Tag: jigaboo

Reparations: Black History Month

From Creator Forum
With Contributions by Brother James Lewis & Brother Ian von Turpie

Every so often you’ll hear a lot of talk about reparations from all the self entitled Negroes. About how we owe them for slavery, oppression and the list goes on.

But what’s NEVER mentioned is the fact that the Negroes of Africa sold their own into slavery and are still doing so to this very day. There is also no mention that THERE WERE WHITE SLAVES; these FACTS are NEVER brought up.

What it comes down to is this: These arrogant NIGGERS are looking for …

Aboriginal Legal Aid Calls for Public Funds

The Independent Weekly | September 25, 2009


The Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement has made what it calls a reluctant and embarrassing plea to the public to help fund legal services for indigenous South Australians.

… [A] page two advertisement, which “reluctantly and embarrassingly calls on the Australian community” to donate $750,000, coincides with the National Indigenous Legal Conference in Adelaide and a visit by Commonwealth Attorney-General Robert McClelland. [more …]


The following comment was rejected by the editors of the The Independent Weekly.

Let me see. Have White tax payers fund the legal expenses of

Man threatened as Abos steal car at Para Hills

Michael Milnes, Police Reporter: The Advertiser | June 13, 2008


A PARA Hills man who went to investigate noises outside his house at 4am today was threatened by two men who stole his car.

A short time later, his blue Holden Commodore sedan was driven through the doors of a tavern on Golden Grove Rd at Surrey Downs.

Police said cleaners at the tavern heard a crash and alarms being set off at 4.15am.

They told police two men of Aboriginal appearance then ransacked some of the poker machines, stealing the cash drawers.

The men are possibly linked to …