Tag: Hate Crimes

Stop Demonising the White Man in South Africa

Daniël Lötter | South Africa Today | 2 October 2014


Stop the demonising of the White man in South Africa and own up to your responsibility towards the country!

Knowing oneself and admitting to your own shortcomings is in all probability the most challenging aspect of being human.

To those of us with the inherent incapability of doing so, it is so much easier to distance ourselves from our shortcomings and blame it upon something or someone which operates out of our own sphere of influence.

In the most pathetic case of projection, we even take off the identity …

How Much Longer?

Pretoria. Beeld journalist Hilda Fourie and medical doctor ‘LP’ – A surgeon and other medical personnel – aghast at the horrendous injuries inflicted on an Afrikaner student in Pretoria yesterday – launched a fundraising campaign to pay a reward to the man who captured the girl’s torturer-rapist. Medical personnel also plan to hold a demonstration during the arrested black man’s remand-appearance on Monday between 9:45am and 10:15am outside the Pretoria magistrate’s court to protest against the brutality inflicted on the girl.

The 22-year-old Afrikaner student was ‘virtually disected’, enduring 22 cuts and stabs by a butcher knife according to medical …