Tag: White Racial Loyalty

Let Us Make Hay While the Sun Still Shines

From Building a Whiter Brighter World, by Ben Klassen

Racial Loyalty Issue 13 – June 1984

There will never be a better time than now for us to get our act together. In the last chapter (C.C. No. 73) of The White Man`s Bible is listed a number of alibis our White Racial Comrades repeatedly put forth in order to avoid, evade, or procrastinate coming to grips with the dire dilemma in which the White Race is now unwittingly embroiled. That the White Race is in a horrible mess and will soon be liquidated as a biological species, of …

The Debt Swindle

There are two basic points I (Ben Klassen) want to drive home in this article. The first point is that we, the White Race, are being totally enslaved by the JOG. Secondly, nobody can be enslaved unless they willingly cooperate with their slavemasters. Therefore the first step in our liberation is the straightening out of our thinking through a Revolution of Values. Right now, the Jews control the money creating machinery in the U.S. (FED) and all other White countries (Central or Reserve Banks), and it is probably the most powerful and significant weapon of all in the arsenal of …