Tag: Nazis

Every Creator a Reverend

Now that we have the blueprint drawn, the foundations laid and the framework for the White Racial Religion of the future under construction, it behooves us to put muscle on the bones as quickly as possible. This we are attempting to do and the means to do it with are people more good, aggressive, White activist people. We need to utilize our resources to the utmost and take advantage of every means at our disposal. As Ben Klassen have pointed out a number of times, religion is undoubtedly the most powerful motivator and energizer to ever influence the human elements …

RaHoWa – Its Full Ramifications

Origins of the word RaHoWa

Ben Klassen – February 13 AC (1986 CE)
Racial Loyalty Newspaper – Issue 32, Page 5
Discussion: https://creativityalliance.com/forum/index.php/topic,10388.0.html

Rahowa – Its Full RamificationsThe White Race is enmeshed in a race war that will not end until it, the White Race, is either exterminated or it inhabits the Planet Earth supreme. Although most members of Nature’s Finest either don’t realize it, or whether it is stupidly trying to ignore it, is beside the point. The Jews, the Negroes and mud races are keenly aware of it and will wage it unto death, whether we want it or not.

When …