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Racial Loyalty News => General News => American News => Topic started by: G.L.R. on Sat 03 Jul 2021

Title: The Left Has Succeeded In Dividing The Nation - Now What?
Post by: G.L.R. on Sat 03 Jul 2021
The left has succeeded in dividing the nation – now what?

July 2, 2021


The left and its avatars (feminism, Antifa, BLM, Marxism, socialism, communism, environmentalism, etc.) is very effectively dividing America. Having taken over education, entertainment and social media, it is now endlessly engaged in pitting groups against each other. Blacks against whites. Haves against have nots. Rich against poor. Elite against plebeian. Religious against atheists. Gays against straights. Victims against oppressors. Women against men... As enemies of leftism, conservatives are – they must be – painted in the worse possible light: intolerant, racist, sexist, white supremacist, neo-Nazi, patriarchal and every other epithet you can dream up... it comes down to this: left against right.


Conservatives aren't biased against people who are black, brown, green, purple, or any other skin color. We're biased against people who are liberal. It's not skin color, it's attitude. It's not sexual orientation, it's character... The vast, vast majority of Americans do NOT judge people by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. Leftists will demonize and attempt to eradicate anything that is a threat to their power... A belief in God is completely at odds with a belief in the state as god, so religion must go. In many ways, the left has achieved its goal. There are now two Americas: Those who work, and those who won't. Those who build, and those who destroy. Those who educate, and those who indoctrinate... Those who laud equality, and those who tout equity. Those who are professional victims of imagined "oppression," and those who accept personal responsibility for their behavior... Those who live by emotion and feelings, and those who live by logic and reason... "It is a false philosophy to say one man's success comes about unavoidably as the result of another man's victimization."[/left]


This could be Waco or Jonestown or ...

Anyone who objects to the left-wing agenda is demonized. No one objects to legal immigration, for example; but encouraging unchecked illegal immigration is done solely to accrue left-wing votes and increase the dependent class. When national leaders urge Americans to address "income equality," this is government code-speak for legalized thievery by inculcating greed and envy... Additionally, because the left has chosen to reject the "bourgeois culture" of Judeo-Christian values and instead embrace their own values... People with Judeo-Christian values do none of those things (because if they do, they're not practicing Judeo-Christian values).


Whatever the left touches, it ruins. Because they politicize everything – the arts, education, mathematics, medicine, science, sports, entertainment, religion, law enforcement, marriage, free speech, race relations, gender relations, child raising, sex ed, economics, history... Abraham Lincoln famously said "A house divided against itself cannot stand." This, dear readers, is the aim of the left – to topple America through internal divisions. From the ashes, they expect their Utopian phoenix to rise. But of course, what will rise from the ashes will be something fearsome and deadly. Sowing the wind means reaping the whirlwind ... Remember that next time someone threatens to cancel you.

The left has succeeded in dividing the nation – now what? (