Tag: forbidden

Toys-R-Verboten: Toy Gun Leads to Arrest

Toys-R-Verboten: Toy Gun Leads to Arresthttp://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/man-arrested-at-gunpoint-in-citys-west-end/story-e6frea83-1226453144824

Adelaide: Earlier today a man was arrested at gunpoint in the Parklands and charged with carrying an offensive weapon – a toy gun. He was bailed to appear in the Adelaide Magistrate’s Court at a later date.

Haven’t times changed? I remember reading a news clipping from 1956 about a man who was fined 5 Pounds for discharging an actual firearm in the same area. No criminal conviction, just the fine. And now if you are caught with a toy ….
