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Racial Loyalty News => General News => African News => Topic started by: Rev.Cambeul on Fri 21 Oct 2011

Title: Australian Govt Wants Murderers of Boer Soldiers Pardoned
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Fri 21 Oct 2011
Pardon hope as Britain asked to reopen Breaker Morant case

Ian McPhedran | Herald Sun ( | October 21, 2011 (

ALMOST 110 years after he was executed by firing squad, "Breaker" Morant is a step closer to a pardon.

The Federal Government is to ask Britain to reopen the case of Morant and Peter Handcock - the only Australian soldiers executed as war criminals.

Attorney-General Robert McClelland has indicated he will write to Britain's Defence Secretary asking him to revisit the case because there had been a "denial of procedural fairness".

Material uncovered from the British archives ... suggests lieutenants Morant and Handcock and comrade George Witton were following orders in killing Boer prisoners in August and September 1901.

The archive papers include an opinion from the Judge Advocate General, Col James St. Clair, that the "no prisoners" order was issued by Morant's superiors, captains Alfred Taylor and Percy Hunt ... intelligence officer for British commander-in-chief Lord Kitchener [more ... (]

Breaker Morant Film Trailer (

Breaker Morant - Closing Argument (

Morant Pardon Rejected (
Last year's attempt at a pardon quashed


So, according to Australia's Federal Attorney-General, a soldier who murders another and says "I was just obeying orders" is not guilty of any offence. Following the same reasoning, the Federal Attorney-General should also publicly apologise to all Germans and those who worked for the Germans during the Second World White War for Australia's part in the persecution of men that were only following orders. After all is said and done, the Jew (an only an anti-Semite would doubt the veracity of a Jew) claims that Adolf was originator of every order ending in an "atrocity" or "genocide" in the Third Reich. So following the reasoning of the Australia's Attorney-General, only Adolf can be charged and punished. Since Adolf was already dead by the close of the war, the Nuremberg and subsequent trials were and ARE the illegal persecution of innocent men. CASE DISMISSED! End of Holohoax guilt. End of Jewish domination.

Things would be a lot easier if they worked that way.

The truth about Breaker Morant

Under the laws of the time, he was guilty of murder because he carried out the offence. As an officer, he was aware of what could and could not be done in time of war. We know without a doubt that Morant and his co-accused were scapegoats for their military and political superiors, but that does not make them any less guilty of the murder of White South Africans, or the retrospective laws used at the Nuremberg Trials (in 1902 and indeed until 1945, following orders was justification for war crimes and it was the commander who gave the order that was guilty of the war crime - the Nuremberg trials were held under the false authority of new, retrospective laws designed to do in peacetime what bombs and bullets could not do during wartime). Further, Australia was a new nation barely a few months old when the crimes were committed, and did not have a standing army of its own. Which means that Morant was under the rule of British military law. Execution for any number of minor offences was standard procedure under British military law, and murder was no exception. So Australia's claim to never have executed an Australian soldier because of lessons learned from the Breaker Morant incident - no matter what the crime was - doesn't hold water here.  Especially when we have a military system in Australia that traditionally discharges the soldier at the moment of the accusation and then tries him as a civilian. I wonder how many former Australian soldiers have been sentenced to death using that method? That doesn't say much for Australia's moral stance re Morant.

And now we come to the feel good, politically correct parts of the case

Now that South Africa is under the control of Black Supremacists, who the hell is there to complain about the Australian government attempting to pardon the murderers of Boer insurgents? Boer soldiers? Farmers in defence of their land? White South African farmers? Certainly not the South African government. Or anyone in the Australian government - past or present - which itself claims responsibility for the war against White South Africa. See ( Perhaps the Attorney-General applauds the ongoing extermination of White South Africans? But then, maybe I am going to far? Because surely no member of a modern, democratically elected government in today's world would openly praise the killing of innocent White farmers? Or would they ...?

Nelson Mandela sings about killing whites (

A personal touch with a message for the AG

My own family history has at least two Great ... Grandfathers serving in the Boer War and Zulu Wars before that with the Argyles and Sutherland Highlanders, and the Royal Scots Fusiliers. As many would say, a proud military tradition within the family. However, if they were to be convicted of war crimes retrospectively, I would suck it up. Tell the truth and get on with my life without any change. I would do the same again if it turned out that they were murdered by Boers that refused to take any prisoners. But I would not be a hypocrite about it and separate the  duties and actions of my ancestors from those of any other soldier from his or any other comparable period in history.

History is history. Put all history under a magnifying glass Mr Attorney-General; not just the aspects that make you feel good - or get you a vote and a pile of Jewish gold.


