Tag: racewar

South Africa Today = Queensland Tomorrow



A farmer from the southern Free State was announced as the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging’s (AWB) new leader on Tuesday.

Steyn van Ronge, a member of the movement for more than 20 years, vowed to pursue the AWB’s goal of returning to God and uniting the “volk”.

His election followed the murder of AWB leader Eugene Terre’Blanche at his Ventersdorp farm on Saturday and the charging of two people for the killing.

He said that since Terre’Blanche’s murder the AWB had received “thousands” of new membership applications.

“We will not allow an incident of this nature to occur again,” he …

New ‘thoughtcrime’ laws for Australia

New laws may counter racist attacks

Michael Harvey: Herald Sun | June 19, 2009


VICIOUS attacks against Indian students have prompted the Rudd Government to consider a legal crackdown on hate-mongers.

Investigations have started into creating a specific offence of inciting violence against an individual on the basis of race.

While state assault laws already deal with thugs who personally commit attacks, the potential federal changes would focus, for example, on those responsible for sending SMS messages that urge acts of violence on individuals.

Existing sedition provisions of counter-terrorism laws cover incitement on the basis of race, religion or …