a reception or conduct a marriage between freakish gender-confused parties will be sued, vilified, hounded, doxed, and probably beaten up by roaming squadrons of Nazi Dykes, Faggots, and Transgender Chemical commandos.

It will be ironic to see how they must now shuffle their hierarchy of victimhood to accommodate the obvious dissension of devout Moslems, which are still currently a protected species in the Social Justice Warrior red book.

Now they need another cause; now they've run out of steam there is another minority group whose interests must usurp that of the majority until there is nothing left but until the day invading armies of Chinese soldiers paint the walls with their soft, squishy, *ed-up, chemically-altered brains.

Yes, folks, we are on the road to being a PC Police State, just like England.

EDIT: After we went to press with this item out came the images from the unscheduled orgy at Hyde Park where fairies, fags, dykes, princesses, lady boys, he-girls and every kind of pervert combo imagined in this age of decadence, got straight down to exposing themselves and cavorting in a manner that would, in saner countries, have them all shot.

Dyking it up in Sydney for all the world to see - whether they like it or not.
Or is it a Tranny? Who knows? Who cares?
Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Br.IanVonTurpie on Fri 17 Nov 2017
Poland marches for European values - Our community...???
Yuck! We celebrate poofters being married!?

Poland's Nationalist demonstrators burn flares and wave Polish flags ...


Australia's dykes on bikes and the police poofter patrol.

Do you march for faggotry?
Do you get on your knees for niggers?
Then you're a copper!
Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Tue 21 Nov 2017
As the PC crowd jostle for position on the ladder of political correctness, who's left to keep the ladder propped up?

Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Fri 08 Dec 2017
The Australian JOG has declared Same Sex Marriage legal. Fags and Dykes are reportedly rushing to wed ... presumably spitting in the faces of bakers while demanding their phallic and fish cakes, threatening to have them imprisoned for homophobia.

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Title: Re: #SSM Same Sex Marriage - VOTE NO - New Hate-Crime Laws
Post by: Br.IanVonTurpie on Fri 05 Nov 2021
Dyke Freaks
"What About Me?"