For any South Africans (or anyone else for that matter) who would like to protest the actions of Australian Federal Attorney-General Robert McLelland MP, his contact details are: ( (

Parliament House Office:
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600
Tel: (02) 6277 7300
Fax: (02) 6273 4102

Online Contact Form: (

Electorate Office:
202, 13A Montgomery St,
Kogarah NSW 2217

Postal Address:
PO Box 32
Kogarah NSW 2217  
Tel: (02) 9553 4111
Fax: (02) 9553 0855
Title: Re: Australian Govt Wants Murderers of Boer Soldiers Pardoned
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Fri 21 Oct 2011
To: Attorney-General Robert McLellan

From: Reverend Cailen Cambeul
P.O. Box 420, Oaklands Park, SA, Australia 5046

I find your attempts to have the murderer Morant and his co-conspirators pardoned an insult to our South African brethren. I am sure that if the crime had been committed some years before and it was Zulus that had been murdered, you and your office would have outright rejected any proposal to waste the tax payer's time and money on what your government would surely have called "White Supremacist" murderers. That you persist with this attempt to justify yesterday's murder of Boer soldier-farmers tells me that you also justify the farm murders - genocide of White South Africans going on today.

IF you had any sense of decency, you would repeal this insulting request to the British government, and instead bring a spotlight to bear on all atrocities from that period, AND officially declare Australia a refuge for all White South Africans who can no longer live without a future filled with their eventual rape, torture and eventual murder.

But of course neither you nor your government have a sense of decency. So please return to your Mandelaesque chants of KILL THE BOER and live a long and prosperous life ... while our White South African brethren patiently wait to be butchered like cattle.

Auto-Reply Email

Thank you for your message to the Attorney-General, The Hon Robert McClelland MP and for bringing your views to the Government's attention. If you have supplied a postal address, a reply may be sent to you via Australia Post. Your message may also be forwarded to other Federal Ministers for their consideration.

Title: Re: Australian Govt Wants Murderers of Boer Soldiers Pardoned
Post by: Sinn on Fri 21 Oct 2011
To The Hon Robert McClelland MP,

I am writing in regards to your attempt to persuade the Defence Secretary of the United Kingdom to reopen the cases of lieutentants Morant and Handcock.

I have consulted with members of my Church who are of South African origin, who have expressed their horror and disgust that an Australian Member of Parliament would consider appealing for two war criminals to be pardoned for their crimes. The soldiers in question were found guilty and executed for murder, as was the norm under British law in those times.

Both Morant and Handcock were Commissioned Officers and knew exactly what the laws regarding murder of Prisoners Of War was at that time. To suggest that they be exempt of these laws because they were simply "following orders" is ridiculous to say the least. Would you morally excuse an Australian or other Coalition soldier of a war crime, if he claimed a superior officer had ordered him to do so? I hope not.

The claim of "following orders" as a defence in a trial for war crimes is not new or infrequent. Forty four years after the end of the Boer War, numerous Nazi Officials, from high-ranking officers to rank and file camp guards were charged with war crimes including murder and even genocide. Many of these soldiers made their defence by saying they were simply following orders and would have been executed if they had refused. Would you be willing to excuse every one of these German soldiers that were found guilty for crimes committed under orders of their superiors?

To think that you would attempt to have Morant and Handcock excused for their behaviour is an insult to the descendants of the Boer soldiers who were murdered by British and Australian troops under the illegal "no prisoners" policy. It would be unacceptable for you to take any further action in pursuit of this matter. The only reasonable thing you could do now is to stop this incitement and apologise to the South Africans, both in Australia and abroad, for the insult you have made of their ancestors memory.

I look forward to your considering the expectations of this letter and your prompt reply.

Respectfully Yours,

Reverend Sinn
Brisbane Church of Creativity
Title: Re: Australian Govt Wants Murderers of Boer Soldiers Pardoned
Post by: Rev.Cambeul on Sun 30 Jul 2017
Breaker Morant and fellow executed officer 'were as guilty as sin'

Mark Day | The Australian ( | 29 July 2017 (

Extract: The chance discovery of a treasure trove of films shot nearly a half-century ago has shed new light on the saga of Harry "Breaker" ­Morant and his sidekick Peter Handcock, who were executed for war crimes in 1902.

As campaigners step up their efforts to have Morant and Handcock pardoned, a witness to one of their killings can be heard saying: "They were as guilty as sin." The evidence of Muir Churton, who fought with the infamous Bushveldt Carbineers during the latter stages of the Boer War, is captured on film made in 1973.

At 19, Churton was the youngest member of the BVC when he joined up in 1901. He was 91 when the film was made and died soon afterwards. The films, including interviews with more than 20 Boer War veterans, have been lost for 44 years and have never been publicly seen.

Filmmaker Frank Shields discovered them recently among hundreds of cans of negatives in his Beacon Hill, Sydney, garage. They had been gathering dust as they were moved from one storage garage to another over three decades. Shields's film The Breaker was shown by the ABC in 1975 and won the best documentary prize at the 1975 Sydney Film Festival.

"None of the interviews were included in the doco broadcast by the ABC," Shields says. "I was aware that there were few survivors of the Boer War in the early 1970s, so I thought their stories should be preserved."

The interview with New Zealand-born Churton is the only one that touches on the saga of Morant and Handcock, the subjects of Bruce Beresford's landmark 1980 film, Breaker Morant.

