Tag: The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion

Protocol 15

1] When we at last definitely come into our kingdom by the aid of coup d’etat prepared everywhere for one and the same day, after definitely acknowledged (and not a little time will pass before that comes about, perhaps even a whole century) we shall make it our task to see that against us such things as plots shall no longer exist. With this purpose we shall slay without mercy all who take arms (in hand) to oppose our coming into our kingdom. Every kind of new institution of anything like a secret society will also be punished with death; …

Protocol 14

1] When we come into our kingdom it will be undesirable for us that there should exist any other religion than ours of the One God with whom our destiny is bound up by our position as the Chosen People and through whom our same destiny is united with the destinies of the world. We must therefore sweep away all other forms of belief. If this gives birth to the atheists whom we see today, it will not, being only a transitional stage, interfere with our views, but will serve as a warning for those generations which will hearken to …

Protocol 13

By enslaving the Gentiles to materialism, and distracting them through sports and entertainment, the White Race is being slowly subjected … but the tide is turning

1] The need for daily forces the Goyim to keep silence and be our humble servants. Agents taken on to our press from among the Goyim will at our orders discuss anything which it is inconvenient for us to issue directly in official documents, and we meanwhile, quietly amid the din of the discussion so raised, shall simply take and carry through such measures as we wish and then offer them to the public …

Protocol 12

This Protocol shows the power the global elite have over the press – how they destroy free press and spread lies

Protocol 12

1] We define the word “freedom,” which can be interpreted in various ways, as follows –

2] Freedom is the right to do what which the law allows. This interpretation of the word will at the proper time be of service to us, because all freedom will thus be in our hands, since the laws will abolish or create only that which is desirable for us according to the aforesaid program.

3] We shall deal with the press in …

Protocol 11

Protocol 11

1] The State Council has been, as it were, the emphatic expression of the authority of the ruler : it will be, as the “show” part of the Legislative Corps, what may be called the editorial committee of the laws and decrees of the ruler.

2] This, then, is the program of the new constitution. We shall make Law, Right and Justice (1) in the guise of proposals to the Legislative Corps, (2) by decrees of the president under the guise of general regulations, of orders of the Senate and of resolutions of the State Council in the guise of …

Protocol 10

Looking at Protocol 10, we can clearly see how the masters behind the scenes manipulate our governments and put themselves on the throne – the parts high lighted speak for themselves – a world gone mad!

Protocol 10

1] Today I begin with a repetition of what I said before, and I beg you to bear in mind that governments and people are content in the political with outside appearances. And how, indeed, are the Goyim to perceive the underlying meaning of things when their representatives give the best of their energies to enjoying themselves? For our policy it is of the …

Protocol 9

1] In applying our principles let attention be paid to the character of the people in whose country you live and act; a general, identical application of them, until such time as the people shall have been re-educated to our pattern, cannot have success. But by approaching their application cautiously you will see that not a decade will pass before the most stubborn character will change and we shall add a new people to the ranks of those already subdued by us.

2] The words of the liberal, which are in effect the words of our Masonic watchword, namely, “Liberty, …

Protocol 8

1] We must arm ourselves with all the weapons, which our opponents might employ against us. We must search out in the very finest shades of expression and the knotty points of the lexicon of law justification for those cases where we shall have to pronounce judgements that might appear abnormally audacious and unjust, for it is important that these resolutions should be set forth in expressions that shall seem to be the most exalted moral principles cast into legal form. Our directorate must surround itself with all these forces of civilisation among which it will have to work. It …

Protocol 7

1] The intensification of armaments, the increase of police forces – are all essential for the completion of the aforementioned plans. What we have to get at is that there should be in all the States of the world, besides ourselves, only the masses of the proletariat, a few millionaires devoted to our interests, police and soldiers.

2] Throughout all Europe, and by means of relations with Europe, in other continents also, we must create ferments, discords and hostility. Therein we gain a double advantage. In the first place we keep in check all countries, for they will know that …