Frequently Asked Questions re The George Loeb Case

Why was there no fight?
Reply Date: February 36 A.C.

I have always encouraged people to ask questions regarding my case. Lately, some of the questions have been more in the form of an accusation. I am compelled to answer for myself, as a representative of the Church of the Creator and for all who have doubt without understanding the reasons why.

One lady wrote and said "Why didn't you get out of your car and fight?".

As the question attacks my character and courage, I will answer IT before all others.

In regard to the issue, "to fight or not to fight", let me begin by saying that I was under no obligation, of law or honor, to engage in hand-to-hand combat against two homicidal niggers, one of which was wielding a brick. This was particularly true as I was with my wife, potentially the next victim, had I been killed or beaten, perhaps reduced to a blithering idiot by the niggers as was Reginald Denny. Dead or brain-dead "heroes" don't do much for us in any case. If it happens - so be it - RAHOWA, Hail the Hero. But, as for me, (a White man and a representative of my Church), given a chance I would in all cases reject suicidal hot-headed combat in favor of thinking first and winning - winning big where possible. It's not just a matter of policy, it's a matter of common sense

The decedent, Harold mansfield, had gone home and returned with an accomplice [and a brick]. I certainly did not owe him an honorable combat. Even if I had killed him and his accomplice outright, upon their approach, I would not have felt wrong. (Their intent was already apparent) I question the White Racial heart (and sanity) of those who disagree.

And yet, the facts in my case are far more consistent with honor than the bare minimum of "better safe, than sorry". I clarify it further, below, as a challenge to all the doubters.

Yes, I was with my wife. Yes, there were two niggers. Yes, one had a brick. And, yes, both of them were considerably younger than I was.

I WANT EVERYONE TO UNDERSTAND - NONE OF THAT MATTERED AT ALL, for, under the circumstances, to fight or not to fight, was never a matter of choice!

Reverend George D. Loeb.


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