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Racial Loyalty News => General News => American News => Topic started by: G.L.R. on Tue 09 Mar 2021

Title: The Case For Breaking Up The United States
Post by: G.L.R. on Tue 09 Mar 2021
The Case for Breaking Up the United States
They are not working for America anyway

March 9, 2021
I'm not for secession ... yet... but I get closer every day. At first I thought, oh, no. But in essence we already live in two countries — the United States of America and the United States of Woke. If New York and California want to stay in various forms of lockdown forever, assuring that their populaces remain under government control with all activities monitored by their governors, legislatures, not to mention myriad unelected officials issuing diktats on who knows what, have at it. If they want to exist without national borders in a country where  anyone, of any age, illegal immigrants, felons, rapists, drug and human  traffickers, can enter, vote and avail themselves of all the free  services their taxpayers provide—a pox on those gullible idiots who  stood in line legally—they should be able to do that... If they want to ban every book, or even burn them, from Dr. Seuss to  Dr. Ruth to Fyodor Dostoevsky ... Ray Bradbury's dead.

And they should be able to cancel anybody they want... from the social media, mass media, sports, the arts, the universities, government, the sciences... even your plumber and electrician.  No Coca-Cola without signing a diversity  pledge in blood. The Bill of Rights...  Cancel anyone... as long they're able  to leave the country. Even the Soviets finally did that. And if they want to enact a multi-trillion dollar boondoggle and  pay-off to the teachers' unions that keep kids out of school,  bankrolling every squandered pension plan while pretending it's all  COVID relief, they should go at it, as long as it stays  within their borders. The same goes for this proto-fascistic legislation guaranteeing a  one-party state known as H.R. 1 they are flogging now under the  eye-rolling moniker of the For the People Act of 2021. If the blue  staters want mandatory mail-in voting for all, even if their Bible the  New York Times, only a few years ago, deemed such voting possibly the  most prey to corruption ...
They should go for that too. Ballot-harvesting is a great way to make  some spare cash. And you can do it at night. So it's all Jake with us, mail-in-voting and the  rest of the H.R. 1 totalitarian garbage, but keep it on your side only... Changing women's sports forever by allowing transgendered women (six  foot ten men) to play forward on the Wellesley women's basketball team ... as long at they stick within their national borders.  And speaking of the sexes, the blues can have as many as they wish,  all with their own bathrooms (labeled or not)... we in the red states are educationally retarded and as yet can only count as high as two pairs when it comes to chromosomes (XX and XY). Let us know  when you can find more. As you can see, potentially, there is a lot of agreement here if the red and blue states decide to split up. People, in general, will be happier on one side or the other.  More importantly, a collegial separation would avoid a civil war in which millions could die.

I only see two sets of chromosomes - XX and XY?
The blues can have Andrew Cuomo and Gavin Newsom. We'll  keep Ron DeSantis and Kristi Noem. After a bit, however, things will iron out. The most perilous issues would be foreign policy and defense. Maybe the red states, even with its heavily armed  citizenry, would not have much of a national defense outside their own  territory, a prescription for global disaster since the blue states, by  themselves, cannot be trusted to be vigilant against communism,  particularly the Chinese Communist Party.  But solving our current American  dilemma isn't so simple as formally dividing our already divided  country. The real fight is just beginning. Republican state  legislatures and governorships must take the lead as never before. All of us must put pressure on them,  constantly to resist the ways of our increasingly left-leaning and  morally confused federal government. Read more ...

The Case for Breaking Up the United States (