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Racial Loyalty News => General News => American News => Topic started by: G.L.R. on Tue 15 Feb 2022

Title: Only 79 More To Go: Federal Judge Blocks Key Biden Climate Change Exec Order
Post by: G.L.R. on Tue 15 Feb 2022
Federal Judge Blocks Key Biden Climate Change Executive Order

February 14, 2022

A federal judge on Feb. 11 blocked a key climate initiative that was signed by President Joe Biden on his first day in office last year

U.S. District Judge James Cain blocked the president's January 2021  executive order that would factor in an alleged "social cost" for emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide... "The Court agrees that the public interest and balance of equities  weigh heavily in favor of granting a preliminary injunction," Cain wrote  in an order as he issued a temporary injunction. Cain, an appointee of President Donald Trump, sided with states in their lawsuit against the federal government and agreed that "the harms to their States and their citizens' economic well-being more than suffice to establish standing and the possibility of irreparable harm." Biden's order, the judge added, "will harm Plaintiff States' ability to purchase affordable energy to carry out their sovereign functions" as  the mandate will "significantly drive up costs...
Biden the Bitch has signed 80 executive orders

In January 2021, Biden signed  an executive order that claimed there is a "social cost" to carbon,  nitrous oxide, and methane emissions... They also described the policy  as another attempt at federal overreach. "Biden's attempt to control the activities of the American people and  the activities of every business from Main Street to Wall Street has  been halted today,"...  Since taking office, Biden has signed a number of climate-related  policies, including scrapping construction of the U.S.–Canada Keystone  XL Pipeline, rescinding leases for an oil project in Alaska, and  shutting down other pipelines. Republicans have said such policies reduce the country's energy  independence and lead to higher prices for heating fuel, gasoline, and  other products.

Federal Judge Blocks Key Biden Climate Change Executive Order (

Joe Biden's executive orders and actions - Ballotpedia (
Title: Re: Only 79 More To Go: Federal Judge Blocks Key Biden Climate Change Exec Order
Post by: G.L.R. on Fri 31 Mar 2023
Biden the Bitch is only interested in preventing Trump from running for office.  He is not interested in "climate change" and "green energy" or train disasters. He is there to destroy White America.  He is being controlled by the negro 'Obango'.  This meme really sums it up.
Title: Re: Only 79 More To Go: Federal Judge Blocks Key Biden Climate Change Exec Order
Post by: G.L.R. on Fri 07 Jul 2023