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Racial Loyalty News => General News => American News => Topic started by: G.L.R. on Fri 26 Mar 2021

Title: 'Human Rights' Campaign Demands Christian Schools Abandon Beliefs Or Lose Accred
Post by: G.L.R. on Fri 26 Mar 2021
Human Rights Campaign Demands Christian Schools Abandon Beliefs or Lose Accreditation

March 26th, 2021


Zionist Pro-LGBTQ advocacy group slams religion as 'non-science-based curricula'

The large, influential Zionist pro-LGBTQ ( advocacy group Human Rights Campaign has demanded that Christian schools must abandon their beliefs or face losing their accreditation.  the group  recently released an educational policy brief for a Biden administration, and the recommendations are alarming. Among the radical suggestions is a call for an end to teachings that are not classed as "science-based curricula." In its "Blueprint for "Blueprint for Postive Change" 2020" the organization describes itself as "a comprehensive list of 85 individual policy recommendations aimed at improving the lives of LGBTQ people." The group presents its plan for "positive change"... However, what Human Rights Campaign fails to mention is just how much these suggestions for former Vice President Joe Biden, if implemented, would infringe on the rights of religious believers, conservatives, and Americans in general... The Human Rights Campaign is  calling to adopt the campaign's positions on gender identity,  same-sex marriage, transgender transitioning, and more, or fail to be  accredited ...


Mohler again summarizes this aptly on his website: "This would mean abandoning biblical standards for teaching, hiring, admissions, housing, and student life. "It would mean that Christian schools are no longer Christian." Let's hope that if lawmakers even attempted to follow this policy suggestion, enough faith-based institutions would fight back and it would fail. Still, the effort would be costly, and the attempt to force religious  schools out of the marketplace should never happen, given the authoritative protections of the First Amendment. Policy in this country should reflect core American values of equality and freedom, not an entitlement for select groups. The blueprint suggests that the US Government must "appoint openly-LGBTQ justices, judges, executive officials, and ambassadors." For starters, some judges and executive employees already are openly LGBTQ. This sounds nice, but there's only one problem: It's already illegal to discriminate in the United States based on a person's sexual orientation, so there's no need to pluck out this group and give it special protections. These policy suggestions are ignorant, shortsighted, and just plain false. By suggesting LGBTQ individuals need extra care, they undermine cases  such as Bostock v. Clayton County that already made it illegal to  discriminate on the basis of gender identity.  LGBTQ individuals  remain marginalized and disenfranchised. Few groups have pushed—and received—more recognition for equality, and then some, than the LGBTQ community.

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