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Meet Australian Aborigines

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Wed 11 Mar 2020

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Excerpt: The firebrand independent senator, 51, has been quietly dating a man seven years her junior since 2022.

It's understood Senator Thorpe met 43-year-old James Nicholson at an Aboriginal festival or corroboree in Shepperton, in northern Victoria, in 2022.

Mr Nicholson, an electronics engineer, is said to be a proud Wurundjeri man whose ancestors hail from the Kulin nation in Victoria.

But a source close to the pair said that Mr Nicholson never showed much interest in his Indigenous heritage until he met Senator Thorpe.

'He never really spoke about his Aboriginal heritage or preached about it but that all changed when Lidia came along,' the source said.

'He started buying T-shirts with slogans like 'Land Back', 'Always, Always Will Be' and 'Voice Treaty Truth' and attending protests and marches.

'When he started going out with her, he drove around with a baseball bat in his boot because she's a hunted woman. Nazis are after her.

Hmm.... Good to beware of Nazis!
The Price is Reich!

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Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
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Law students at a top Sydney university could fail an exam if they don't begin it with a heartfelt Welcome to Country

The requirement is part of Macquarie University's 'law reform campaign' oral exam, which counts for 30 per cent of the final mark in the course 'age and the law'.

The exam rules said a student would fail if they didn't present an Acknowledgement or Welcome to Country  or 'did so in a way that was inappropriate or did not comply with the instructions', the Australian reported.

The rules also contain an explanation saying 'There is significant room for improvement and further thought required for this to be considered culturally respectful'.

To get a high distinction mark, a student's Acknowledgement of Country would be 'a brief, thoughtful, exceptionally well-written, culturally respectful acknowledgement of country or welcome to country at the beginning of the presentation'.

Coming just days after another accusation of 'wokeness' at the same university, Indigenous Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price has slammed the exam as 'indoctrination'.

Senator Nampijinpa Price said 'mandating that students participate in what is arguably a reinvention of culture in order to attain a tertiary qualification is an indictment on our education system'.

The NT senator added that it showed universities were 'more interested in indoctrination than genuine education'.

Indigenous businessman Warren Mundine also said what Macquarie University is doing is 'indoctrination.
Mr Mundine, who was one of the leaders of the No campaign in the failed Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum, said he was 'flabbergasted' and that the exam was  'pure indoctrination by a group of fanaticists'.

He said it was 'a dangerous step ... what has that got to do with the actual course?'

Senator Nampijinpa Price added that 'Australians are fed up with being made to feel like they are guests in their own country' and blamed the federal Labor government.

'The Albanese government has allowed activist behaviour like this to take root in our schools and tertiary institutions.
'That is why a Dutton Coalition government will get our country back on track, and ensure universities are focused on core academic instruction and research, rather than political agendas, and to treating people on the basis of need rather than race.'

In a statement Macquarie University said 'An Acknowledgment of, or Welcome to Country is a requirement of this assessment because it is relevant both to this specific task and to the overall learning outcomes of the unit, Age and the Law.

'This unit addresses Indigenous young people and their relationship with the legal system in Australia.'

The spokesperson added that 'Age and the Law comprises three assessments. This is the only assessment in this unit that requires an Acknowledgment of, or Welcome to country.

An Acknowledgment of, or Welcome to country is not a requirement of all assessment tasks at the university, nor is this a requirement of all assessment within the Macquarie Law School.'

The latest revelation at what has been called Australia's 'wokest' university comes days after it said it will scrap its divisive and mandatory 'Manawari' course that labelled non-Indigenous students 'visitors' and 'settlers'.

The controversial module made headlines when a student revealed she was required to take the class which called her a guest in Australia - despite being born and raised here.

'The tutor made us all raise our hands and she asked overseas students to put their hands down, then students who identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders to put their hands down,' student Ava told 2GB's Ben Fordham.

'The rest of us with our hands still remaining, she basically called us all guests and that we don't belong here in Australia.

'Considering I was born here 20 years ago and grown up here my entire life, I just was a bit taken back by it and it didn't sit with me very well.

The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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A local swimming pool has come under fire over claims it kicked out 'every Aboriginal visitor' because of a couple of children misbehaving in the water

An outraged parent shared footage of Aboriginal children standing on the side of a pool while police officers spoke to a lifeguard at Inverell Aquatic Centre, in northern NSW, on Sunday.

'We were going to the pool to drop money off for (my) son to get a feed,' they said on Facebook.
'We then saw [the police] talking to a couple of parents so we went to see what was going on.

'Apparently there were a couple of boys not listening and then they have just gone and kicked everyone out that was Aboriginal, adults included, and tried to justify by saying it was just for the day.'

In the footage, Aboriginal children were seen standing in groups and holding their towels at the entrance to the pool.

Belgravia Leisure, an organisation that co-manages the centre with Inverell Shire Council, said the video was inaccurate.

A spokesman said officers were called 'in response to a group of youths who refused to cease anti-social behaviour, despite multiple requests from team members.

'These youths were escorted from the premises by police,' he said.

'Whilst at the venue, police identified two other adult patrons also displaying anti-social behaviour. Both adults were also escorted from the premises.

'We want to be clear that at no stage were any patrons asked to leave unless they were directly involved in anti-social behaviour.

'We are concerned about the inaccuracies in a live video posted on social media, which falsely suggests otherwise.'

The organisation said it has a 'zero-tolerance policy for anti-social, discriminatory, or abusive behaviour' and it is committed to inclusivity.

What do you call blacks in a pool? Co-co pops!

It's just in their DNA to be trouble makers. They were told to quit but didn't, so there are consequences! Who wants to be around Abos?!
You'll find them only Hippies and race traitors!
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia

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