Tag: Founder

Founding Day – 45th Anniversary

By Brother Sturmkrieger97 | Creator Forum | 21 February 45 AC

Creator Calendar
Right off the bat from the Klassen Day Centenary, the Creativity Alliance has reached another landmark. Forty five years ago today, Ben Klassen founded Creativity with the publication of “Nature’s Eternal Religion” in 1973. He would expand upon our great racial religion for last twenty years of his life, including such important texts such as “The White Man’s Bible,” “A Revolution of Values Through Religion” and “Salubrious Living,” among others.

Ben Klassen - North Carolina
Ben Klassen pictured at the World Center of the Creator – North Carolina

One value I always …

1. Ben Klassen

My Own Spiritual Awakening
By Ben Klassen, Founder of Creativity

My parents were members of the Mennonite religion, a Protestant sect originating in Holland during the middle 1500’s. This faith was founded by a man named Menno Siemens, who, like Martin Luther, broke away from the abuses of the Catholic religion of that time, and was originally a Catholic priest.

The Mennonites were severely persecuted by the ever-loving and broad-minded Christians of the times, both the Catholics and the Lutheran Protestants. As a result, a large number of them were dispersed to several of the neighboring countries, klassen-photo_bw_sig_enhanced_quote250some settling for …