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Racial Loyalty News => General News => Downunder News => Topic started by: Rev.Cambeul on Wed 23 Dec 2009

Title: Australia: The Kosher Bum Lickers of the World
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Wed 23 Dec 2009
Stolen From: (

PRIME Minister Kevin Rudd and the newly elected Opposition Leader Tony Abbott came head-to-head for the first time at the Australia Israel Leadership Forum gala luncheon on Thursday in Sydney.

A gathering of who's who in Australian politics and the Jewish community, the lunch was also attended by a delegation of senior Israeli politicians, including Vice Prime Minister Silvan Shalom.

The envoy is in Australia this week for a series of meetings with government officials aimed at building relations between the two countries.

Sharing the same stage with Labor party leader, Prime Minister Rudd for the first time since being voted in as Liberal leader on Tuesday, Abbott declared: "Australia's new era of political partisanship could hardly have had a more convivial start."

He also used the platform to reaffirm his unwavering support for Israel: "I'd like to think that nowhere in the world [does Israel] have more stauncher friends than us."

Shalom also spoke to the 500-strong crowd, stressing Israel's desire to resume peace negotiations with the Palestinian Authority, as well as the Jewish state's concern over Iran's nuclear capabilities.

"The sanctions imposed by the UN Security Council [on Iran] were too light," Shalom said. "Maybe the time has come has come to take a lateral move by the US, the European Union, Australia, Canada and Japan and others to impose sanctions on Iran."

Outside the venue in inner-city Sydney, about 40 pro-Palestinian activists took to Martin Place to protest the forum.

War with Iran at the behest of Israel has always been on the cards since the moment America invaded Iraq when ex Israeli Prime Minister Begin declared that they would find no Weapons of Mass Destruction because they were all moved to Iran just before Iraq was invaded.

I wonder what the excuse for invasion will be this time? An outright lie as in Iraq or a false flag operation such as the sinking of a US warship or another 9/11?

Title: Re: Australia: The Kosher Bum Lickers of the World
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Tue 16 Aug 2011
Australia's National Spread is Kosher and Halal (

VEGEMITE has gone halal in a bid by food giant Kraft to make the national "treasure" available to Muslim Australians.

A Kraft spokesman said, Australian society and culture. These are views that we at Kraft don't agree with. We don't engage in racist or bigoted commentary.

"But for every call we receive asking about it, there is a call to say how proud they are to see it's halal. We are also proud of our kosher, halal and vegetarian products."

Vegemite: Spreading the Kosher all over


Thankfully I already refuse to eat or buy that foul tasting black spread, but isn't this Kosher and Halal labelling typical of the insidious tactics of the politically correct? Obtain the rights to national-cultural icons that can be expected to be placed on the consumer's shopping list week after week, make sure they are attributed in some way to an alien culture, and where's your argument against the total banishment of (in this case) non-Kosher and non-Halal food products gone? That's right, you have no case to argue because you already eat Kosher and/or Halal products every day. Oy vey! You might as well go meshuggah and Allah be praised you'll soon be willingly bending over to your local Imam's demands in the Sharia courts. But not to worry; your local Rabbi will be there to hold the jar of Vaseline ( and tell you that you are a good little Goy.

And if you are unsure how to take that, did you know that with each purchase of that black alien gunk known as Vegemite (and Marmite too for those in Britain), you contribute funds to the Jewish and Islamic Supremacist groups in their war to suppress your once proud European culture? It's an industry worth millions for these alien haters of everything European. Americans have a name for this, they call it the Kosher Tax ( and that is precisely what it is. If you don't pay your Kosher Tax, you do not eat.

Kosher Tax (
Buy Kosher and support your local Zionist (

If you know your history, you will already know that the Islamic conquest of Spain only succeeded because of the assistance of the resident Jews who literally opened the gates to Spanish cities allowing the Islamic invaders to conquer Spain. And today as stated in the above article, consumable items that are Kosher are more often than not also labelled as Halal. That's right, you are paying a Jihad Tax along with your Kosher Tax. Where the Jew successfully and effortlessly mines for gold, his Semitic Muhammadan brother will follow. (
Buy Halal and buy the bullet that kills another Infidel

OK, so not everybody likes Vegemite or Marmite, but do you eat cheese? Looking at the labels in the supermarket I found that all Kraft cheese products (including Vegemite with Cheese), Mainland cheese, Coon cheese and just about every other brand name I could find except for Devondale (which by the way is suitable for vegetarians) and the "no-name" brands contained the Halal label somewhere on their packaging.

Little wonder they banned Vegemite in Denmark.

Boycott all Kosher and Halal products. Just say no to Vegemite. That is what I do.

Pontifex Cambeul. ( ( ( ( ( ( (