Creator Forum - Racial Loyalty News Online

Announcements & General Jabber => Creativity Religion => Topic started by: Rev.JoelDufresne on Fri 11 Aug 2023

Title: As Creators ...
Post by: Rev.JoelDufresne on Fri 11 Aug 2023

1.We love and believe in our collective lands, culture and histories ( Celto-Germanic-Greco-Roman-Slavic )...

2. We fight for our people's shared morals and traditions...

3. We stand for the shared bond of blood that each of us have...

4. We reject the bonds of the world's predominant Religions and the false Prophets that mislead our people...

5. We believe that the object of the RaHoWa is the search for peace and harmony within ourselves, our communities and our world...

6. We believe that only through self mastery, meditation, diet and exercise can we make Creativity and our personal ambitions manifest...

7. We as Creators stand for the LOVE of our people, land and religion over the HATRED of others.