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Racial Loyalty News => Creativity in the (((MSM / News))) => Topic started by: Rev.Cambeul on Thu 02 Feb 2017

Title: 2017-02-01 USA: SPLC - Rage Against Federal Judges OK When From the Left
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Thu 02 Feb 2017
The racist right is erupting with rage against federal judges who have blocked President Trump's executive order temporarily banning Muslims from seven countries and barring Syrian refugees.

Ryan Lenz | SPLC ( | 1 February 2017

Extract: Andrew Anglin, publisher of the neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer, a prominent clearinghouse of racist "Alt-Right" editorials and memes, called for the military to arrest "treasonous" U.S. District Judge Ann Donnelly in Manhattan for "trying to flood America with terrorists" and has called for martial law if other judges follow suit.

"We have a problem," Anglin wrote over the weekend. "Trump needs to arrest this woman immediately and have her charged with treason. If other judges protest, he needs to declare martial law and have them all rounded up and interned. We are at war here. This isn't a game."

Anglin stopped short of threatening Donnolly directly, but in an update, he called for Trump to deploy the "National Guard to the protest sites" at airports across the country and "shut them down completely."

Such posturing isn't new for Anglin, or for that matter, unexpected.

Anglin didn't publish Donnelly's personal information. But one reader, posting under the name "forbesmag," provided the federal judge's home phone number, her husband's name and a message: "Traitorous idiot scum 'judge' Ann Marie Donnelly, appointed by the fake nigger president from Kenya, on the recommendation of kike 'senator' Chuck Schumer." As of Wednesday, Daily Stormer administrators had not removed the comment.

Far-right extremists often use doxxing to intimidate their perceived enemies, including judges.

Craig Cobb, the white supremacist who in 2013 attempted to establish an enclave of racists in North Dakota, took issue more than a decade ago with U.S. District Judge Joan Humphrey Lefkow after she ruled against the World Church of the Creator in a trademark infringement suit in 2000. Group leader Matthew Hale was arrested for soliciting Lefkow's murder. He was convicted and sentenced to 40 years in prison, where he remains.

In retaliation, Cobb, a follower of Creativity, published Lefkow's home address and a map to its location on the Internet. He also posted pictures of Lefkow's husband and children on Stormfront, until recently the world's largest white supremacist website.

Two years after that, in 2005, Lefkow's husband and mother were murdered inside her Chicago house. The killer was not involved in white supremacy but was angry over Lefkow's ruling in another case.

Another white supremacist, Hal Turner, a one-time racist radio host who also served as an FBI informant, was charged in June 2009 with threatening to assault and murder three federal judges. He listed their work addresses and photos on his blog, writing, "These Judges deserve to be killed." ....

Comment rejected by the SPLC

Quote from: Reverend Cailen CambeulAmerica's most well funded extremist, hate-group is the SPLC. An offshoot of Marxist activists, the SPLC's agenda is the total extermination of White culture and White people the world over. If you stand opposed to their goals, you too will be denounced by the SPLC as a "Nazi" to picked up by the political police and thrown in a cell to rot or burned to death in your home while asleep. That's how the SPLC and other anti-Whites of that ilk operate. Global domination at your expense.

BTW Where's the SPLC's demand for the arrest of Madonna and half a hundred other prominent libtards and Marxists talking about blowing up the White House or assassinating your POTUS?