Henry Harbord Morant was an English migrant to Australia in the 1880s. An accomplished horseman as well as a noted bush poet, womaniser and cheat, he joined the BVC when the British commander Lord Kitchener established the unit in 1901.

The war against the Dutch farmers who resisted British ­attempts to take over the diamonds and mineral-rich Transvaal province of South Africa had almost been won when the BVC was set up as a specialist commando unit to deal with remaining pockets of Boer fighters.

The BVC was ruthless in its take-no-prisoners approach to the Boers. "There was no discipline," Churton says. "They were too rough — just a band of men thrown together."

In the 1973 film, Churton ­explains why be joined the BVC: "They were paying seven shillings a day while the rest paid five shilling a day ... plus, it was something new; something interesting."

Churton details two vital ­encounters that were to culminate in charges being laid against ­Morant, Handcock, their commanding officer, Major Robert Lenehan, and Lieutenant George Witton.

"We were out on patrol in the Spelonken area of the Transvaal when we came across six Dutchmen (Boers) lying in a row beside the road," Churton says.

"They had been shot by our ­advance guard.

"A group of us including ­Trooper van Buuren was sent on a day's trek to a farmhouse to bring in the wives of the men who had been shot.

"We stayed the night and van Buuren found a bottle of peach brandy. That loosened his tongue and he was overheard telling the women what had happened — how their husbands had been shot the day before."

Clearly, this was seen as a breach of security. Van Buuren, a South African member of the BVC, was shot while the party ­returned to base at Fort Edward.

"That afternoon, I was riding out on the left flank, scouting, when Lieutenant Handcock suddenly appeared," Churton says. "He was right on top of me before I knew he was there and he spoke as he went by, saying, 'Keep an eye on the hills over there ... there are Dutchmen up there ... we lost a man back there this morning.'

"Well, that would be van ­Buuren. He went out on the left flank with Handcock and was never seen again. Who did the job?

"I suppose it was Handcock but I can't say definitely. But that was the opinion of the troops. When they knew van Buuren had been talking down there (to the women) and opened his mouth, that's what he got."

Churton was a witness to ­another killing. It came two days after the death of Morant's close friend Captain Percy Hunt, who was wounded in a bungled BVC ­attack on a remote farmhouse. He was then tortured and kicked to death by Boers.

Hunt's brutal death enraged Morant, who vowed to kill every Boer involved. Churton says he and his party were returning to Fort Edward when they were met by Morant and were told that Hunt had been killed.

That night they circled a Boer camp but "the Boers cleared out and left a wagon behind and there was a lot of biltong (meat) in it. It hadn't been dried so we put it on the Dutchman's fire and was very glad of it."

Also left behind was a Boer named Visser who had been wounded in the ankle. He was found to be wearing Hunt's trousers and had other items of his clothing. This signed his death warrant. As Morant argued at his court martial, under orders ­issued by Lord Kitchener, any Boer fighters found wearing British uniforms were to be shot.

Churton says, with chilling brevity: "Next morning they had a court martial and Visser was condemned to be shot. There was a ­firing party and he was carried out blindfolded, and that was the end of him."

Asked if he thought the ­execution of Boers had been proper, Churton says: "No. That was the opinion of the troops; those men had surrendered under a white flag and had given up their arms when they were shot. They were prisoners of war; they should have been sent into prison camp."

Churton was named as a witness in the January 1902 courts martial of Morant, Handcock and Whitton but he was never called to tell his story.

Morant mounted his own stout defence. Asked whether the court martial that condemned Visser was properly constituted, Morant burst out: "We were out there fighting the Boers, not sitting ­comfortably ­behind wire fences. We got 'em and shot 'em under Rule .303," ­referring to the calibre of British ­rifles.

"I alone was responsible," he told the court. "You can't blame the young 'uns; they only did as I told them. They just carried out ­orders, and that they had to do.

"They thought they were obeying Lord Kitchener's orders. Captain Hunt told me not to bring in prisoners ... I did not carry out those orders until he was brutally murdered. If anybody is to blame, it is me."

Morant was found guilty of the Visser murder with Handcock, and Whitton guilty of manslaughter but not murder. They were also found guilty of killing two men and a boy, all unnamed, and sentenced to death. They also faced charges of killing a German missionary named Hesse, but were acquitted.

Handcock and Morant were shot at dawn on February 27, 1902, in a swift execution. Morant ­reportedly told his firing squad: "Shoot straight, you bastards. Don't make a mess of it."

Whitton's death sentence was commuted to life imprisonment and he was freed from a British prison in 1904 after a wave of protests in Australia. He subsequently wrote a book, Scapegoats of the Empire, saying Morant and Handcock were executed to appease mounting fury over the British "scorched earth" tactics in South Africa and to open the way to the negotiations that led to the end of the war in May 1902.

More than a century on, pressure to pardon Morant and Handcock continues. Melbourne lawyer Jim Unkles says Muir Churton's "voice from the grave" evidence about their guilt is of no consequence.