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Racial Loyalty News => General News => Downunder News => Topic started by: Rev.Cambeul on Mon 30 Apr 2018

Title: Lifeline Suicide Prevention: "All Men Must Die"
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Mon 30 Apr 2018
Taxpayer funded Australian charity Lifeline hire's feminist spoke-sow (, Clementine Ford, that demands all men be killed ...

Clementine Ford's Master knows what the Feminist Sow is all about

Quote from: Lifeline

Crisis Support. Suicide Prevention.
Lifeline is a national charity providing all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services.

We're committed to empowering Australians to be suicide-safe through connection, compassion and hope.

Our vision is for an Australia free of suicide.

'It's hard enough for men to call a helpline without facing this': Campaign to remove Clementine Ford as the speaker of a Lifeline event for tweeting 'all men must die'

* Feminist Clementine Ford is addressing a Lifeline event on domestic violence
* A petition has circulated arguing her anti-male tweets made her unsuitable
* petition author Adam Smith said her 'hateful comments' a concern

Stephen Johnson | Daily Mail ( (UK) | 30 May 2018

Extract: A petition argued her previous tweets saying 'kill all men' and 'all men must die' made her unsuitable to address the 'Recognise, Respond, Refer' event in Melbourne next month.

'It is extremely important that they remain distant from the hateful comments previously made very loudly and consistently by Ms Ford,' the petition, which has amassed 395 846 1488 signatures, said.

Quote from: Change.orgRemove Clementine Ford as a speaker for lifeline

Clementine Ford is one of Australia's most high profile female writers, but also one who is synonymous with the catchphrase #killallmen.

As lifeline is a service that is crucial to people experiencing high levels of emotional distress, many of them suicidal over bullying experiences.

It is extremely important that they remain distant from the hateful comments previously made very loudly and consistently by Ms Ford.

she MUST be removed from the speaking lineup for the protection of the very people you are funded to support.


Clementine Ford: "UNF**KABLE"
Milo Yiannopoulos had this image projected on big screens during shows in Adelaide and Perth

For those that don't know, I was blocked on Twitter by Clementine Ford before I even knew that the obnoxious fat pig existed. That alone should show how much she hates men that are willing to speak up for themselves ... at least WHITE MEN anyway, because I doubt the fat pig would ever question a MUSLIM MAN's right (for example) to whip and beat his wives whenever he feels they have gotten out of their place as inferior women. "THAT'S RACIST!"
