Plaintiff v. Defendant
Murder/Self Defense: 1991

In May of 1991, Reverend George David Loeb Jr., and his wife Barbara drive into a supermarket parking lot in Jacksonville, Florida, to buy groceries. As they enter the parking lot a car driven by Harold Mansfield Jr., a black Gulf War veteran almost strikes their car. The two drivers exchanged angry insults, with Mansfield calling Reverend Loeb a "cracker" and a "honkie". Mansfield drives off, and the Loebs continue their shopping.

They had bought their groceries, were back in their car, and ready to go home when Mansfield returned - this time with another Black male and a brick. Mansfield got out of his car and advanced toward the Loebs' vehicle with the brick in his hand. Mansfield loudly declares to Reverend Loeb, "I'm gonna smash your head in".

As Mansfield approached, Reverend Loeb responded by tearing open the glove compartment of his car, and seizing a 0.25 mm pistol his wife kept in there for her protection, fired two shots at Mansfield, killing him.

Reverend Loeb was then arrested and charged with murder. At the trial both the defense witnesses and the prosecution witnesses recounted nearly the same sequence of events. The prosecution witnesses - the Mansfield's friend and a White woman who had been in the parking lot - both admitted that Mansfield had threatened to smash Reverend Loeb's head with the brick he carried.

Reverend Loeb was ultimately convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment with a non-parole period of 25 years. Barbara Loeb was sentenced to one year in prison on weapons possession charges. Download Streaming Video

After viewing the above film, Dr William L. Pierce made some comparative observations about the George Loeb and O. J. Simpson trials, and just what those two trials at either end of the racial spectrum (White and Black) really mean to the average White man and woman living in America today. Titled, The End of Justice in America, you can read it in its entirety here.

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